Functioning Of MAS Singapore: Definition & Policies Explained

In this article we will be going to have an overview of the working & functioning of MAS Singapore. So without any additional worry, let’s jump into it.

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the function of mas singapore

What is the Monetary Authority of Singapore?

MAS Singapore was founded in 1971 to address the problems of communication and coordination between government departments. Monetary Authority of Singapore was created to consolidate all monetary policies in the city-state.

MAS has been committed to promoting sustained economic growth, with a focus on non-inflationary development. The goal of the Singapore Central Bank is to be an international financial centre that is refined and reliable.

In this article we will be going to have an overview of the working & functioning of MAS Singapore. So without any additional worry, let’s jump into it.

The Functioning Of MAS Singapore

Many legacy financial institutions around the world have been accused of not adapting to the modern consumer and business needs.

Innovative Fintech companies have made a significant influence on the event in last few years. MAS and SG are one of the few organizations that continue to evolve in today’s fast-paced world. The function of MAS Singapore are as follows:

  • Supervision of Financial Services

The MAS regulates Singapore’s financial sector. It oversees all financial transactions and ensures transparency and disclosure.

  • Controls the government’s financial reserves

MAS acts as the government’s banker. The government can transact worldwide and make deposits through MAS.

  • Government Securities

MAS is ultimately responsible for any securities issued by the government.

MAS Policies and Responsibilities

MAS Singapore plays a significant role in the daily lives of Singaporeans and local businesses. Their practices have an impact on almost all aspects of daily life, despite their subtleties. These are the areas where the responsibility and function of MAS Singapore are most active:

  • Printing money

The printing of money is perhaps the most important responsibility of MAS. All banknotes printed in Singapore are under the sole control of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

When publishing cash, MAS should assess inflation, interest percentages and currency depreciation.

  • Exchange Rates

The Basket of Currencies is used to adjust currency valuations. MAS aggregates business rates between the $Singapore & 4 primary trading partners. Instead of basing the exchange rate against one partner, it aggregates against several partners.

This allows MAS to keep a relative strength of its money with other currencies. To prevent foreign manipulation, the currencies in the bundles are maintained confidential.

  • Policy on Interest Rates

MAS Singapore authorizes interest percentages to “float”, just like various nations. Singapore is more concerned with its exchange rates than anyone’s control mechanism for interest rates.

Because of Singapore’s size, the interest price policy authorizes Singapore to fight with bigger trading partners while permitting it to stay a global financial junction.

  • Fintech

MAS Singapore has been given a new role by Fintech. This organization is responsible to set Fintech policies in areas such as data sharing, privacy, security, and confidentiality.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore has to now implement, enforce and support organizations in upgrading the legacy system to meet the changing global requirements.

Hence, why is this important for businesses?

Due to Singapore’s strong trade position and business-friendly environment, startups and major Fintech companies often set up shop in Singapore. In 2016, MAS created the FinTech Regulatory sandbox to facilitate this. 

Both established and startup financial institutions can use this space to test the waters before they enter the market. But standards are still higher than in other countries, so entrepreneurs need to be aware of strong security and privacy policies in the city-state.

  • Encourage Innovation

MAS is responsible to encourage innovation in the Fintech sector as part of Singapore’s goal to be a smart country. They regularly give grants to the sector.

The MAS’s role is stronger than that of the central banks in other countries, making Singapore a more attractive destination for businesses. Startups that offer Fintech products can set up shop in Singapore and receive financial assistance through MAS.

If they wish to be a part of this innovation hub, Fintech companies must carefully review the policies of MAS. A presence in Singapore is essential for any business that wants to compete in the Asia-Pacific region. If you want to be successful in this industry, however, you need to understand the details of data security.

Securely handle your data and reduce compliance risk. You can also develop quicker to bring your corporation to the successive level.


MAS has been committed to promoting sustained economic growth, with a focus on non-inflationary development. The goal of the Singapore Central Bank is to be an international financial centre that is developed and reliable.

If you’re still having questions regarding the function of MAS Singapore or any other questions, we are ODINT Consultancy. We are here to assist you in every way.


Supervise the banking, securities, and futures sectors and create strategies with the private sector to promote Singapore as an international finance centre. To create a cohesive, integrated organization of excellence.

MAS executes monetary policies by conducting foreign exchange operations to maintain the nominal effective Singapore dollar exchange rate within a policy range consistent with ensuring price stabilization.

MAS is Singapore’s integrated regulator and supervisor for financial institutions. MAS sets rules for financial institutions that are applied through legislation, regulations and notices. To encourage financial institutions to use best practices, guidelines have been created.

MAS governs more than 150 deposit-taking organizations in Singapore including full and wholesale banks, merchant banks, and finance firms.

The MAS is the only financial services regulator and administers the above legislation. The MAS publishes guidelines, instructions, codes, circulars FAQs and notifications under its general powers under the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act. 186)).