Denmark Company Registration in 2024-25: Procedure & Benefits Explained


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

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    A Scandinavian part of the European continent which was being ruled by the Vikings during the early ages, discovered the benefits of maritime industries and utilized the available sources at their utmost capacity and dominated Northwestern Europe during the middle ages. 

    Later it developed business relations and tied knots with the United States and the United Kingdom for its prosperity.

    WIth the highest per capita gross domestic product the Danish country offers a higher standard of living among the countries of the world. In 1973 both the United Kingdom and Denmark joined the EEC and at the end of the 20th century like any other European country, Denmark joined the EU and started practicing the Uniform Commercial Legislation which was in the framework since the 19th century. 

    A Denmark registered company will attain benefits of various industries, have krone as their primary currency, a separate NASDAQ-owned stock exchange for complete Nordic regions of Europe and finally, the affiliation with EU and EEC gives the foreign investors a finer edge in registering their ongoing businesses in this particular Nordic Baltic region. 

    With a good standard of living and free education(though pre-education is not compulsory but it is mandatory to have 9 years of academic experience between the age of 7 to 16)  the adult population is a literate source which could be utilized by the foreign companies that register themselves in this particular geographical location.

    This article we will discuss the process to register a company in Denmark, advantages, criteria, ,Danes and their Nordic region for incorporating the business, and documents required for company registration in Denmark. 

    Reasons for company registration in Denmark

    • Denmark is a place with lower taxes than other Nordic nations.
    • Startup incorporation methods are quick, simple, and economical.
    • International entrepreneurs wishing to establish an organization in Denmark are not subject to any special regulations.
    • Management is exempt from any special residency restrictions.
    • The majority of the population speaks English, making it simpler for foreigners to conduct commercial operations in Denmark.
    • Registration of the company can also be done online.
    • Online meetings for stockholders and the administration are possible.

    Procedure for Denmark Company Registration

    The procedure that must be followed to register a company in Denmark are:

    1. Choose the business structure

    The first step for company registration involves choosing the business structure for the firm. There are different business structures that an entrepreneur can use, such as a private or public limited company.

    2. Choose a business name

    After choosing the business structure of the firm, it is important to decide on a business name. The business name that is selected must be new and original and should not be similar to the business name of an already established business.

    3. Establish a business bank account

    Establish a business bank account and deposit the capital needed to register a company in Denmark.

    4. Prepare the Articles of Association

    Prepare the Articles of Association of the firm that would contain the necessary details of the firm.

    5. Register with the Danish Business Authorities

    Company registration in Denmark must be done with the Danish Business Authorities. In order to register a company in Denmark, an application has to be filed with the Danish Business Authorities along with the necessary documents.

    6. Register for VAT

    Once company registration in Denmark has been done, it is essential to register the firm with the Danish Tax Authorities for various tax-related purposes. Before beginning commerce in Denmark, you must register for VAT. A company in Denmark is subjected to Danish tax laws and the amount of tax to be paid depends on the business structure of the firm.

    7. Acquire business licenses

    In order for the business to conduct commercial operations in Denmark, various business licenses and permits must be acquired by the firm.

    Eligibility criteria for Denmark Company Registration

    1. Annual Report: In the case of a limited liability company as well as a limited company, the annual report should be completed no longer than 5 months following the conclusion of the fiscal year and must be approved by the executive committee. In the case of a limited company,
    2. The number of members:  An ApS can be formed with just one member.
    3. Required capital: At least 40,000 DKK is required to establish a limited liability company in Denmark. A share capital of 400,000 DKK is required to form a limited company. There isn’t any capital required to do a Sole Proprietorship company registration in Denmark.

    Documents needed to register a company in Denmark

    The various documents required for Denmark company registration are:

    • Article of Association of the firm
    • Proof of the deposited capital in the bank account
    • Details of the stockholders as well as the directors
    • Incorporation documents
    • Address proof

    Different business entities for company registration in Denmark

    The various corporate entities that can be used to register a company in Denmark are:

    Limited Liability Company

    Limited Liability Companies are also referred to as Anpartsselskab (ApS). The most common business structure in Denmark is an ApS. An ApS can be formed with just one member and without any limitations on the member’s residency. At least 40,000 DKK is required to establish a limited liability company in Denmark. The Danish ApS partners are responsible for the business’s liabilities to the number of their contributions.

