Register an IT Company in Canada


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

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    Are you thinking about starting an IT company in Canada and stepping out into the exciting world of technology? Congratulations on stepping onto one of the most inventive markets in the world and starting your entrepreneurial journey.

    Canada has it all—vibrant cities and breathtaking scenery—to support the growth of nascent tech companies. But before you embark on the thrilling adventure of starting your own IT business, it’s important to comprehend the registration procedure and the requirements.

    Key Requirements for Registering an IT Company in Canada

    Before registering your IT company in Canada, you need to fulfill certain requirements:

    • Business Name Registration: Selecting a distinctive and enduring name for your IT enterprise is crucial. Register it with the relevant local, state, or federal government agency.
    • License for Business: Acquire the licenses and permits needed to lawfully run your IT company in Canada.
    • Tax Registration: Register for applicable taxes, such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) or Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), depending on your business activities and revenue threshold.
    • Registered Office Address: Maintain a business address in Canada to receive official documents.
    • Federal Business Number (BN): Unique identifier for tax purposes obtained from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
    • Articles of Incorporation (for Corporations): A formal document that describes the composition and management of a corporation.

    Business structure for registering an IT company in Canada

    Establishing an IT company in Canada starts with choosing the right business structure. The most common structures for IT companies include:

    Sole Proprietorship

    This structure is appropriate for solo entrepreneurs looking for simplicity and full control over their business. However, remember that as a sole proprietor, you are personally liable for the firm’s debts and obligations.


    If you’re establishing your IT venture with one or more partners, a partnership structure might be ideal. Partnerships offer shared responsibility and resources, but partners are also personally liable for the company’s liabilities.


    By separating your personal assets from the business, incorporating your IT company offers limited liability protection. It is a desirable alternative for expanding IT endeavors since it also provides tax benefits and boosts reputation.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Registering Your IT Company in Canada

    Select Your Company Structure 

    Choose the best organizational structure for your business, such as a corporation or sole proprietorship.

    Reserve Your Company Name

    Look out for potential names for your business and get permission from the relevant authorities to use your top choice.

    Create Incorporation Documents

    If you’re going to register as a corporation, create the Articles of Incorporation, which contain information about the company.

    File Registration Documents

    Submit the required documentation with the provincial or federal registry.

    Acquire a Business Number

    Register with the CRA to obtain a Business Number for tax reasons.

    Set up a Bank Account for Your Company

    Create a specific bank account for the financial operations of your business.

    Register for tax

    Register for corporate income tax and other applicable taxes with the CRA.

    Benefits of Registering Your IT Company in Canada

    Registering your IT company in Canada comes with several benefits, including:

    1. Limited Liability Protection: By incorporating your IT firm, you lower financial risk by shielding your personal assets from corporate debts.
    2. Access to Government Incentives: To encourage innovation and technology-driven firms, Canada provides a range of grants, tax credits, and government incentives.
    3. Enhanced Credibility: Your brand’s reputation is improved by a registered firm, which inspires confidence and trust in partners, investors, and customers.
    4. Tax Advantages: Canadian firms benefit from reduced corporate tax rates, business expense deductions, and the ability to postpone paying taxes.


    Registering an IT company in Canada opens doors to countless chances for expansion, success, and innovation. With its robust tech sector, business-friendly atmosphere, and easy access to international markets, Canada provides an ideal foundation for your IT endeavour. By choosing the right business structure and leveraging the benefits of registration, you can set your company on a path to prosperity. 

    With IncPass, registering your IT company in Canada is simpler and more effective than ever before. Our automated platform streamlines the registration process, saving you time and hassle. In addition to company registration, IncPass provides several other services like creating bank accounts, renting virtual offices, and more. Start your business journey with confidence and let IncPass handle the paperwork for you.