How to Start Your Construction Business in Singapore?

Want to start a construction business in Singapore? This guide will cover the procedure to start your construction business in Singapore in 2024-25. Speak with out experts to register your business in Singapore today.


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    start construction business in singapore

    Over the years, Singapore’s construction industry has witnessed consistent growth. The government has made substantial investments in infrastructure development, encompassing the construction of residential and commercial buildings, transportation networks, and public amenities. This ongoing investment ensures a constant demand for construction services, guaranteeing a steady flow of projects for construction businesses.

    Starting a construction business in Singapore presents an exhilarating prospect for ambitious entrepreneurs in the field. With a flourishing economy, robust infrastructure, and an escalating need for construction projects, Singapore provides a conducive setting for construction enterprises to thrive. In this blog, we will delve into the diverse factors that make starting a construction business in Singapore a profitable endeavor.

    Is Construction Business in Singapore Profitable?

    The construction business in Singapore presents lucrative opportunities for profitability due to the country’s robust economy and ongoing investments in infrastructure development. In this section, we will examine the factors that contribute to the profitability of construction businesses in Singapore.

    Singapore’s thriving economy drives the demand for construction projects. The government’s unwavering commitment to creating a sustainable and dynamic city-state fuels continuous investments in infrastructure, residential, and commercial ventures. Consequently, construction businesses can access a consistent stream of projects, ensuring a steady flow of revenue.

    Singapore’s renowned reputation for delivering high-quality and reliable construction services attracts clients from both the public and private sectors. The country has implemented stringent regulations and standards to ensure that construction projects are executed with the utmost quality and safety. By consistently delivering projects that meet or surpass these standards, construction businesses can establish a solid reputation and attract repeat clients and referrals.

    How to Start a Construction Business in Singapore?

    Starting a construction business in Singapore requires careful planning and compliance with regulatory requirements. In this section, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of setting up your construction business in Singapore.

    • Business Registration: To begin, you must complete the registration of your business with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). Depending on the structure and needs of your business, you have the option to register as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or private limited company. It is crucial to select the correct industry code for construction-related activities when going through the registration procedure.
    • Licenses and Permits: Construction companies in Singapore require business licenses and permits. An essential license is the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) Contractor License, which is important for construction businesses engaged in specific project types. Depending on the nature of the projects, additional permits like the Construction Work Permit and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Permit may also be required.
    • Insurance Coverage: It is imperative to guarantee sufficient insurance coverage for your construction enterprise. Take into account acquiring policies like public liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance. These policies safeguard your business against potential liabilities and offer financial stability in case of accidents or unexpected situations.
    • Human Resources: The prosperity of your construction enterprise must establish a capable and proficient workforce. Singapore enforces stringent regulations about the hiring of foreign laborers. Acquaint yourself with the labor policies and prerequisites for work permits to guarantee adherence. Furthermore, allocate resources towards training and development initiatives to enhance the skills of your staff and boost their efficiency
    • Financial Management: Effective financial management is vital for the sustainability of your construction business. Set up a robust accounting system to track your income, expenses, and cash flow. Establish relationships with banks and financial institutions to secure funding for your projects and explore investment opportunities. Engage the services of a qualified accountant to ensure compliance with tax regulations and financial reporting standards.

    What are the requirements to register a Construction Business in Singapore?

    To establish a construction business in Singapore, it is essential to meet several prerequisites. Within this segment, we shall delineate the fundamental criteria that must be satisfied to commence your construction enterprise.

    • Company Name: Select an exclusive and appropriate name for your construction company. Make sure that the name does not violate any trademarks or existing business names. You can verify the availability of your chosen name on ACRA’s website or seek assistance from a professional firm to help you with the name reservation procedure.
    • Registered Address: Every company in Singapore must have a registered office address where official correspondence can be sent. The address must be a physical location and not a P.O. Box. You can choose to use your office address, rent a virtual office, or engage the services of a registered filing agent to provide a registered address.
    • Shareholders and Directors: At least one shareholder and one director are required to incorporate a company in Singapore. The shareholder can be an individual or a corporate entity, while the director must be a resident of Singapore. It is advisable to engage a professional firm or corporate secretary to ensure compliance with corporate governance requirements.
    • Paid-Up Capital: Singapore does not impose a minimum paid-up capital requirement for most industries, including construction. However, it is advisable to have sufficient capital to support your initial operations and fulfill financial obligations such as rental deposits and equipment purchases.
    • Business Activities: Clearly define the scope of your construction business activities when registering with ACRA. This ensures that your business is classified correctly and eligible for the necessary licenses and permits. Provide a detailed description of the construction services you intend to offer, such as residential construction, commercial building, or infrastructure development.

    How much does it cost to register a Construction Business in Singapore?

    The cost of registering a construction business in Singapore can vary based on various factors. These factors include the type of license required, such as the General Builders License. For construction works valued at over S$250,000, companies need to obtain this license. The application fee for Category 1, which covers construction works exceeding S$250,000 but not exceeding S$5 million, is S$1,800. On the other hand, Category 2, which includes construction works exceeding S$5 million, has an application fee of S$1,200.

    Additionally, businesses need to register with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and pay an annual license fee of S$300.

    Furthermore, there are fees associated with registering as a private limited company. The registration fee for a private limited company is S$1,500, and there is also a minimum paid-up capital requirement of S$1.


    Starting a construction business in Singapore has the potential to be a highly profitable endeavor, thanks to the nation’s strong economy, favorable business climate, and ongoing investments in infrastructure development. By familiarizing themselves with the necessary prerequisites, adhering to the required procedures, and capitalizing on the available prospects, aspiring entrepreneurs can establish and expand successful construction enterprises in Singapore. Therefore, if you possess a passion for construction and seek a lucrative business opportunity, it is advisable to commence your construction business in Singapore without delay.

    Waste no time! Seize the opportunity to launch your construction business in Singapore and begin turning your aspirations into reality today. Speak with OnDemand International experts today.