How to Open a Business in Melbourne, Australia in 2024-25: Full Guide

Discover the comprehensive guide on opening a business in Melbourne, Australia in 2024-25. Get expert advice and step-by-step instructions for success


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    Melbourne, being the capital of Victoria, is an entrepreneur’s and business owner’s paradise in terms of opportunities. If you are planning to start a business in Melbourne, your road is lit with success. In this article, I will walk you through the process of establishing a business in Melbourne, the documents required and the advantages of doing business in this evergreen city.

    Why Open a Business in Melbourne?

    Melbourne is a dynamic city with a strong economic foundation underpinned by a business-friendly environment. Over the years, it has been consistently voted as one of the best places to live and work in the world. The variety and multicultural nature of the city’s population make it a preferred platform for businesses that are looking to serve a broad spectrum of customers. Melbourne also promises infrastructure, a transport network and a highly educated workforce.

    One of the primary reasons why it is advisable to commence a business in Melbourne is its sound and stable economy. The city hosts a strong financial sector, a solid manufacturing industry, and an upcoming technology sector. Furthermore, Melbourne is regulated in a way that strives to develop entrepreneurship and innovation. The government implements various incentives and grants to ensure that entrepreneurs and small businesses blossom.

    How to Register a Business in Melbourne

    If you want to set up a business in Melbourne, follow some simple steps. Firstly, you should make up your mind on the legal entity you are going to create. You may opt to be self-employed, in partnership, or create a company. Every structure has its own pros and cons, so it is advised to find a professional help to know the best that meets your business needs.

    Secondly, you have to pick a business name and make sure it is available. The name has to be unique and it should not be similar to any trademark. Once you have a name, you can apply for registration with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). The registration can be done online, and it has a minimal fee.

    Upon business name registration, you will need to apply for an Australian Business Number and GST registration if relevant. Additionally, you will need to open a business bank account and obtain any other license or permit as may be necessary in accordance with the nature of your business.

    Documents Required to Register a Business in Melbourne

    The documents required to register a business in Melbourne are mentioned below:

    • Proof of identity: You will need to provide proof of your identity, such as a passport or driver’s license, to establish yourself as the owner or director of the business.
    • Business address: You will need to provide the address where your business will operate from. This can be a physical address or a registered office address.
    • Business activity details: You will need to provide details about the nature of your business activities, including the products or services you will offer.
    • Tax file number (TFN): If you are operating as a sole trader, you will need to provide your TFN. If you are operating as a company, you will need to obtain a separate TFN for your business.
    • Partnership agreement or company constitution: If you are registering a partnership or a company, you will need to provide a partnership agreement or a company constitution.

    It is advisable to consult with OnDemand International to ensure you have all the necessary documents before starting the registration process.

    Benefits for Opening a Business in Melbourne

    Melbourne provides plenty of advantages for starting a new business. Also, Melbourne is a place with a strong consumer market having a high disposable income level. The city is famous for its commercial shopping culture, and consumers there are ready to spend on good products and services. This is a time for businesses to boom and do well.

    Another key feature of the city is its highly-educated and skilled workforce. The city plays host to several world class universities and research facilities which foster transfer of knowledge. This simply implies that businesses in Melbourne have the privilege of having competent professionals who can help to spur their growth and prosperity.

    One more advantage in opening a business in Melbourne is this city’s high maintenance of innovation and entrepreneurship. The government gives business grants, financial and assistance programs to boost startups and small businesses. Along with that, there are many networking events, workshops and business incubators which offer practical solutions as well as growth opportunities.

    Best Business to Start in Melbourne

    Melbourne provides the list of business opportunities which influence you to set up a business:

    • Hospitality and tourism: Melbourne has a strong reputation for great food and coffee. Hospitality openings such as restaurants, cafés or boutique hotels can be profitable.
    • Creative industries: Melbourne has a vibrant arts and culture scene. To start a design agency, a fashion label, or a music studio is an excellent idea for making use of the city’s creative juice.
    • Technology and innovation: Melbourne is a home town for many tech startups and innovation hubs. Realizing the tech-savvy nature of the city’s population, you can create a software development company, a fintech startup or a digital marketing agency to monetize this population.
    • Education and training: Melbourne in addition to its world-class universities and educational institutions is the perfect place for education or training-related business. This might be the language schools, tutoring, or vocational training centers.


    Registering a business in Melbourne leads to an opening world of possibilities. The city’s solid economy, business-friendly atmosphere, and variety of consumers appeal to entrepreneurs and business owners. The overall process of setting up a business in Melbourne and enjoying the opportunities the city provides comes down to following the right steps and providing the necessary documents. Hence, take this decision and start your entrepreneurial expedition in the dynamic city of Melbourne.Business registration in Melbourne: are you ready? Contact us right now and let us help you along the process of the experience.