How to Start a Logistics Business in Singapore?

Read the complete article regarding how to start a logistics business in Singapore in 2024-25 with OnDemand International.


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    start a logistics business in singapore

    Singapore has become a prominent international logistics center, drawing in companies from all corners of the globe. With its advantageous geographical position, top-notch infrastructure, and business-conducive atmosphere, Singapore presents exceptional prospects for entrepreneurs aiming to establish a logistics enterprise.

    This article will provide comprehensive guidance on incorporating your logistics business in Singapore, elucidate the advantages of the transportation industry in the nation, outline the requirements for setting up your business, and highlight the essential documents necessary for registration.

    How to Start Your Logistics Business in Singapore?

    Market Research and Business Plan

    Conduct thorough market research to identify the demand for logistics services in Singapore. Analyze the competition, target market, and potential growth opportunities. Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your objectives, strategies, financial projections, and operational processes.

    Choose the Right Business Structure

    Select the most suitable legal entity for your logistics business. Common options in Singapore include sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership (LLP), and private limited company.

    Register Your Business

    Register your logistics business with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore. Submit the necessary documents, such as the company name, description of business activities, details of shareholders and directors, and registered address. Pay the registration fees and obtain the Certificate of Incorporation.

    Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

    Depending on the nature of your logistics business, you may need to obtain additional licenses or permits. For example, if you plan to operate a freight forwarding company, you will need a Freight Forwarding License from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. 

    Set Up a Business Bank Account

    Open a business bank account in Singapore to manage your finances. Choose a reputable bank that offers suitable services for your logistics business. Ensure that you have all the required documents, such as the Certificate of Incorporation, identification documents, and proof of address, to open the account.

    Benefits of Transportation Business in Singapore

    Incorporating a logistics business in Singapore offers several advantages:

    1. Strategic Location: Singapore’s strategic location in the heart of Southeast Asia provides easy access to regional markets and international trade routes. It serves as a gateway for businesses looking to expand their presence in Asia.
    2. World-Class Infrastructure: Singapore boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, including modern seaports, airports, and intermodal transportation systems. This infrastructure enables efficient movement of goods and ensures timely deliveries.
    3. Business-Friendly Environment: Singapore is known for its pro-business policies, low taxes, and transparent regulations. The government provides various incentives and grants to support the logistics industry, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs.
    4. Strong Economy: Singapore has a robust and resilient economy, offering a stable business environment. The country’s well-developed financial sector and access to capital make it easier for logistics businesses to secure funding for expansion.
    5. Talented Workforce: Singapore has a highly skilled and educated workforce. The country focuses on developing talent in the logistics sector through vocational training programs and partnerships with educational institutions, ensuring a pool of competent professionals.

    Requirements to Setup a Logistics Business in Singapore

    To set up a logistics business in Singapore, you need to fulfill certain requirements:

    1. Company Name: Choose a unique and meaningful name for your logistics business. Ensure that the name complies with ACRA’s guidelines and does not infringe on any trademarks.
    2. Registered Address: Provide a local address as the registered address for your logistics business. This address will be used for official correspondence and must be a physical location in Singapore.
    3. Shareholders and Directors: Identify the shareholders and directors of your company. At least one director must be a resident of Singapore. Shareholders can be individuals or corporate entities.
    4. Paid-Up Capital: Determine the amount of paid-up capital for your logistics business. While there is no minimum requirement, it is advisable to have sufficient capital to support your operations and meet regulatory obligations.
    5. Business Activities: Clearly define the scope of your logistics business activities. This information will be included in your company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.

    Documents Required to Register Your Logistics Business in Singapore

    When registering your logistics business in Singapore, you will need the following documents:

    1. Memorandum and Articles of Association: These documents outline the company’s constitution, including its name, registered address, objectives, and rules for internal governance.
    2. Identification Documents: Provide identification documents, such as passports, for all shareholders and directors. If any of the individuals are Singapore residents, their NRIC (National Registration Identity Card) should be submitted.
    3. Proof of Address: Submit proof of address for the registered address and the residential addresses of shareholders and directors. Acceptable documents include utility bills, bank statements, and tenancy agreements.
    4. Certificate of Incorporation: Once your logistics business is successfully registered, you will receive the Certificate of Incorporation from ACRA. This certificate is proof that your business is a legal entity in Singapore.


    If you’re eager to embark on the journey of starting a logistics business in Singapore, it’s crucial to approach it with meticulous planning, adherence to regulations, and a comprehensive grasp of the industry. By diligently following the steps provided in this article and capitalizing on the advantages of operating in Singapore, you can position your logistics business for triumph in this vibrant and ever-growing sector.

    Don’t miss out on the chance to tap into the immense potential of this dynamic market. Reach out to us today for professional guidance and unwavering support in establishing your logistics venture.