How to Setup a Branch Office in Canada in 2024-25: Process & Benefits Explained

This article will explain the process to register a branch office in Canada, including the requirements, necessary paperwork, fees, and advantages of establishing a firm.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

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    Opening a Branch Office in Canada in 2024-25

    Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to extend your business or a multinational corporation seeking to establish a presence in Canada, setting up a branch office in Canada can be a subtle decision for companies looking to broaden their operations and take advantage of the many opportunities in the Canadian market.

    Canada’s strategic location provides businesses with access to the key markets in North America, Europe, and Asia, making it an attractive location for companies looking to promote their businesses globally.

    The nation’s stable and predictable business conditions offer entrepreneurs a low-risk and reliable environment for incorporating a business in Canada. However, it’s important to note that a branch office in Canada must comply with Canadian laws and regulations, including tax laws, labour laws, and business registration requirements.

    This article will provide an overview of the process of registering a branch office in Canada, including the requirements, documentation, and benefits of doing so.

    How to setup a branch office in Canada?

    Here is a step-by-step process for opening a branch office in Canada:

    Choose a name 

    Select a name for your branch office that complies with Canadian naming conventions and conduct a name search to ensure the name is available.

    Obtain a Business Number (BN) 

    Apply for a Business Number (BN) from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by completing Form RC1, “Request for a Business Number”.

    Register the branch office 

    Register the branch office with the appropriate provincial or territorial government. This may involve completing a registration form and paying a fee.

    Obtain any necessary licenses and permits 

    Determine which licenses and permits are required for your business and obtain them.

    Open a Canadian bank account

    Open a Canadian bank account for your branch office.

    Hire employees 

    Hire employees, if necessary, and ensure compliance with Canadian employment laws, including hiring procedures, minimum wage regulations, and benefits requirements.

    Documentation required to register a branch office in Canada

    The documentation required for registering a branch office in Canada can vary depending on the location and type of business. 

    However, some of the common documents required include:

    • Articles of Incorporation or equivalent documents from the parent company
    • Proof of business address
    • Business Name Search Report 
    • Proof of identity and authorization for representatives
    • A detailed plan outlining the business activities and operations
    • Financial statements from the parent company
    • Canadian Tax Forms, including the GST/HST registration form, T2 Corporation Income Tax Return, and T4 slips for employees.

    Eligibility for registering a branch office in Canada

    To be eligible for registering a branch office in Canada, a foreign parent company must meet the following criteria:

    • The foreign parent firm should be in good standing and possess a legal business license in its home country.
    • The foreign parent firm should possess a legitimate entity that is acknowledged in Canada, such as a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership.
    • The branch office should possess a valid corporation objective that is compatible with Canadian laws and regulations.
    • The branch office should possess the required monetary resources to support its operations in Canada.
    • The branch office should possess a designated representative in Canada who is entitled to act on its behalf.
    • The branch office should acknowledge all Canadian constitutions and legislation, involving tax laws, labour laws, and immigration laws.

    It’s important to note that the specific eligibility requirements for registering a branch office in Canada may vary depending on the type of business and location.

    Taxation of the branch office in Canada

    The taxation of a branch office in Canada depends on its structure and the type of business activities it conducts. 

    Some of the key tax considerations for opening a branch office in Canada include:

    • Income Tax: The branch office’s income is subject to Canadian corporate income tax, which is currently 15% for federal tax and varying rates for provincial tax.
    • Withholding Tax: The branch office may also be subject to Canadian withholding tax on payments made to non-residents around 10% – 15%. 
    • Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST): The branch office may be required to register for and collect GST/HST if it carries on business in Canada and its annual taxable supplies exceed CAD 30,000.
    • Payroll Taxes: The branch office must comply with Canadian payroll tax laws, including the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Employment Insurance (EI) programs.

    Cost to setup a branch office in Canada

    The cost to register a branch office in Canada can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of company, location, and complexity of the registration process.

    Some of the costs that may be incurred include:

    • Legal and accounting fees: Fees for legal and accounting services for assistance with company registration, including the filing of the articles of incorporation, preparing and filing required forms, and obtaining a Business Number from the Canada Revenue Agency.
    • Government fees: Government fees for company registration, such as the fee for filing articles of incorporation, and any other applicable government fees, such as the cost of registering for taxes.
    • Business name search: Fees for conducting a business name search to ensure that the proposed name is available for use.
    • Annual fees: Annual fees for maintaining the company, such as fees for filing annual reports, and paying annual fees for business registration.
    • Office space and equipment: Costs for setting up an office space, including rent, utilities, and office equipment.

    The estimated cost of registering a company in Canada can range from a few hundred to several thousand Canadian dollars, depending on the specific requirements and the services used.

    Read More: Company Registration Cost in Canada

    Advantages of registering a branch office in Canada

    • Canada is known for its multicultural society, making it an attractive location for companies looking to reach diverse customers or establish partnerships with companies from different countries.
    • Canada offers a range of tax incentives for businesses, including deductions for research and development, capital cost allowance, and tax credits for businesses operating in specific industries or regions.
    • Canada has a well-developed legal system that provides businesses with a predictable and efficient environment for resolving disputes.
    • Canada has abundant natural resources, including oil, gas, and minerals, making it an attractive location for companies in these industries.
    • Canada is known for its high quality of life, including access to quality healthcare, education, and a safe and secure environment, making it an attractive location for companies to locate employees.
    • Canada has a low cost of doing business compared to other developed countries, making it an attractive location for companies looking to reduce costs.
    • Canada has free trade agreements with many countries, providing businesses with access to new markets and reducing trade barriers.


    A branch office in Canada refers to a business located outside of the parent company’s main headquarters, which operates under the direction and control of the parent company. The purpose of a branch office is typically to expand the company’s reach and increase its presence in the local market. 

    However, it’s important to note that a branch office in Canada must comply with Canadian laws and regulations, including tax laws, labour laws, and business registration requirements.

    Registering a branch office in Canada could be an intimidating process, though it’s advised to acquire assistance from proficient experts from OnDemand International to show you the method to open a branch office in Canada.