
Limited Partnership in Ontario: Benefits & Steps

This guide navigates the process, advantages, and key aspects involved in setting up a Limited Partnership in Ontario. From registration to essential information, it provides a comprehensive understanding for potential business owners.


    Note:This form is not for job seekers or salary employees.

    *Not valid for Local Residents/Companies.

    Table of Contents

    limited partnership in ontario

    Establishing a Limited Partnership in Ontario

    Venturing into business through a Limited Partnership (LP) in Ontario offers a versatile structure for entrepreneurs. This guide navigates the process, benefits, and key aspects involved in setting up an Ontario Limited Partnership. From registration to essential information, it provides a comprehensive understanding for potential business owners.

    Understanding Limited Partnerships in Ontario

    A Limited Partnership in Ontario is an organization that consists of one or more general partners who oversee operations and one or more limited partners who provide capital but have limited liability. This flexible structure allows for a division of responsibilities and liabilities among partners.

    Benefits of Setting Up a Limited Partnership in Ontario

    • Limited Liability for Limited Partners: One of the significant advantages of an Ontario Limited Partnership is that limited partners aren’t individually accountable for any debts or liabilities of the partnership exceeding their capital investment.
    • Flexibility in Management: General partners hold decision-making authority and operational control, while limited partners contribute financially without direct involvement in daily operations.
    • Tax Advantages: Ontario Limited Partnerships provide pass-through taxation, meaning the partnership itself isn’t taxed; instead, gains and losses are carried over to each partner’s individual tax return.

    Key Steps to Register an Ontario Limited Partnership

    To set up a Limited Partnership in Ontario, begin by conducting a NUANS search to ensure your chosen business name is available. Once the name is secured, complete Form 4 – Initial Registration of a Limited Partnership, providing details about the partnership, its partners, and the registered address. Submit this form along with the requisite fee to the Ontario government.

    Here is the step-by-step guide for registering a limited partnership in Ontario:

    Choose a Business Name 

    Select a unique name that complies with Ontario’s naming guidelines and reflects the nature of your business. Ensure it’s distinguishable from existing businesses.

    File the Registration Forms 

    Prepare and file the required documents with the Ontario government. This involves completing Form 4 – Initial Registration of a Limited Partnership and submitting it along with the prescribed fee.

    Appoint a Registered Agent 

    A registered agent or service address is mandatory for the Limited Partnership in Ontario. This address serves as the official contact for legal communications.

    Create a Partnership Agreement

    Create a partnership agreement that describes the partners’ roles, duties, profit-sharing arrangement, and decision-making process. This document isn’t required to be filed but is crucial for internal governance.

    Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses

    To lawfully operate in Ontario, you could require certain licenses or permissions, depending on the type of business you run.


    Establishing a Limited Partnership in Ontario is a strategic choice for entrepreneurs seeking liability protection, tax advantages, and flexible management structures. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or a newcomer to the entrepreneurial landscape, setting up an Ontario Limited Partnership offers a versatile platform for growth and success. By following the registration process and leveraging the support of entities like OnDemand International, entrepreneurs can navigate the complexities and establish their businesses efficiently in the province.


    General partners have unlimited liability and control over operations, while limited partners have limited liability and a passive role in management.

    Yes, a Limited Partnership in Ontario can use a trade name, provided it’s registered and not already in use.

    No, an Ontario Limited Partnership can be formed with just one general partner and one limited partner.

    Ontario Limited Partnerships must file an annual declaration with the province and are also required to update any changes in partners or addresses.

    Yes, having a dedicated business bank account for an Ontario Limited Partnership is advisable to maintain clear financial records and separation from personal finances.