Register A Company In Poland As A Foreigner: Steps & Requirements

This comprehensive guide is designed to provide you with all the necessary information about how to register a company in Poland as a foreigner.


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    register a company in poland as a foreigner

    Register A Company In Poland As A Foreigner

    Do you want to increase the global reach of your company? Poland, with its strategic position in Central Europe and investor-friendly climate, has emerged as a hotspot for foreign entrepreneurs. Registering a company in Poland as a foreigner is a strategic move, considering the country’s robust economy, favorable business environment, and strategic location. 

    This comprehensive guide is designed to provide you with all the necessary information about how to register a company in Poland as a foreigner. From understanding the local market dynamics to navigating the legal framework, we’ve got you covered every step of the way.

    Why Set Up a Business in Poland as a Foreigner?

    The allure of establishing a business in Poland as a foreigner is grounded in several compelling reasons that extend beyond its picturesque landscapes.

    Understanding these motivators is crucial for foreign entrepreneurs contemplating the move:

    Growing Economy:

    Poland has weathered global economic storms with resilience, showcasing consistent growth. Foreign businesses can leverage this stability for sustained success and expansion.

    EU Membership Advantages:

    As a member of the European Union, Poland offers unparalleled access to a vast market, creating opportunities for trade and investment. This membership serves as a springboard for businesses eyeing the broader European market.

    Skilled Workforce and Education:

    Poland boasts a well-educated and skilled workforce, with its universities producing top-tier professionals. This abundance of talent contributes significantly to the growth and innovation potential of businesses.

    Strategic Location and Connectivity:

    Nestled at the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe, Poland’s strategic location provides a central hub for businesses aiming to tap into diverse markets. The country’s well-developed transportation infrastructure further enhances connectivity.

    Steps to Register a Company in Poland as a Foreigner

    Starting the process of registering a corporation in Poland as a foreigner entails following a set of clearly defined stages.

    To ensure a smooth and effective registration procedure, each step is essential:

    1. Choose a Business Name:

    Choosing a distinctive and legally compliant company name is crucial. Make sure the name you have in mind is both unique and compliant with Polish naming standards.

    2. Select a Business Entity: 

    Choose the corporate entity kind that best meets your requirements. Limited Liability Companies (Sp. z o.o.) are popular among foreigners due to their simplicity and limited liability protection.

    3. Gather Necessary Documentation: 

    Assemble all necessary documents, including identification and proof of business address. This could be a lease agreement or a letter from a legal representative confirming your business location.

    4. Notary Public:

    Certain documents, such as the Articles of Association, may require notarization by a Polish notary public. This process gives the documentation an additional degree of legitimacy.

    5. Enroll with the National Court Register (KRS):

    Send the necessary paperwork to the National Court Register, the authority responsible for registering companies in Poland. 

    6. Obtain a NIP and REGON:

    Following registration, secure a Tax Identification Number (NIP) and Statistical Number (REGON) from the relevant authorities.

    7. Register for VAT:

    If your business activities surpass a certain threshold, you must register for Value Added Tax in Poland with the tax authorities is mandatory.

    Requirements for Registering a Company in Poland as a Foreigner

    To navigate the registration process successfully, foreign entrepreneurs must meet specific requirements:

    • Minimum capital requirement: PLN 5,000 for a Limited Liability Company.
    • Director and Shareholder: A minimum of one director and shareholder, both of whom could be of any nationality.
    • Registered Office Address: A local registered office address is mandatory.
    • Compliance with Polish commercial laws and regulations.

    Documentation Needed for Company Registration in Poland as a Foreigner

    Navigating the bureaucratic maze of company registration in Poland requires a meticulous collection of essential documents:

    • Articles of Association: Articles of association is a comprehensive document outlining the company’s structure, management, and other essential details.
    • Passport and Visa: A copy of your passport and, if necessary, a visa authorizing business activities in Poland.
    • Registered Office Address: Details of the address where your company will be headquartered in Poland.

    Advantages of Setting up a Business in Poland as a Foreigner

    The decision to register a company in Poland as a foreigner comes with a plethora of advantages:

    Access to EU Markets:

    Membership in the EU facilitates easy access to the single market, enabling businesses to trade freely across member states.

    Stable Economy:

    Poland’s stable economic environment provides a secure foundation for businesses to thrive and expand.

    Skilled Workforce:

    Reach out to a group of knowledgeable and talented individuals who can help your company expand and succeed.

    Strategic Location:

    Leverage Poland’s strategic location to establish connections with both Eastern and Western European markets.

    Government Incentives:

    The Polish government promotes foreign investment and corporate development by providing a range of incentives, such as tax reductions and subsidies.

    Costs Associated with Registering a Company in Poland as a Foreigner

    Even though there are many advantages, it’s important to understand the fees involved in forming a company in Poland as a foreigner:

    • Notary Fees: Notarizing certain documents can incur fees, so it’s crucial to budget for this expense.
    • Registration Fees: The process of registering with the National Court Register involves fees that vary depending on the legal form of the company.
    • Legal and Advisory Services: Engaging legal and advisory services can be beneficial for navigating the complexities of the registration process, but it comes with associated costs.
    • Office Space: Renting office space is a necessary expense, and costs will depend on the location and size of the premises.


    Registering a company in Poland as a foreigner is a strategic move laden with opportunities for growth and success. Businesses looking to prosper in the center of Europe find the nation to be an appealing destination due to its strategic location, competent people, and stable economy. 

    By following the outlined steps, fulfilling requirements, and understanding associated costs, foreign entrepreneurs can pave the way for a successful venture in Poland. As the business landscape continues to evolve, Poland stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities that await those ready to embark on this entrepreneurial journey. Consult with OnDemand International experts to register your business in Poland today.


    Yes, foreign entrepreneurs can register a branch office in Poland. The process involves submitting specific documents, including those proving the existence and legality of the foreign entity.

    The minimum share capital for a limited liability company (sp. z o.o.) in Poland is 5,000 PLN. However, it’s essential to check for any updates to this requirement.

    The registration process in Poland can take several weeks, depending on various factors such as the completeness of documentation and the workload of the National Court Register.

    Yes, the Polish government offers incentives, including grants and tax breaks, to encourage foreign investment. These incentives aim to facilitate business development and stimulate economic growth.