Company Registration in Dubai Airport Free Zone in 2024-25: Complete Guide

In this article, you will know about company registration in Dubai Airport Free Zone in 2024-25. Read the complete article to know more about the process & benefits.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

    Table of Contents

    Are you an investor or an ambitious company owner searching for a prime place to establish your enterprise? You could be better off visiting the Dubai Airport Free Zone. Businesses of all sizes find company formation in the Dubai Airport Free Zone (DAFZA) to be an appealing option due to the abundance of options and advantages it provides. We will lead you through the process, requirements, categories of business entities, and many advantages of setting up a business in DAFZA in this in-depth guide.

    How to Form a Business in the Dubai Airport Free Zone?

    Establishing a business in DAFZA requires following a methodical procedure to guarantee both the legitimacy and prosperity of your enterprise. The following is a step-by-step tutorial to help you set up your business:

    Select Your Line of Business 

    Determining the nature of your company activity is the first stage. DAFZA permits a variety of operations, such as manufacturing, logistics, trade, and more.

    Choose Your Company’s Structure

    Select the legal entity type that is most appropriate for your business. DAFZA provides a range of choices, including branches of already-existing businesses, Free Zone Company (FZCO), and Free Zone Establishment (FZE).

    Send In Your Request 

    Compile and turn in the necessary paperwork, such as a business plan, copies of the directors’ and shareholders’ passports, and, if relevant, a no-objection certificate (NOC) from your present sponsor.

    Authorization and Licencing 

    You will obtain your business license and be able to do lawful business inside DAFZA once your application has been examined and accepted.

    Processing visas and office space 

    Select a DAFZA office space, then apply for both your employees and your employment visas. DAFZA provides contemporary office spaces to suit your particular business needs.

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    Requirements to Start a Business in the Dubai Airport Free Zone

    You must fulfil the following conditions to guarantee a seamless business creation process in DAFZA:

    • Shared Funding: There isn’t a minimum share capital requirement, but you still need to have enough money to fund your operations and pay your debts.
    • Plan of Business: Your application requires a well-written business plan that outlines the goals and tactics of your organisation.
    • Officers and Stockholders: A minimum of one director and one shareholder are needed to start a company in DAFZA. They can both be the same person.
    • Certificate of No-Objection (NOC): To open a business in DAFZA if you are presently employed in the UAE, you will require a letter of authorization (NOC) from your existing sponsor.

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    Types of Business Entities in the Dubai Airport Free Zone

    To fulfil a variety of needs and preferences, DAFZA offers the following types of corporate entities:

    • Free Zone Company (FZCO): With a minimum of two and a maximum of five shareholders, FZCO is a separate legal entity. Companies or people may be shareholders.
    • Free Zone Establishment (FZE): FZE is a firm with just one shareholder, who may be a person or a business. The solitary shareholder has complete power with this option.
    • Branch Office of an Established Business: You can open a branch in DAFZA if your firm is already located outside of the United Arab Emirates. The branch continues to function as an arm of the main business and uses its name.

    Advantages of Company Formation in the Dubai Airport Free Zone

    After discussing the process, prerequisites, and different kinds of business entities, let’s look more closely at the alluring advantages of establishing your business in DAFZA:

    • Completely foreign ownership: The fact that DAFZA permits 100% foreign ownership and does away with the requirement for a local sponsor or partner is one of its biggest benefits.
    • Tax Benefits: Complete tax exemptions, such as 0% corporate tax and no import or export taxes, are available to businesses in DAFZA.
    • Strategic Point: Strategically situated close to Dubai International Airport, DAFZA offers quick access to international markets. It’s perfect for companies in these industries since it’s a hub for commerce and logistics.
    • Superior Infrastructure: Modern office spaces, warehouses, and logistics services are just a few of the cutting-edge amenities and first-rate infrastructure that DAFZA has to offer.
    • Services for Business Support: To aid in streamlining your company’s operations, DAFZA offers a variety of support services, such as administrative support, visa processing, and customs clearance.
    • Getting into a Successful Business Ecosystem: Joining DAFZA provides you with access to a dynamic business environment that offers cooperation, partnerships, and networking possibilities.
    • Doing Business Is Easy: DAFZA’s business-friendly atmosphere makes it easier to establish and run a business, freeing you up to concentrate on the expansion of your enterprise.


    Company formation in the Dubai Airport Free Zone is a desirable option for business owners and investors who want to launch a profitable enterprise in a prime location. DAFZA is a top alternative for anyone looking for a business-friendly environment in the heart of the United Arab Emirates because of its fast approach, flexible company entity options, and other incentives.

    Our area of expertise at OnDemand International is helping companies establish companies in the Dubai Airport Free Zone. Our knowledgeable staff can support you through every step of the procedure, guaranteeing a hassle-free experience and assisting you in taking advantage of all that DAFZA has to offer. Contact us now to begin your business venture in DAFZA.