Open a Renewable Energy Company in Poland: Procedure & Requirements

Here, we would be discussing how you can set up a renewable energy company in Poland. We will further cover the requirements, and procedure to open a renewable energy company in Poland.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

    Table of Contents

    Poland presents a favorable environment for business owners and investors looking to launch a renewable energy company because of its advantageous location, thriving economy, and dedication to renewable energy. Poland, a country rich in history and with a thriving economy, is seeing an increase in renewable energy.

    With its aggressive climate targets, fiscal policies, and growing need for sustainable energy, Poland’s renewable energy market offers foreign investors and entrepreneurs a strong chance to make a profit. Setting up a renewable energy company in Poland can be a rewarding venture, offering access to a growing market and the chance to contribute to a sustainable future.

    This article serves as a comprehensive guide for those looking to tap into the potential of Poland’s renewable energy sector. From understanding the market to navigating legal requirements and overcoming common challenges, we’ll explore the steps needed to set up and grow your renewable energy venture in Poland.

    Renewable Energy Landscape in Poland

    Poland is making the transition to a greener future, as with many other nations, because of environmental concerns and the need to lessen reliance on fossil fuels. Poland has made remarkable progress in the renewable energy sector. Beyond the EU’s 2020 target, renewables made up 22% of the nation’s energy mix in 2022. The Polish government has set lofty targets, aiming to achieve 55% by 2030 and 2050 climate neutrality. This translates to significant investments in wind, solar, biomass, and other renewable technologies, creating fertile ground for new players.

    Requirements for Setting Up a Renewable Energy Company in Poland

    Before diving into the establishment process, it’s crucial to understand the legal and regulatory requirements for setting up a renewable energy company in Poland. Here are the key steps:

    • Licensing and Permits: Depending on the type of renewable energy project you plan to undertake, you may need to obtain various licenses and permits from regulatory bodies such as the Energy Regulatory Office (URE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These could cover environmental impact assessments, grid connection permits, and generation licenses.
    • Land Acquisition: Securing suitable land or property for your renewable energy project is essential. This may involve leasing land for wind or solar farms or obtaining permits for hydroelectric installations.

    How to Open a Renewable Energy Company in Poland?

    Setting up a renewable energy company in Poland involves several key steps:

    Market Research: 

    Perform market research thoroughly to identify possible opportunities and assess demand for renewable energy in Poland. Analyze market trends, competitor activities, and government policies to inform your business strategy.

    Business Plan: 

    Create a detailed business plan covering your firm’s objectives, target audience, financial projections, as well as marketing strategies. This will guide your business and assist in obtaining funding and investors.

    Choose a legal form: 

    The next step to set up a renewable energy company in Poland is to opt for a limited liability company (Sp. z o.o.) or a joint-stock company (SA) based on your needs.

    Collect required documentation: 

    Collect the required documentation required for setting up a renewable energy company in Poland. 

    Register your company: 

    Once the necessary documentation is acquired, you must register your company with the National Court Register (KRS) and submit the necessary documents along with it.

    Obtain tax registration: 

    After the company is registered, you should also register with the tax office to fulfill your tax obligations.

    Secure essential licenses and permits: 

    Based on your chosen technology and project size, obtain permits from appropriate authorities.

    Open a bank account: 

    Lastly, you must establish a corporate bank account to handle the funds of your company.

    Sources of Funding and Investment for Renewable Energy Projects in Poland

    Poland offers various sources of funding and investment for renewable energy projects, including:

    • European Union Funds: Access EU funding programs such as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund, which support sustainable energy initiatives in Poland.
    • National Support Schemes: Benefit from national support schemes, including feed-in tariffs, green certificates, and investment grants, designed to incentivize renewable energy generation and attract investment.
    • Commercial Financing: Explore financing options offered by commercial banks, leasing companies, and financial institutions specializing in renewable energy. Prepare a solid business case and financial projections to acquire loans or investments.

    Considerations When Choosing a Location for Your Renewable Energy Company in Poland

    When selecting a location for your renewable energy company in Poland, consider the following factors:

    • Renewable Resource Potential: Examine the quality and availability of renewable energy sources, including hydroelectricity, solar, biomass, and wind, in various parts of Poland. Choose a location with the greatest potential for resources relevant to your particular endeavor.
    • Infrastructure and Grid Connectivity: Evaluate the accessibility of transmission lines, substations, and access roads to guarantee a smooth transition to the national grid. To enhance project viability and reduce connection costs, take into account the project’s closeness to the current energy infrastructure.
    • Regulatory Environment: Familiarize yourself with local zoning rules, land-use guidelines, as well as permission requirements that apply to renewable energy projects in the various Polish regions. Select areas where regulations are favorable and well-defined to expedite project development and reduce delays.

    Common Obstacles Faced by Renewable Energy Companies in Poland

    While Poland offers significant opportunities for renewable energy investment, companies may encounter several challenges along the way:

    • Policy Uncertainty: Changes in government policies, energy regulations, and support schemes can create uncertainty and affect the profitability of renewable energy projects. Stay informed about evolving policy developments and adapt your business strategy accordingly.
    • Grid Constraints: It may be difficult to connect renewable energy projects to the grid due to limited system capacity and congestion in some areas of Poland. Address grid integration problems and look at other options in close collaboration with regulators and grid operators.
    • Public Opposition: Communities, environmental organizations, or other stakeholders worried about possible effects on wildlife, land use, or picturesque landscapes may oppose certain renewable energy projects. Involve stakeholders early on in the project development process, take steps to mitigate their concerns, and communicate openly.


    Setting up a renewable energy company in Poland offers great opportunities for business owners as well as investors wishing to capitalize on the country’s transition to sustainable energy. By understanding the renewable energy landscape, navigating legal requirements, securing financing, and addressing common challenges, you can establish a successful and impactful renewable energy venture in Poland.

    OnDemand International is here to guide you with registering your business in Poland efficiently and effectively. Contact our professionals today to unlock the potential of Poland’s renewable energy market.