Opening a Subsidiary Office in Canada in 2024-25: Procedure & Requirements

In this article, you will learn about opening a subsidiary office in Canada in 2024-25. Read the complete article to know more about process, requirements, benefits and more. Contact OnDemand International for subsidiary setup in Canada.


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    International expansion can be a crucial step toward growth and success. Canada is an ideal alternative for establishing a subsidiary office due to its solid economy and favourable business climate. Starting a subsidiary office in Canada, on the other hand, necessitates careful planning and adherence to legal regulations. In this guide, we will explain how to start a subsidiary office in Canada, Its benefits, legal requirements, and required documents and How OnDemand International helps you in the smooth incorporation process.

    How to Open a Subsidiary Office in Canada?

    • Choose a Business Structure:Selecting the appropriate legal structure for your subsidiary office is crucial. The most common options in Canada are incorporating a federal corporation or registering a provincial corporation. Each structure has its advantages and implications, so consult with OnDemand International experts to make an informed decision.
    • Register Your Business: To operate legally in Canada, you must register your subsidiary office with Canada Revenue Agency. This typically involves completing the necessary forms, providing essential information about your business, and paying the registration fee. The process may vary depending on the province or territory where you plan to establish your office.
    • Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses: Certain industries in Canada require specific permits and licenses to operate. Research the regulations that apply to your business and ensure that you obtain all the necessary authorizations. This may involve meeting specific criteria, submitting applications, and undergoing inspections.
    • Open a Bank Account: To facilitate financial transactions, it is essential to open a bank account for your subsidiary office. Choose a reputable bank that offers services tailored to the needs of businesses operating in Canada. Provide the required documentation, such as proof of registration and identification, to open the account smoothly.
    • Hire Employees and Establish Infrastructure: Building a capable team is vital for the success of your subsidiary office. Advertise job positions, conduct interviews, and select qualified candidates who align with your business goals. Additionally, secure office space, set up necessary equipment, and establish communication systems to create a functional and productive work environment.

    Required Documents to Register a Subsidiary Office in Canada

    Registering a subsidiary office in Canada involves submitting various documents to comply with legal requirements. The specific documents you need may vary depending on the province or territory where you plan to establish your office. However, some common documents are typically required. Here are the essential documents you should prepare:

    • Certificate of Incorporation: If you choose to incorporate a federal corporation, you will need a certificate of incorporation issued by the federal government. This document confirms that your subsidiary office is legally incorporated and recognized as a separate entity.
    • Articles of Incorporation: The articles of incorporation outline the basic details of your subsidiary office, including its name, address, purpose, and share structure. These articles need to be filed with the appropriate government authority as part of the registration process.
    • NUANS Report: A NUANS report is a crucial document that verifies the availability of your chosen business name. This report shows if there are any existing businesses with similar names. It is necessary to ensure that your subsidiary office’s name is unique and distinguishable from other entities.
    • Proof of Identity and Address: You will need to provide proof of identity and address for the individuals associated with the subsidiary office. This may include copies of passports, driver’s licenses, and utility bills. The specific requirements may vary, so check with the relevant authorities for acceptable documents.
    • Shareholder and Director Information: If your subsidiary office has multiple shareholders or directors, you will need to provide their information, including names, addresses, and citizenship. This information helps establish the ownership and management structure of your business.

    Requirements to Start a Subsidiary Office in Canada

    Starting a subsidiary office in Canada comes with certain requirements that must be met to ensure compliance with the law. These requirements may vary depending on the province or territory where you plan to establish your office. Here are some common requirements you should consider:

    • Business Name Registration: Before you can register your subsidiary office, you need to choose a unique and distinguishable business name. This name should comply with the regulations set by the relevant government authority. Conduct a thorough search to ensure that your chosen name is available.
    • Business Permits and Licenses: Certain industries in Canada require specific permits and licenses to operate legally. Research the permits and licenses relevant to your business and ensure that you obtain them before commencing operations. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in penalties and legal complications.
    • Financial Obligations: As a business owner, you are responsible for fulfilling various financial obligations. These include paying taxes, maintaining accurate financial records, and complying with accounting standards. Familiarize yourself with the tax laws and regulations applicable to your business to avoid any issues.
    • Employment Laws: When hiring employees for your subsidiary office, you must comply with Canadian employment laws. Familiarize yourself with the regulations regarding minimum wage, working hours, vacation entitlement, and other employment standards. This ensures that you create a fair and compliant work environment.
    • Compliance with Regulatory Agencies: Depending on the nature of your business, there may be additional regulatory agencies that you need to comply with. For example, if you operate in the healthcare or food industry, you may need to meet specific health and safety standards. Identify the relevant regulatory bodies and ensure that you meet their requirements.

    Benefits of Opening a Subsidiary Office in Canada

    Opening a subsidiary office in Canada offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to expand their global presence. Here are some advantages of establishing a subsidiary office in Canada:

    • Access to a Stable Economy: Canada is known for its stable and resilient economy. By opening a subsidiary office, you can tap into the country’s economic growth and stability. The Canadian market offers ample opportunities for businesses to thrive and expand.
    • Proximity to the United States: Canada’s proximity to the United States provides businesses with a strategic advantage. It allows for easier access to the large American market, enabling businesses to cater to a broader customer base.
    • Skilled Workforce: Canada boasts a highly educated and skilled workforce. By establishing a subsidiary office, you can leverage this talent pool to enhance the productivity and innovation of your business. The availability of skilled professionals across various industries makes Canada an attractive destination for foreign businesses.
    • Business-Friendly Environment: Canada offers a business-friendly environment with favourable regulations and policies. The country promotes entrepreneurship and provides various incentives and support programs for businesses. This encourages investment and facilitates the growth of subsidiary offices.
    • Access to International Markets: By setting up a subsidiary office in Canada, you gain access to international markets through the country’s numerous free trade agreements. These agreements provide businesses with preferential access to global markets, making it easier to expand your reach beyond Canada.


    Opening a subsidiary office in Canada can be a rewarding endeavour for businesses seeking to expand internationally. By carefully following the required steps, preparing the necessary documents, and fulfilling the legal requirements, you can establish a successful presence in the Canadian market. The benefits of operating a subsidiary office in Canada, such as access to a stable economy, a skilled workforce, and a business-friendly environment, make it an attractive destination for global businesses. So, if you are considering expanding your business internationally, Canada should be at the top of your list. You can consult with OnDemand International if you have any queries regarding the subsidiary office setup.