Guide To Opening A Business Bank Account In Vietnam: Procedure & Types of Account

Here, we are going to explain the steps for opening a business bank account in Vietnam. Additionally, w will briefly discuss the requirements and benefits associated with establishing a corporate bank account in Vietnam.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

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    opening a business bank account in vietnam

    Vietnam offers a business-friendly environment for both local and foreign investors, making it an attractive destination for setting up businesses. As part of the process, having a bank account in Vietnam is essential. Vietnam, which is renowned for its vibrant business scene and expanding economy, provides a variety of financial services designed to cater to the needs of companies doing business inside its boundaries. The country boasts a well-developed banking structure that provides reliable and comprehensive services to both domestic as well as international clients. 

    Individuals who wish to register a business in Vietnam should consider establishing a bank account as having a bank account grants corporations access to a platform that makes it simpler for businesses to conduct company transactions, collect funds from clients, and pay employees and vendors. Opening a business bank account in Vietnam can help business owners distinguish their personal and company earnings, which will simplify maintaining business accounting. A specialized business bank account improves the credibility of your company and inspires trust in customers, suppliers, and associates. Opening a business bank account in Vietnam is a simple and secure alternative for corporations to engage in commercial transactions.

    In this article, we are going to explain the steps for opening a business bank account in Vietnam. Additionally, we will briefly discuss the requirements and benefits associated with establishing a corporate bank account in Vietnam.

    Various accounts for opening a business bank account in Vietnam

    Vietnam presents individuals as well as corporations with access to different forms of accounts for creating a bank account. All the accounts have their advantages as well as specialties. 

    Here are the forms of accounts for opening a business bank account in Vietnam:

    Current Account

    The current account is the most fundamental form of account for opening a business bank account in Vietnam. It makes it possible for companies to make deposits and withdrawals of money for use in the everyday activities of the firm.

    Savings Account

    Savings accounts are typically used by individuals as well as corporations for the purpose of generating interest on unspent money.

    Investment Capital Account 

    These kinds of accounts are used to receive and transfer money for investments. 

    Term Deposit Account

    Corporations have the option of making a fixed-term deposit and earning a greater interest rate than typical savings accounts. Organizations wishing to save money for a particular cause or generate interest on additional cash can consider term deposit accounts.

    Foreign Currency Account

    This kind of account enables international currency transactions for organizations. Corporations engaged in commerce worldwide or doing business with consumers from other countries can benefit from opening a foreign currency account.

    Local Currency Account

    A Local Currency Account allows firms to engage in domestic business-related activities. In such accounts, transactions take place in the local currency of the Vietnamese Dong (VND). Obtaining income from domestic operations, covering domestic expenditures, buying foreign currency from approved financial organizations, and other income and cost-related domestic investment operations are included.

    Requisite Documents to Create a Corporate Bank Account in Vietnam

    Even if obtaining a company bank account is simple, there are several conditions that businesses must meet. One such necessity is to provide the bank with the necessary paperwork to expedite the establishment of the bank account.

    To set up a corporate bank account in Vietnam, you will typically need to produce the following documents to the bank:

    • Business registration certificate: This document serves as evidence that your company is legitimately registered and operating in Vietnam.
    • Identification Documentation: You must provide the bank with legitimate identification, which might include a passport or Vietnamese ID card.
    • Details of the organization: The corporation’s Memorandum and Articles of Association must be presented to the bank.
    • Address Proof: Banks could ask for documentation of your company address, including utility statements or contracts for leasing.
    • Business Plan: To evaluate the viability and probable dangers of your firm, certain banks could ask for a business plan.

    Procedure for Opening a business bank account in Vietnam

    To establish a corporate bank account in Vietnam, follow the steps mentioned below:

    Select a bank

    When opening a business bank account in Vietnam, selecting the right bank and account type is essential. With numerous banks offering different services, it’s important to consider factors like transaction fees, ATM accessibility, and branch locations. At Odint Consulting, our experts can guide you through the process, helping you choose the most suitable bank based on your specific needs and preferences.

    Decide the method for opening the account

    The next step entails selecting the method for opening a business bank account in Vietnam. As some banks may allow opening an account online, you can either choose to open your account online or in person.

    Visit the bank

    Make an appointment with your preferred bank and visit the bank with the required documentation. You can meet with a bank representative who will provide you with the necessary information for opening an account.

    Collect necessary documentation

    Collect the documents required to establish a corporate bank account in Vietnam including identification evidence, proof of address, and any additional documentation the bank specifies.

    Submit the application

    Fill out the account opening application form provided by the institution with accurate details. Apply along with the required paperwork to the bank authorities and pay any necessary fees for opening the account.

    Compliance checks 

    To confirm the legitimacy of the supplied papers and guarantee compliance with rules, the bank will carry out due diligence and compliance checks.

    Deposit account opening balance

    Some banks may require maintaining a minimum balance in the account. If your bank has any such requirement, you must deposit the account opening fees.

    Approval of the account

    Once the application form has been approved, your account will be opened and you will receive the account details.

    Looking to set up your company in Vietnam? Speak with our experts today.

    How to Choose a Bank to Create a Corporate Bank Account in Vietnam?

    Numerous banks, including public, commercial, and international institutions, are active in Vietnam and serve both domestic and international residents. However, selecting a bank requires carefully comparing the services provided by the various banks. 

    Here are some elements to think about while selecting a bank in Vietnam:

    • Services offered: Consider the services offered by the different banks such as Internet banking facilities, international banking services, Borrowing facilities, and so on.
    • Accessibility and ATM facilities: Consider your level of accessibility when using the bank’s ATMs. Analyze the branch and ATM networks, customer service accessibility, and other factors.
    • Fees: Depending on the bank’s service, there may be a variety of fees. Consider the bank’s ATM fees, transaction costs, maintenance fees, and other fees when picking one. 
    • Reputation: Pick a reliable bank with a well-established presence in Vietnam.

    Why Create a Corporate Bank Account in Vietnam?

    Creating a corporate bank account in Vietnam can offer numerous benefits to businesses such as:

    • Access to Local Currency: By having a corporate bank account in Vietnam, corporations can engage in transactions and hold funds in the local currency, Vietnamese Dong (VND). This makes financial processes easier and makes it unnecessary to convert currencies frequently, which lowers associated risks and expenses.
    • Business Expansion and Investment: In Vietnam, an organization’s bank account can operate as the basis for venture capital and business development projects. It enables companies to get and control cash for domestic investments, partnerships, or acquisitions.
    • Convenient Banking Services: Convenient Banking services are offered by corporate bank accounts in Vietnam and are catered to the needs of businesses. These services include access to numerous payment options, local and international money transfers, internet banking capabilities, and credit facilities.


    Vietnam has a well-established banking system that offers a variety of dependable and convenient banking options for both domestic and foreign corporations.  You can efficiently manage your funds, carry out transactions, and adhere to regional regulatory standards if you have a corporate bank account in Vietnam.

    By complying with the regulations and giving the bank current, correct information, you can open a corporate bank account in Vietnam without any difficulty.

    OnDemand International experts have expertise in the field of assisting clients in opening a business bank account in Vietnam. With our thorough awareness of the regulations, we can help you navigate the process so that your application for a bank account will be approved and your account will become operational. Additionally, we can help you choose a bank account that offers you the features you need for your business. Set up a business with us and get complete assistance in opening a bank account there.