
Trade Name Registration in Dubai, UAE: Complete Guide

Through this article, we will be discussing the procedure for trade name registration in Dubai. Furthermore, we would be covering the reasons to register a trade name in Dubai, UAE. Get in touch with our company formation specialists to register your business in the UAE quickly and easily.


    Note:This form is not for job seekers or salary employees.

    *Not valid for Local Residents/Companies.

    Table of Contents

    trade name registration in dubai


    Dubai, a thriving city in the United Arab Emirates, is a global hub for investors and businesspeople. Due to its advantageous location, pleasant business climate, and strong infrastructure, Dubai provides unmatched business prospects for individuals looking to start and expand their enterprises. However, before setting up a business in Dubai, one crucial step stands between you and your entrepreneurial dreams – trade name registration.

    Why Register a Trade Name in Dubai?

    In addition to being required by law, registering a trade name in Dubai is a wise strategic choice that provides many advantages for business owners:

    • Legal Protection: You can avoid infringement and preserve the uniqueness of your brand identity by registering your trade name.
    • Building Credibility and Trust: Suppliers, investors, and customers will regard your brand more favourably if it has a registered trade name, which enhances its standing in the marketplace.
    • Access to Government Services: A variety of government incentives and services, such as support programs, permits, and visas, are available to registered enterprises.
    • Encourages Business Expansion: A registered trade name opens doors for domestic and international business expansion by enhancing your company’s market presence and visibility.

    Who Can Register a Trade Name in Dubai?

    Any entity, local or foreign, with the intention of conducting legal business activities within Dubai can register a trade name.

    This includes:

    • Individuals planning to set up a sole proprietorship.
    • Corporations looking to set up a branch in Dubai.
    • Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) wishing to operate within the Emirate.

    Procedure of Trade Name Registration in Dubai

    The Department of Economic Development (DED) governs trade name registration in Dubai.

    The process is designed to be efficient and straightforward:

    Trade Name Selection

    Pick a distinctive and pertinent commercial name that accurately describes the nature of your company.

    Availability Check

    Conduct a trade name availability check through the DED website or approved online platforms.

    Application Submission 

    Submit a completed trade name reservation form along with the required documents (explained in detail below) to the DED. This can be done online, through an approved service provider, or in person at a DED service centre.

    Initial Approval

    After reviewing your application, the DED will let you know if it has been approved in the first three working days.

    Newspaper Advertisement 

    Upon approval, you are required to publish an advertisement announcing your trade name reservation in two Arabic-language newspapers.

    Objection Period 

    A 30-day window is granted for any potential objections to be raised regarding your chosen trade name.

    Registration and Issuance of Certificate 

    If no objections are received within the stipulated period, you can proceed with registration by paying the requisite fees. The DED will then issue your official trade name certificate.

    Documents Required for Trade Name Registration in Dubai

    The paperwork needed to register a trade name can differ based on the jurisdiction and kind of business entity.

    However, common documents include:

    • Passport copies of the business owners or shareholders.
    • Proposed trade name reservation application.
    • Memorandum of Association (MOA) for LLCs.
    • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from relevant authorities for specific business activities.

    What Kinds of Trade Names Are Not Approved by the DED?

    While Dubai encourages business growth and innovation, certain trade names are not approved by the Department of Economic Development (DED).

    These include:

    1. Trade Names Identical or Similar to Existing Names: Trade names that are the same as or similar to already-existing names: The name you select must be unique from already-registered trademarks or well-known brands.
    2. Deceptive or Offensive Names: Names that mislead consumers or are deemed offensive to public morals will be rejected.
    3. Geographical Indications: Unless you have authorization, using geographical locations within the UAE for your trade name is not permitted.
    4. Governmental or Religious References: It is forbidden to use names that imply support for the government or a particular religion.

    How to Select the Right Trade Name in Dubai?

    Selecting the right trade name is critical for your business success in Dubai.

    To assist you in making an informed decision, consider the following advice:

    • Research and Analysis: Make sure the trade name you’ve selected is original and not currently being used by someone else by doing extensive research.
    • Reflect Your Business: Select a trade name that appropriately captures your company’s mission, core principles, and goals.
    • Consider Cultural Sensitivities: Take into account cultural sensitivities and avoid trade names that may be misinterpreted or offensive in the local context.
    • Check Availability: Use online databases or consult with experts from OnDemand International to verify the availability of your chosen trade name.

    Timelines and Processing Duration for Trade Name Registration in Dubai

    Trade name registration in Dubai usually takes a few days to a few weeks to process, depending on a number of variables including the authorities’ workload, the accuracy of the documentation, and the nature of the company entity. 

    Common Mistakes to Avoid While Registering a Trade Name in Dubai

    Here are some common pitfalls to steer clear of during the trade name registration process:

    1. Rushing the Name Selection Process: Make sure your selected name is genuinely distinctive and accurately represents your business identity by taking your time to brainstorm and perform extensive research.
    2. Neglecting the Availability Check: If your preferred name is already registered, skipping this important step could cause delays and irritation.
    3. Incomplete Documentation: To avoid delays or application rejection, be sure that all necessary documents are correctly produced and delivered.
    4. Ignoring Deadlines: In order to prevent needless hassles, pay special attention to the dates for submitting applications, placing ads in newspapers, and paying registration costs.
    5. Ignoring Objection Periods: Throughout the 30-day period, keep an eye out on the DED website for any possible objections, and respond to them as soon as possible.
    6. Failing to Renew Your Registration: A lapse in registration can expose your brand to risk and force you to go through the registration process all over again.


    Trade name registration in Dubai is not just a legal formality; it’s a strategic investment in your business future. By registering your trade name, safeguard your brand identification, gain the confidence of key stakeholders, and unlock a world of opportunities for growth and expansion. 

    At OnDemand International, we understand the intricacies of business registration in Dubai, and our team of experts is here to assist you every step of the way. Get in touch with our knowledgeable staff right now to talk about your company objectives and discover the amazing opportunities Dubai, United Arab Emirates, has to offer.


    Even though it’s not required, registering a trade name has a lot of benefits for future business growth, consumer trust, and brand protection.

    Yes, trade name reservations made online via the DED’s website or other authorized online platforms are permitted.

    During the 30-day objection period, you will be notified of any objections raised. You can then address the concerns or choose an alternative name.

    A Dubai trade name registration is specific to the Emirate. You might need to think about international trademark registration processes if you want more comprehensive brand protection.