Turkey Company Registration and Formation Services

Looking to register your company in Turkey? Read our complete guide on Turkey company registration and formation services. Procedure, documentations, and other details.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

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    turkey company registration and formation

    Turkey Company Registration and Formation

    Turkey is a nation that is transcontinental which lies in between Europe as well as South Western Asia. It is simple to register your company in Turkey however, you must adhere to local laws.

    Turkey permits companies to register your company in Turkey with at minimum one shareholder and one director. Turkey permits businesses to register your company in Turkey without the requirement of a physical presence.

    A Turkish investor can establish an organization inside that Turkish free trade zone. This free zone can provide numerous advantages to companies. Companies that are incorporated in a zone that is free of charge will get tax incentives and advantages from government. Investors can also return funds back to the country of origin via Turkey’s Free Trade Zone.

    Turkey is among the countries that is growing the fastest with regard to its economic growth. It is also the second-largest country to receive foreign direct investment within Western Asia. Investors are advised to create a company in Turkey due to the reasons stated in the previous paragraph.

    Turkey Company Registration Procedure

    To establish a company registration in Turkey You will have follow these steps:

    Sign-up using MERSIS

    The online system will be accessible to any applicant. In order to register for MERSIS foreign applicants will require a tax ID.

    The Social System

    It is possible to create them by entering specific information regarding the application. The system also generates the Tax ID for the business. The signing of contracts is required to authorize representatives. Certain businesses may have to meet the requirements that are set by the Trade Registry Directorate.


    In the event that the procedure for approval falls towards the Notary, then the requirements must be met by the correct notary. Once the notary has fulfilled the necessary requirements, signatures must be checked. Then, the individuals will prepare the declarations.

    Capital Deposit

    The account of the bank must contain 0.04 percent of the capital authorized. This account will be managed by the “share competition authority”. The amount is payable alongside other transactions within the appropriate trade registry. 25 percent of the cash is required to be deposited in the Joint Stock companies. This is required to register the business.

    Trade Registry Application

    Following that, you must file the trade registry application. The request is being made to the Directorate of Business Registry. A trade registry can approve the application after it has been reviewed.

    Required Documents for Company Registration In Turkey

    These documents are necessary for register your company in Turkey:

    • Information regarding 25 percent of the capital donated to the bank
    • Evidence of payment made to the authority responsible for competition
    • The company’s Valuation Reports are used to calculate the cash assets and non-cash assets.
    • Capital in other forms Document that states that capital isn’t subject to any limitations
    • Documents or evidence proving that the Intellectual property rights legally held by the respective owner.
      • All pre-incorporation, post incorporation contracts
      • Ministerial Respective Approvals
      • Information on directors (notarized copy of the document that shows the board is taking the proper action of the body that is competent to register
    • Signature Authorizations signed by those who are competent to bind the company.
      • All agreements signed by the company
      • Signature of the Declarations of Directors
      • Approval of Signatures by the Trade Registry of the Company

    Business Structures for Company Registration in Turkey

    Business Structures for Company Registration in Turkey

    These are the types of business structures that could be used to register a company registration in Turkey

    Joint Stock Company registration in Turkey

    The Turkish Joint Stock Company is very like a public limited corporation. Both board members and shareholders have to be elected. This kind of company can offer its shares on the Turkish market.

    Limited Liabilities Company registration in Turkey

    The liability of this entity will be restricted to a certain amount. Each member is accountable for their own responsibility. Directors and shareholders have to be appointed. A manager typically oversees an LLC.

    Branch Office for company registration in Turkey

    Branch offices are an additional branch of the company that is owned by its parent. The branch’s debts are the responsibility of the parent company of the foreign branch. The branch office may earn money. The business would need to pay a certain proportion of corporate taxes.

    Representative Office for company registration in Turkey

    The representative office is an office branch and serves as an additional part of the parent foreign company. The parent company of the foreign entity will be responsible for the official representative. The representative office is only able to carry out market research and other tasks to aid in the promotion of the foreign parent company’s activities. The representative office will not earn any profits.

    Free Zone Company registration in Turkey

    There is a way to form the Turkish Free Zone Company with ease. This kind of business has numerous benefits. This kind of entity permits capital to be returned to its home country.

    Turkey's Eligibility Criteria to Register a Company

    In order to register a company registration in Turkey the following requirements must be fulfilled:

    Minimum of capital

    The minimum capital requirement for a joint-stock company in Turkey. Non-Public Joint Stock Companies have the requirement for the capital of 100,000 TL. A capital of TL 10,000 is required for a limited company or a limited liability company

    Minnesota’s number of Shareholders

    It is important to note that a Joint Stock Company and a Limited Liability Company do not require a certain number of shareholders. The type of company may only be established by having at minimum one shareholder.

    Minimum Directors

    To register a company in Turkey there must be the director at the very least needs to be present. Turkey has no limit on the number of company registrations. The partner or manager would be competent to be the representative of this Limited Liability Company.

    Residency rules

    It is not a requirement to obtain company incorporation in Turkey. Only branches that meet specific needs need to be represented by an agent local to the branch.