    Limited Company 

    Limited Companies are also referred to as Aktieselskab (AS). A share capital of 400,000 DKK is required to form a limited company. The liability is constrained and as such the proprietors of the corporation are only responsible for their initial capital investment.

    Sole Proprietorship

    Sole Proprietorship company registration in Denmark has no startup costs and is legally bound to the proprietor’s private resources. In contrast to limited liability businesses, in the case of a Sole Proprietorship business, the proprietor’s private possessions are not safeguarded in the event of a demand from creditors.

    Branch Office

    A branch office can also be utilized to register a company in Denmark. Branch offices are not different legal entities. They are branches of a firm that is headquartered in some other location. Denmark company registration of a branch office can be done easily by getting the branch office registered with the Danish Business Authorities. Since branch offices are a division of their parent corporation, incorporating a branch office requires no minimum capital. The parent firm is responsible for the debts and obligations of its Danish branch office.

    Advantages of Denmark Company Registration

    The various advantages of company registration in Denmark are:

    Effective public sector 

    The public sector in Denmark is regarded for its effective, customer-focused way of conducting operations. Fraud and corruption are essentially very low in Denmark.

    Strong economy

    With a great economy and a sizable domestic market, Denmark is a desirable location for international businesses and consumers. The reputation of Danish labor as being extremely driven and effective results in a flexible and affordable labor market.

    Infrastructural facilities 

    Entrepreneurs in Denmark can take advantage of well-developed infrastructural facilities. Denmark also has a top-notch atmosphere for R&D innovation.

    Opportunities in the service sectors 

    Approximately 80% of the populace is employed in the services sector, which makes up the largest portion of Denmark’s GDP. This comprises an extremely advanced and specialized banking and financial services sector. Denmark also has a thriving tourism industry that contributes significantly to its national economy.

    Taxation in Denmark

    The local taxation laws and reporting requirements are significant considerations for several entrepreneurs who want to launch their businesses.

    The different taxes that businesses have to pay in Denmark are:

    1. Corporate Income Tax: The corporate income tax rate in Denmark is 22%. Companies that were established in the nation are subject to tax based on their global earnings whereas non-resident businesses, such as those who have only opened a branch in Denmark, are subject to tax on their earnings earned in Denmark. A greater corporate income tax rate of 25% is applied to businesses operating in the oil and gas industry.
    2. Value-Added Tax: Denmark levies a 25% VAT on most products and services. However, some industries, including passenger transportation, the educational sector, insurance, and financial services, are excluded or are charged 0% VAT. VAT returns are submitted on a monthly basis. Firms are obliged to apply for VAT enrollment once the amount of their taxable activities reaches 50,000 DKK, and non-resident businesses that offer specific products and services are required to sign up regardless of whether the 50,000 DKK level applies to them.
    3. Excise duty: A variety of excise taxes are imposed on various goods in accordance with Danish tax law. The excise duty rates differ depending on the products’ categories and, in some situations, their types.
    4. Property tax: Non-residential property holders are required to pay yearly land taxes. The municipalities determine the land tax rate, which must range from 1.6% to 3.4% of the estate’s worth.

    Cost of Denmark company registration

    The expenses associated with Denmark company registration vary on the kind of business you intend to launch.

    When launching a company in Denmark, an entrepreneur has to keep the following expenses in mind:

    • Expenses incurred for opening a business bank account
    • Registering expenses with the Danish Business Authorities
    • Registering with the Tax Authorities
    • Expenses for registering the employees
    • Acquiring licenses


    The Kingdom of Denmark functions on a mixed economy from both manufacturing and service industry. With a high life expectancy and a good literate population, the nation offers a great ecosystem and environment for incorporating your business in this Nordic Baltic region.

    We at Odint will be reiterating the facts and deliver you with best possible knowledge about this particular northwestern region of the European continent and assist you to register a company in Denmark.

    Contact OnDemand International for more information.