Service Level Agreement: Types, Terms, Importance, Procedure & Advantages

A service level agreement is an agreement created between the customer and the service provider. It is a formal statement that establishes the type, nature, and extent of the services that are to be given between the provider and the consumer.

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service level agreement

Service Level Agreement

A service level agreement is an agreement created between the customer and the service provider. The outcome of a service level agreement is to specify what the client will obtain. As a result, it is a formal statement that establishes the type, nature, and extent of the services that are to be given between the provider and the consumer.

Service providers require a Service Level Agreement to assist them to regulate customers’ requirements and establish the severity and likelihood and conditions under which they are not responsible for interruptions or performance problems. Service Level Agreements can also benefit users since they explain the firm’s industry requirements, which can be compared to those of rival suppliers, as well as the mechanisms for addressing service problems.

Types of Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreements come in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as distinct types:

Service Level Agreement based on Service:

The relationship between a significant number of clients who use a special type of service and the service provider. A Service Level Agreement between a telecommunication service provider and all of its clients who use a certain service from the supplier can be considered as an example.

Service Level Agreement based on Customer:

Typically, this sort of service level agreement contains a wide scope of consumer groups. People of many categories would be such consumers. An agreement between an internet provider and a consumer is an example of this sort of arrangement. The consumer must get certain internet service standards from the internet supplier.

Service Level Agreement based on multi-level:

It’s broken down into tiers to cater to different groups of clients for the same services under the Service Level Agreement:

  • At the company level, all concerns that affect organizational performance are addressed.
  • Customer-specific concerns are handled at the consumer level. All concerns connected to a single product are covered at the service level.

Importance of Service Level Agreement

The Agreement is crucial since it identifies the following:

  • Service Level Agreement specifies the obligations provided to and by clients, as well as well-defined metrics for customer support, reducing the risk of upsetting the customers and keeping track of overall customer satisfaction.
  • Service level agreements define the user’s privileges and consequences in the event of non-performance, ensuring a good and clear connection between the user and the service provider.
  • With operation hours and days, clear and consistent specifics about the operation are supplied.
  • Specifies the problematic situation and its severity, as well as the reaction time.
  • It specifies the assured regions in which the service will be supplied, as well as the locations from which it will be excluded.
  • Missed targets have repercussions.
  • What are the service provider’s procedures, structure, and qualifications?
  • What method do you employ to resolve issues?

Terms included in a Service Level Agreement

In general, a well-written Service Level Agreement reveals the following:

  • Consistency: How many individuals would be bound by this agreement, and what are the consequences of breaking it?
  • The Service Level Agreement will last for the following time period: How long has the SLA been in place? The SLA extensions would also be listed here.
  • Terms used in the agreement are defined and interpreted: What terminology is commonly used in a service level agreement?
  • Customer service arrangements include: Typically, a Service Level Agreement is between a single service provider and a large number of clients. As a result, it’s critical to state the type and quantity of assistance supplied in the SLA.
  • A communication matrix, a point of access, and confrontation: If there are any kind of conflicts in the Service Level Agreement, the SLA’s primary contact should be established.
  • Obligations Shared: The duties of the participants to the Service Legal Agreement would be outlined in this section.
  • Recurrent charge payment: This would reflect the charge that the consumer must pay to the service provider.
  • Charge per month: The monthly charge is the amount paid by the consumer to the service provider monthly.
  • Charges that are only applied once: One-time fees that the consumer would have had to pay to the service provider. Any payment made by the consumer to the service provider will be included in these costs.
  • Payment term: This includes any term that specifies the company’s payment time.
  • Charge for odds and ends: Any additional fees are classified as incidental.
  • Observance of the Act: The contract’s participants are required to follow the government’s terms. The participants must successfully follow all of the regulations.
  • Law that regulates: This would be a law that has an impact on the service level agreement. A governing statute like this would have an impact on the institutions and authority.
  • Sovereign authority: Sovereignty would refer to the location where the participants must resolve the dispute’s issues.
  • Promises and Service contracts: There will be different types of contracts and assurances for different types of products and services. Certifications would be tied to the items or services which are provided. Safeguards would be in the shape of third-party certification for the SLA’s operations.

Procedure for Service Level Agreement

  • A good attorney from the firm will call you to discuss the entire procedure and help you understand why you need a Service Level Agreement.
  • When the goals of the project are apparent, the lawyer will develop a template.
  • You will be emailed a tentative Service Level Agreement to evaluate.
  • The entire procedure takes 3-4 business days.

Advantages of Service Level Agreement

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is crucial for the provider and as well as for the recipient of a service. It acts as a closing statement. As a result, all sides pay special attention to the details, ensuring that there are no misunderstandings. The SLA encompasses all of the solutions required by the client. This implies that the consumer understands what to anticipate in terms of service quality, as well as other aspects, making it critical documentation.

Allocating Resources Efficiently:

You may acquire an awareness of resource restrictions by using the Service Level Agreement Management function of an HR Case Management system. This additional insight might be discussed with senior management in order to persuade them to adjust SLA objectives or allocate adequate capacity to fulfill Service Level Agreement expectations.

Employees Administration improvement:

Any inbound query or concern that an individual files with HR may be automatically added to a Service Level Agreement. When this happens, the SLA will alert the Human recourse case manager and maintain the issue on track to be handled within the consented SLA period.

Increased Employee Satisfaction:

Employees nowadays want their job technologies to be on par with their personal life. This need is being driven by employees’ interactions with Google, Facebook, Instagram, and other consumer technology. So, HR Quality Service requires the ability to provide its employees with a customer technology situation at work. An SLA assists HR in meeting individuals’ demands of workspace technology and has provided them with the instruments they need to give quicker response times and greater issue clarity to their staff, as well as the transparency they need to constantly improve HR functions.


Learning Service Level Management and the framework of Service Level Agreements can offer you a leg up on the competition when it comes to supporting your company keep its commitments. Developing the capacity to build and administer solutions and services allows your company and its clients to connect more effectively in order to meet common demands.


Not only should the SLA include a summary of the services offered and their anticipated service standards, but it should also involve performance measures by which the facilities are assessed, each side’s obligations and responsibilities, infringement remedies or punishments, and guidelines for adding or deleting performance measures.