
Founders Agreement: Documents, Advantages & Procedure

A founders agreement is an official document or an official agreement signed between co-founders of a company when establishing an enterprise. The agreement clarifies the roles, rights, obligations as well as the responsibilities, ownership, investments, and liabilities that each co-founder has.

Table of Contents

founders agreement

Overview: Founders Agreement

In the exciting world of entrepreneurship, starting a new endeavor is thrilling, but it’s important to lay the foundation for a successful partnership. One of the most crucial things co-founders may do when a business grows is formalize their partnership. This is due to the possibility that problems may develop in the future, regardless of how well you get along with your partner. A founders agreement might be useful in such a dramatic situation. The agreement of the founders defines the duties and obligations of the founder’s team, capital ownership, and Intellectual property rights.

Through this article, we will be explaining founders agreement covering its benefits, purposes and the steps to draft the agreement. 

What is the Founders Agreement?

A founders agreement is an official document or an official agreement signed between co-founders of a company when establishing an enterprise. The agreement clarifies the roles, rights, obligations as well as the responsibilities, ownership, investments, and liabilities that each co-founder has.

  • A founders agreement must be in writing format, not in oral
  • A group of partners can sign an agreement, which is referred to as co-partners/parties
  • All co-founders must precisely sign the agreement when they incorporate the company or the business.

Purpose of a Founders Agreement

The purpose of the founders agreement is to resolve disputes about a business that may develop during the time of the co-founders. The agreement seems to have laid out the plan of action for the founders, who must adhere to the rules and adhere to requirements laid out.
Founders agreements can also assist in the face of uncertain situations like the death of a co-founder or resignation of the founder, which directly impact the expansion and smooth operation of the firm or business.

Documents Required for Preparation of a Founders Agreement

  • Proof of address of the co-founders of all
  • Proof of identity of all co-founders
  • Identity proofs of witnesses
  • A goal that is clearly defined for the business
  • The number of equity shares held by each co-founder
  • The total proportion of shares held by each co-founder.

Requisites that must be included in any founders' agreement

The requirements that must be included in every founders’ agreement are: 

  • The objective of the company
  • Information on capital raised (by entrepreneurs and investors)
  • Information about the company’s owners
  • Duties and obligations of each of the co-founders
  • Salary received by each co-founder as compensation
  • Specifics of the founders’ leaving procedure
  • Closure of the business
  • Information about dispute resolution
  • Other clauses (such as non-compete agreements and intellectual property rights assignments)

Procedure of Drafting a Founders Agreement

The process of drafting the founders’ agreement consists of these steps:
Step 1: The draft of the agreement between founders is created by incorporating all required fields, including the goals of the company, and the terms and conditions that must be adhered to by co-founders.
Step 2: When the draft process is finished, check if all obligatory clauses have been included without the ambiguous clause.
Step 3: Add any additional details that must be provided in the contract as needed.
Step 4: The final draft must have the acknowledgment of all cofounders that it has been vetted following the above agreement
Step 5: When the co-founders are all in agreement with an agreement needs to be notarized using an un-judicial stamp paper
Step 6: Once notarized your agreement, you must get the signatures of the co-founders of the agreement.
Step 7: Before signing the agreement seek expert advice to avoid any disputes.

Benefits of a Founders Agreement

benefits of a founders agreement

Determining the Type of Business Entity:

The agreement between the founders will specify the type and kind of organization that must be created by co-founders, giving the right way to go.

Outlined Business Plans:

The agreement outlines the mission and vision of the company and defines the short and long-term goals that must be met over time.

Designating the Roles and Responsibilities:

There will be overlaps in roles and duties among co-founders, without a clear framework for their specific tasks.
It is, therefore, crucial to define those roles as well as responsibilities for co-founders in line with the areas they are proficient in such as operations, marketing, finance, etc.

Structure of Ownership:

The agreement between the founders will specify the form of ownership for the initial contribution of cofounders or the proportion of equity shares owned by the cofounder of a business, thus making sure that there are no future conflicts between them.

Decision Making:

At some moment there will come an ideological conflict among co-founders. These disputes must be resolved in a way that is appropriate to the decision-making procedure.
In this case, the agreement between founders will outline a procedure to follow in the process of making decisions. When the voting system has been used the agreement should specify the number of votes that are required for each founder, and offer an option in the event there is a deadlock.

Compensation Provisions:

The agreement outlined the procedure for compensation that will be made if any cofounder violated the rules enacted. In this case, the percentage of the amount to be awarded will be stated for each cofounder.

Expulsion of Co-founders:

Anyone who is a co-founder could be expelled from the business for engaging in fraud, such as stealing money, harassment as well as being hired by different organizations.
The agreement will provide a solid plan for dealing with such situations and figuring out the appropriate funds that can be returned to the co-founder who was exiled.


The agreement also contained a clause regarding confidentiality in the agreement of the founders that creates founders bound to keep the secrets of the company.

Fundamental Errors in Founders’ Agreements

  • Failing to assign tasks in accordance with the expertise of each founder.
  • Inconsistent thresholds for making decisions.
  • Requiring unanimous agreement for all decisions and failing to specify procedures for deadlock.
  • Considering the existence of implicit understandings.


A founders agreement is an official document or an official agreement signed between co-founders of a company when establishing an enterprise. It creates agreement and transparency between the founders as to their obligations, rights to equity, and methods for making decisions. A founders agreement aids in preventing disputes and guarantees a strong basis for the company by covering crucial issues like intellectual property rights, governance, future finance, and dissolution clauses. A founder’s agreement has to be created after careful planning in order to avoid making any mistakes.
You can speak with our business professionals at Odint Consulting if you’re looking to create a founder’s agreement. Our professionals will make sure the contract accurately reflects the unique requirements and conditions of the company, assisting you in avoiding any potential blunders.


It is required to have this type of agreement prepared, as it will prevent being evicted from the organization without the proper exit clauses. In addition, the agreement for founders would include provisions about the obligations that the founding members have.

Yes, such an agreement will have the force of law. If an agreement of this kind is notarized using a non-judicial stamp and the required fee is paid, the contract would be valid in court.

Yes, but it all depends on the seriousness of the disagreement! For instance, the shares of the co-founder will vest with the company if it violates or violates the terms of the agreement.

The agreement between the founders will prohibit co-founders from taking on other employment opportunities regardless of whether they are removed or dismissed from the business.

The founder’s agreement serves as a framework for the founders’ interaction, outlining how they would share work, vision, finances, and legal matters. Since it establishes the business’s equity ownership, it also establishes the organization, any existing intellectual property, and the founder’s voting rights. The arrangement will provide protection against unforeseen events like share transfers, value increases, and secrecy.

Operating agreements, which are solely utilized by LLCs, are legally binding agreements that specify the obligations and rules that members must follow. A founders agreement, which only addresses the founders, is typically written when you establish a business.