How to Build a Business Credit in Canada in 2024-25? | Complete Guide

This article is about how to build a strong business credit in Canada. Read the complete article to know more.


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    What do you mean by Business Credit in Canada?

    Building good business credit in Canada is essential for the success and growth of any business. It allows you to access funds, establish credibility, and secure favourable terms for loans and financing. Business credit is a measure of your company’s ability to repay debts and fulfil financial obligations. It is separate from personal credit and is based on the financial history and performance of your business.

    To start building business credit in Canada, you need to establish a separate legal entity for your business, such as a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC). This separation ensures that your credit and finances are distinct from your business credit. Once you have a legal entity, you can apply for an employer identification number (EIN) from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). This EIN will be used to identify your business for credit purposes.

    Next, open a business bank account in the name of your company. This account will be used for all business transactions and will help establish your business’s financial history. Make sure to pay all your bills and expenses through this account to demonstrate your business’s financial responsibility.

    Another crucial step in building business credit is to establish trade credit with suppliers and vendors. Start by choosing suppliers who report payment history to credit bureaus. Make purchases from them and ensure timely payments. This will help build a positive credit history for your business.

    What are the steps to build a strong business credit profile in Canada?

    Building good business credit in Canada requires consistent financial responsibility and strategic planning. Here are some steps to help you establish and improve your business credit:

    • Pay bills on time: Timely payments are crucial for maintaining good credit. Pay your bills, loans, and credit card obligations promptly to demonstrate your business’s financial reliability.
    • Monitor your credit report: Regularly check your business credit report to ensure its accuracy. Any errors or discrepancies should be addressed promptly to avoid negative impacts on your credit rating.
    • Manage your debt-to-credit ratio: Keep your debt levels in check and avoid maxing out your credit limits. High credit utilization can negatively impact your credit score. Aim to keep your debt-to-credit ratio below 30%.
    • Establish a diverse credit portfolio: Having a mix of different types of credit, such as trade credit, business loans, and lines of credit, can demonstrate your ability to handle various financial obligations. This diversity can positively impact your creditworthiness.
    • Build relationships with lenders: Establishing relationships with lenders can be beneficial when seeking business financing. Regularly communicate with your lenders, provide them with updated financial information, and show your commitment to meeting your financial obligations.

    Steps to successfully obtain a business loan approval in Canada

    Securing a business loan in Canada requires careful preparation and understanding of the lender’s requirements. Here are some steps to increase your chances of getting approved for a business loan:

    • Prepare a comprehensive business plan: A well-structured and detailed business plan showcases your business’s potential and demonstrates your understanding of the market. Include financial projections, marketing strategies, and a repayment plan in your business plan.
    • Gather necessary documents: Lenders will require specific documents to assess your creditworthiness. These may include financial statements, tax returns, bank statements, and legal documents related to your business. Ensure all these documents are up to date and organized.
    • Improve your credit score: A good credit score increases your chances of loan approval and favourable terms. Prioritize improving your credit score by paying bills on time, reducing debt, and resolving any outstanding issues on your credit report.
    • Explore different financing options: Canada offers a range of financing options for small businesses, including government-backed loans, traditional bank loans, and alternative lenders. Research and compare these options to find the one that best suits your business’s needs.
    • Present your business’s strengths: Highlight the unique selling points and competitive advantages of your business. Show lenders why your business is a worthy investment and how you plan to use the loan to achieve growth and success.

    How to score business credit in Canada?

    There are two primary credit bureaus in Canada, namely Equifax and TransUnion, responsible for calculating business credit scores. Although their scoring methods may differ slightly, they generally fall within the range of 0 to 100. A credit score of 80 or higher is considered favourable. The calculation of this score takes into account several factors, including the following:

    • Payment history: This refers to your business’s track record of making timely payments on its debts.
    • Credit utilization: It measures the proportion of credit you are currently utilizing compared to your total credit limit.
    • Length of credit history: The longer your business has been established and actively using credit, the more positively it impacts your score.
    • Business type and size: Different industries and sizes of businesses have varying risk profiles, which can influence your credit score.
    • Public records: Any instances of bankruptcies, liens, or judgments against your business can harm your credit score.

    In Canada, where can entrepreneurs find sources of business funding?

    Finding the right source of business funding in Canada can be challenging, but several options are available:

    • Traditional Banks: Canadian banks offer business loans and lines of credit to established businesses with a solid credit history. Visit your local bank branch and discuss your financing needs with a business banking representative.
    • Government Programs: The Canadian government provides various funding programs and grants to support small businesses. Explore programs offered by the Canada Small Business Financing Program, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, and other government agencies.
    • Alternative Lenders: If you have difficulty obtaining financing from traditional sources, consider alternative lenders. These lenders often have more flexible requirements and may offer loans based on factors beyond your credit score, such as your business’s cash flow and potential.
    • Online Lenders: Online lenders have gained popularity in recent years due to their convenience and quick approval processes. Platforms like FundThrough, Thinking Capital, and OnDeck offer business loans and lines of credit with streamlined application processes and fast funding.
    • Crowdfunding and Venture Capital: For startups and innovative businesses, crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo can be an effective way to raise funds. Additionally, venture capital firms invest in high-potential businesses in exchange for equity.


    Building good business credit and securing business funding in Canada requires careful planning, financial responsibility, and a proactive approach. Establishing a separate legal entity, paying bills on time, and diversifying your credit portfolio are essential for building business credit. To get approved for a business loan, prepare a comprehensive business plan, gather necessary documents, and improve your credit score. Explore traditional banks, government programs, alternative lenders, online lenders, and crowdfunding options to find the right source of business funding. By following these steps, you can increase your chances of obtaining business funding and set your business up for long-term success.

    Contact OnDemand International for more information.