Establishing A Foreign Corporation In The USA: Procedure To Follow

Furthermore, let’s get a more in-depth understanding of the process of establishing a foreign corporation in the USA. So, without any further assistance let’s dive into it.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

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    Establishing a foreign Corporation in the USA

    Establishing Foreign Corporations in the USA

    International investors have found the USA a paradise thanks to substantial federal aid, trade agreements, increased middle-income groups, and changing consumer attitudes.

     Because of the country’s strong economic potential, foreign nationals are encouraged and supported to set up and register businesses in the country.  This is a major driver in company formation. The USA has made substantial recovery progresses in the first half of 2022. 

    This is due to significant increases in the number and quality of returning and new firms, as well as the government’s admirable efforts to boost the economy. Foreign investment is essential for capital creation and economic development in the USA.

    It can be facilitated by a strong supply chain and attractive incentives from the government. Let’s say you are an investor looking to grow your business in this young, vibrant economy. The first step, in this case, is to learn about the business creation process. 

    Before you can start conducting business in the United States, you will need to create a legal entity that meets all applicable USA regulations. This could take between one and three months depending on which organization is being discussed.

    Furthermore, let’s get a more in-depth understanding of the process of establishing a foreign corporation in the USA. So, without any further assistance let’s dive into it.

    Selecting the Right Business Structure to Establish Foreign Corporations in the USA.

    There are many laws in the USA that are crucial to the establishment and operation of domestic and foreign businesses. The Law on Investment and the Law on Enterprise are two of these laws.

    International investors can choose from four business structures when establishing a company here. They can choose based on the market entry strategy, the scope of their operations, and many other factors.

    • A corporation with Limited Liability (LLC).

    This type of corporation is the most common and best choice for investors from other countries. An LLC can be created with up to 50 members. When it comes down, the amount of capital an investor provides is directly proportional in terms of their responsibility for an FDI LLC (Foreign Direct Investment). 

    LLCs are preferable not only because they require less paperwork, but also because they offer greater transparency. They also offer simplified processing, so you can get started in as little as forty-five days.

    • Joint-Stock Corporation, (JSC).

    Alternatively, you could use joint stock companies (JSCs), which are more suitable for larger firms because there is no limit to the number of owners. To establish this type of business, however, you’ll need at least three shareholders.

    Even if a shareholder dies, shares can still be traded, bought, or sold. The business will continue to function even after the sale. If the firm has reached a certain size, it may become a JSC. This would allow the company to list on a stock exchange if it so chooses.

    • Office of the Representative

    If you plan to expand your business or start a new one, you must research the US market before you commit. In this case, a Representative Office is necessary.

    A Representative Office can provide many benefits, including participation in promotional activities, recruiting, and sponsorships by the TRC. It cannot earn money nor operate as a legitimate business because it lacks the required capabilities.

    • Subsidiary Office

    In most cases, after navigating the American business waters, the next step is to set up a Branch Office. The Branch Office operates under the supervision of its parent company overseas and is therefore not required to be a separate legal entity.

    This means that once the Branch has been integrated into your global network, you can start making profits from all of your commercial operations. You will need to hire a legal representative to set it up.

    Establishing a Foreign Corporation in the USA

    Each of the legal entities must be incorporated differently. This can take anywhere from one to three months. To ensure compliance with the United States foreign company registration process, investors from other countries should carefully follow the steps outlined below.

    • Please send us the documents about your company and employees.
    • Locate a legal representative to ensure that your office address is properly registered.
    • An Investment Registration Certificate (IRC), must be obtained from the Department of Planning and Investment.
    • Obtain Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC) 
    • Engrave a corporate seal to create an authentic look. This is required to authorize any document issued.
    • You should open a bank account just for investing funds.
    • Register for taxes to get an electronic signature (for e-invoicing)
    • Get any other type of business license that you may need for your industry.

    Documents required to establish a foreign corporation in the USA

    The set-up process for establishing a foreign corporation in the USA requires a lot of documentation. Depending on the type of company that they are interested in launching, overseas investors might need additional paperwork.

    You must apply for an IRC to enter the United States. To proceed, you will need to consult the appropriate municipal authorities. To launch a business in the country, you will need an ERC. This validates your legal status. These items are necessary for submission:

    Application for enterprise registration

    • A list of members of the board
    • Articles of association and constitution of the company
    • Each member should have a copy of their passport, identity card, or other personal identification documents currently in force.
    • Following the Law of Investment, a copy of the IRC. 


    Each step is tedious and formal, but it is possible for establishing a foreign corporation in the USA. Experts in company formation, such as the Odint consultants, can help you save time and make it easier to register your business.

    Odint Consultancy provides a wide range of services that are related to business registration. These include legal consulting, procurement of licenses, taxation, accounting, and taxation assistance.


    There are generally no restrictions on foreign ownership for a company that is formed in the United States.

    Any foreigner, whether they are citizens or non-citizens, can open a business.

    Yes, foreigners can own a US LLC.

    A foreign corporation is registered or incorporated in one country or state and is doing business in another