Trademark Registration in Estonia


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    Are you starting a business in Estonia or expanding your operations to this small Baltic country?

    One crucial step in building your brand identity is registering your trademark. However, it’s a small investment that can provide long-term benefits and help you differentiate yourself from your competitors and establish a strong brand identity in the market.

    Moreover, registering a trademark in Estonia provides legal protection not only in this country but also in other EU member states, making it a valuable asset for businesses planning to expand their reach beyond Estonia.

    The trademark registration process in Estonia is straightforward and requires applying to the Estonian Patent Office. The application should contain the details of the trademark, like the name, logo, or tagline, and the commodity or assistance it offers.

    While the process is relatively simple, it’s essential to ensure that your trademark meets all the requirements for registration and does not violate any third-party rights. The Estonian Patent Office may refuse registration if the trademark is too similar to an existing registered trademark, lacks distinctiveness, or violates public policy.

    In this article, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step trademark registration process in Estonia, highlight the documents required for application, and discuss the grounds for refusal.

    Need to do Trademark Registration in Estonia

    There are several reasons why you may need to do trademark registration in Estonia:

    Legal Protection: Registering a trademark in Estonia provides you with legal protection for your brand, name, logo, or other identifying features of your product or service. It means that you can prevent others from using similar marks that could confuse consumers or harm your business.

    Business Expansion: If you plan to expand your business to Estonia or already do business there, registering a trademark can help you protect your brand and prevent others from using it for their benefit. It also helps to establish your brand as a reliable industry.

    International Protection: Estonia is a member of the European Union, and registering a trademark there provides protection not only in Estonia but also in other EU member states. This could be mainly crucial if you intend to expand your business beyond Estonia’s borders.

    Brand Recognition: Registering a trademark can help establish your brand identity and distinguish it from competitors. It will assist you in creating belief within clients, boost brand recognition, and ultimately increase sales.

    Increased Value: Trademark registration in Estonia can increase the value of your business by establishing it as a recognizable brand with legal protection. This can be particularly important if you intend to sell your firm in the future.

    Overall, trademark registration in Estonia can provide legal protection, help establish your brand identity, and increase the value of your business.

    Step-by-step Trademark Registration Process in Estonia

    The following is a step-by-step guide to the trademark registration process in Estonia:

    Step 1: Perform a Trademark Search

    Before you apply for trademark registration, you should perform a trademark hunt to ensure that your trademark is not already registered by someone else. Eventually, it could be performed online via the Estonian Patent Office website.

    Step 2: Prepare and File the Application

    Once you have confirmed that your trademark is available, you can proceed with preparing and filing the application.

    Step 3: Examination

    After the application is filed, the Estonian Patent Office will review it to assure that it fulfills the conditions for enrollment. If there are any issues with the application, the Patent Office will inform the candidate and give them the option to address any concerns.

    Step 4: Publication and Opposition Period

    If the application is deemed acceptable, it will be published in the Estonian Official Gazette for three months. During this time, third parties might differ in the enrollment of the trademark.

    Step 5: Registration

    If there is no objection to the trademark during the reviewing period, the Estonian Patent Office will allocate a trademark registration certificate to the candidates.

    Step 6: Renewal

    Once registered, the trademark is protected for 10 years. It is important to note that renewal is the responsibility of the trademark owner, and failure to renew the registration can result in loss of trademark protection.

    Overall, the trademark registration process in Estonia involves searching, filing an application, examination, publication, and opposition period, registration, and renewal.

    Documents Required to Apply for Trademark Registration in Estonia

    To apply for trademark registration in Estonia, the necessary documents are normally needed:

    • Power of Attorney: If you are using a trademark attorney to apply on your behalf, a power of attorney is required to authorize the attorney to act on your behalf.
    • Applicant’s Information: The name and address of the applicant, as well as information about the applicant’s business, such as the legal form and registration number.
    • Trademark Image: A clear image of the trademark that you wish to register.
    • Goods and Services List: A list of the goods or services that you intend to utilize for the trademark.
    • Priority Claim: If you are claiming priority from a trademark application signup in a distinct nation.
    • Payment of Fees: A fee is required for filing the trademark application in Estonia.

    Grounds for Refusal of Trademark Registration in Estonia

    The Estonian Patent Office may refuse trademark registration in Estonia on several grounds, including:

    • Lack of Distinctiveness: A trademark that lacks distinctiveness or is too descriptive of the goods or services it represents may be refused registration.
    • Deceptiveness or Misleading: A trademark that is deceptive or misleading may also be refused registration.
    • Conflict with Existing Trademarks: If the trademark is too similar to an existing registered trademark, it may be refused registration.
    • Offensive or Contrary to Public Policy: A trademark that is offensive or contrary to public policy, such as a trademark that promotes hate speech or discrimination, may be refused registration.
    • Generic or Commonplace: A trademark that is generic or commonplace may be refused registration. For example, a trademark that uses a common word or phrase in connection with the goods or services it represents may be refused.
    • Violation of Third-Party Rights: If the trademark infringes on the rights of a third party, such as their copyright or design rights, it may be refused registration.


    As a business owner in Estonia, you understand the value of building a substantial brand uniqueness that defines your firm’s importance and mission. Trademark Registration in Estonia is a crucial step in building your brand and protecting it from infringement. A registered trademark provides legal protection, exclusive rights, and increased brand value, and can open up new licensing opportunities.

    It is recommended that you consult with a trademark attorney, or Professional experts from Odint Consultancy to ensure that your application meets all requirements for successful Trademark Registration in Estonia and does not violate any third-party rights.