Poland LLC Formation in 2024-25: Process & Benefits Explained

In this article, you will learn about Poland LLC Formation in 2024-25. Read the complete article to know more about its process, benefts, costs, taxes and more.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

    Table of Contents

    poland llc formation

    Overview: Poland LLC Formation in 2024-25

    In recent years, Poland has emerged as a promising destination for entrepreneurs seeking to expand their businesses in Europe. The strategic location, robust economy, and favorable business environment make Poland an attractive choice for foreign investors. If you’re considering entering the Polish market, understanding the process of Poland LLC formation is crucial. 

    In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps, documents required, eligibility criteria, benefits, taxes, and associated costs of opening a limited liability company (LLC) in Poland.

    Procedure for Opening an LLC in Poland

    1. Choose a Business Name

    Selecting a unique and appropriate business name is a fundamental step in the LLC formation process. Ensure that the chosen name complies with Polish naming conventions and is not already in use.

    2. Prepare the Articles of Association

    Once the name has been selected, you must prepare the articles of association. The Articles of Association cover the firm’s structure, management, and operation. It includes details such as the company’s name, registered address, business activities, and the names of shareholders and their contributions.

    3. Obtain a Tax Identification Number (NIP)

    Before registering your LLC, you’ll need to obtain a Tax Identification Number (NIP) from the Polish tax authorities. This number is crucial for conducting business transactions and fulfilling tax obligations.

    4. Register the LLC with the National Court Register

    The next step is to officially register your LLC with the National Court Register (KRS). This step involves submitting the Articles of Association and other necessary documents to the relevant court. The registration process may take a few weeks.

    Our experts at OnDemand International can assist you in registering your LLC with the KRS. 

    5. Open a Business Bank Account

    Once your LLC is registered, it’s time to open a business bank account. This account will be used for all financial transactions related to your Polish business.

    At OnDemand International, we can provide assistance for opening an online bank account.

    Documents Required for Register an LLC in Poland

    • Articles of Association: Clearly describing the firm’s structure, management, and operation.
    • Proof of Identity: Passport or ID card of every shareholder as well as director.
    • Proof of Address: Residential addresses of shareholders and directors.
    • Tax Identification Number (NIP): Obtained from the Polish tax authorities.
    • Declaration of Consent: If the firm’s registered address is not owned by the shareholders or directors, a declaration of consent from the property owner is required.
    • Decision on Company Authorities: Designating individuals authorized to represent the company.

    Legal Requirements to Start an LLC in Poland

    To successfully open a limited liability company in Poland, certain requirements must be met:

    Minimum Capital 

    A minimum share capital is required, and each shareholder must contribute a specified amount.

    Registered Office 

    The company must have a registered office in Poland.

    Shareholders and Directors

    A Poland LLC must have a minimum of 1 shareholder and 1 director. Shareholders can be individuals or legal entities.

    Benefits of Opening a Poland LLC

    1. Limited Liability

    The personal assets of shareholders are safeguarded, and their liability is capped at the amount they have invested in the business.

    2. Ease of Formation

    The process of LLC formation in Poland is relatively straightforward.

    3. Access to EU Markets

    As a member of the European Union, operating a business in Poland provides access to the EU’s vast consumer market.

    4. Favorable Business Environment

    Poland offers a stable political and economic environment for businesses.

    Taxes Applicable to Limited Liability Companies in Poland

    Understanding the tax landscape is crucial for effective business planning. In Poland, LLCs are subject to the following taxes:

    • Corporate Income Tax (CIT): The standard corporate income tax in Poland is currently set at 19. A reduced rate of 9% applies to small taxpayers if their yearly revenue does not exceed 2 million euros. 
    • Value Added Tax (VAT): Applicable to the sale of goods and services, VAT rates vary, with the standard rate at 23%. Reduced rates of 8%, 5%, and 0% are also applicable to certain categories of products and services. 
    • Personal Income Tax (PIT): Shareholders may be subject to PIT on dividends received from the company.

    Costs Required to Incorporate an LLC in Poland

    • Notary Fees: There are certain fees associated with notarizing certain documents, such as the Articles of Association.
    • Registration Fees: A fee is payable to the National Court Register for the registration of the LLC.
    • Share Capital Contribution: The minimum share capital required for LLC formation in Poland must be contributed by shareholders.


    Navigating the intricacies of Poland LLC formation requires careful planning, adherence to legal requirements, and expert guidance. By understanding the process, required documents, eligibility criteria, benefits, taxes, and costs associated with opening a limited liability company in Poland, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions for a successful business venture in this thriving European market.

    For a seamless and hassle-free experience in opening a limited liability company in Poland, consult with our business experts at OnDemand International. Our team of experts can guide you through the entire process, assist in gathering the required documents, and provide invaluable insights into the Polish business landscape. 

    Speak with our business formation experts to register an LLC in Poland today.


    Yes, foreign investors can open a limited liability company in Poland. However, they must comply with the same requirements and procedures as domestic entrepreneurs.

    The minimum share capital required for a Poland LLC is currently set at PLN 5,000.

    The registration process typically takes a few weeks, from the submission of documents to the National Court Register to the issuance of the registration certificate.