    Benefits of Turkey Company Registration

    Here are a few benefits that registration of a business in Turkey provides:


    Turkey is a rapidly growing economy that welcomes innovations from around the world. It is in the top 30 in terms of protecting investors’ investment by entrepreneurs. According to research, Turkey is one of the countries that are most popular in business. The current GDP of Turkey of USD 649 million and it is growing at a steady pace.

    Turkish Free Trade Zone

    A Turkish investor can incorporate an organization inside Turkey’s Turkish free trade zone. This free zone provides numerous advantages to the incorporation of a business. An entity that is registered within a free zone will benefit from tax incentives and other rewards from the state. Investors can also return funds back to their home country via an arrangement called the Turkish Free Trade Zone.

    Customs Union

    Even though Turkey isn’t an EU member but it is part of the EU’s customs union. The customs union provides many exemptions to trade and tariffs that apply to Turkish products.

    Foreign Direct Investment

    Turkey is the country that has the most foreign investments coming from countries like the USA, India, and the UK in Western Asia. This indicates that the Turkish government has opened different areas to foreign investment.

    Easy to operate industry

    One director and one shareholder are able to form a business in Turkey. The minimum capital requirement in Turkey for the formation of a company can be EUR 3300. To incorporate a company investors do not need to reside located in Turkey. It is very easy to conduct business in Turkey because of all these reasons.


    Turkey is in the top 60 nations worldwide when it comes to business trips. In accordance with the Transparency Index, Turkey ranks among the top 70 countries for having the lowest level of corruption. The government isn’t required to interfere in the registration of businesses in Turkey.

    Applying for Business in Turkey

    Notarization is required for all documents necessary to register a Turkish company. These documents include 3 copies and an original of articles of association, 2 copy signature documents, 2 copy identification documents of firm managers and 3 copies a notification form for establishment. The certificate of registration must be submitted by the company. It will contain the tax number.

    Company Formation Cost In Turkey

    Turkey is a country where you first need to choose the type of company that you want.

    Turkey permits you to establish a company without having more than one shareholder (both LLCs and C-Corps).

    It is much easier to set up LLC than C-corp, because it is not necessary to transfer money to the bank.

    • Power of attorney for company shareholders using Sworn Translator
    • Competition Authority Share
    • Process for Trade Registry
    • Notary passport translation
    • Notary passport translation copy
    • Notary for Signature Circulars and Power of Attorney in Name of Company with Sworn Translator
    • Applying for Social Security and Tax office
    • Open a Bank Account for your company

    Total amount: 15000 L (1194712.50 Indian Rupee) excluding professional service fees.

    Turkey Rules and Regulations

    TCC is the main code that applies to companies. Additional legislation applies to companies that operate in regulated areas. Insurance companies and banks are governed by the Insurance Code. Regulation of companies is also controlled by principal decisions of related regulatory bodies.

    Business in Turkey for Foreigner

    An independent work permit can be granted to foreigners by the ministry labor and social security for those who are able to work on their own. This is provided they have been in Turkey legally and uninterruptedly for at least five year.

    A growing number of foreign investors seek out accounting firms in Turkey which offer value.

    Add-on service to help bridge language gaps and provide direction on the type of company they should set up based upon their business plan.

    Turkey Compliance for Company Registration

    These are the conditions to register your company in Turkey.

    Meeting of Shareholders

    It is required that shareholders’ meetings be scheduled within three months from the closing of the financial year.

    Extraordinary General Meeting

    If necessary the Shareholders will convene an additional general meeting.

    Board of Directors Meeting

    The Statutes of the business must be abided by during Board Meetings.

    Corporate Tax

    Tax returns have to be submitted by the Company in conjunction with the tax authorities that are appropriate. The tax rate for Turkish companies is 20%.

    Register your company

    Companies that have registered in Turkey must submit the annual registration of the first one.


    Investors have numerous reasons to consider Turkey as a place to establish a company. Turkey is situated between Europe and Asia. It is convenient for transportation due to its position. Even though Turkey isn’t a member of the European Union it still enjoys different types of tariff exemptions within it. European Union. Turkey has been a part of the customs union in the EU which lowers the cost of tariffs and customs placed on goods and services.

    If you still have any questions regarding Company Registration In Turkey. So we are Odint Consultancy. We are available here to answer your all queries.


    The minimum amount of capital needed to register your company for registration in Turkey is as the following:

    1. The Joint Stock Company in Turkey is the equivalent of 50,000 Turkish Liras (TL).
    2. However, the capital requirement for Non-Public Joint Stock Companies is TL 100,000.
    3. The minimum capital amount for a limited or restricted liability corporation is 10,000 TL.

    A minimum amount of shareholder needed for incorporation of a company for incorporation in Turkey can be one. There is no maximum limit to the number of shareholders of a company.

    The minimum number of directors for the Turkish Company can be one.

    The resident director isn’t legally required in Turkey.

    Yes, the funds can be returned to the country of origin. The Turkish government Turkey has made it easier to do so.

    Yes Foreign investment is permitted in Turkey. The Turkish Government has loosened foreign investment programs in Turkey.