
Business Activity Statements

The Business Activity Statement (BAS) is a tax reporting requirement for businesses in Australia. It's used by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to collect information about the taxes a business owes


    Note:This form is not for job seekers or salary employees.

    *Not valid for Local Residents/Companies.

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    business activity statements

    Australia’s tax system is designed to support businesses and ensure they contribute their fair share to the nation’s economy. One of the key components of this system is the Business Activity Statement (BAS). If you’re a business owner or considering starting a business in Australia, understanding the BAS is crucial. In this article, we’ll delve into what the BAS is, why it’s essential, and how to navigate it effectively.

    What is a Business Activity Statement (BAS)?

    The Business Activity Statement (BAS) is a tax reporting requirement for businesses in Australia. It’s used by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to collect information about the taxes a business owes. This can include payments for GST, Pay As You Go (PAYG), PAYG income tax, and other taxes that need to be paid.

    Why is the BAS Important in Australia?

    The BAS serves multiple purposes:

    • Tax Collection: It allows the ATO to collect the necessary tax amounts from businesses.
    • Business Insight: For business owners, the BAS provides a regular snapshot of their tax obligations, helping them manage their cash flow and financial planning.
    • Economic Data: On a broader scale, the aggregated data from all BAS submissions gives the government insights into the Australian business landscape, aiding in policy-making and economic forecasting.

    Who Needs to Submit a Business Activity Statement?

    If you’re registered for GST, you’re required to submit a BAS. The frequency of your submissions (monthly, quarterly, or annually) will depend on your business’s size and nature. Some businesses may also need to report PAYG instalments and other tax obligations through the BAS.

    How to Complete and Submit a BAS?

    Completing a BAS requires a clear understanding of your business’s financial transactions. Here are some steps to guide you:

    • Record Keeping: Maintain accurate records of all your business transactions, including sales, purchases, and payroll.
    • Calculate GST: Determine the GST you’ve collected from sales and the GST you’ve paid on business purchases. The difference will be your GST liability or credit.
    • Report PAYG: If you withhold tax from employee wages, you’ll need to report this under the PAYG withholding section.
    • Other Obligations: Depending on your business, you might also need to report other tax obligations, such as the luxury car tax or wine equalisation tax.
    • Submission: Once completed, you can submit your BAS online through the ATO’s Business Portal, via accounting software, or through a registered tax agent.

    What are the Benefits of BAS?

    Here are some of the benefits of the BAS system in Australia:

    • Streamlined reporting: Instead of having multiple statements for different taxes the BAS consolidates these into one statement making it easier to manage and report your tax obligations.
    • Cash-Flow Management: By reporting and paying taxes on a regular (usually quarterly) basis, businesses can manage their cash flow and budget for taxes.
    • GST Claims: Businesses can claim GST credits through the BAS for purchases made in the course of their business. This can reduce the overall tax burden.
    • Electronic Submission: The Australian Taxation Office offers electronic submission of the BAS via its online services. This makes it easy for businesses to submit statements and make payments.
    • Compliance check: You can make sure that your business is always following the rules and checking by filling out your BAS on a daily basis. This will help keep bigger issues and problems from happening in the future.
    • Flexible payment options: The ATO provides a variety of payment methods for BAS including direct debit, BPAY and credit cards. This gives businesses the flexibility to choose how they want to pay.
    • Penalty Prevention: Businesses can avoid penalties and interest charges by regularly reporting and paying taxes through the BAS.
    • Record-Keeping: The preparation of the BAS encourages businesses to maintain accurate and current financial records. This can be helpful for other aspects of management and decision-making.
    • Feedback System: The BAS system is a mechanism that provides feedback to the government. The government can make informed decisions on economic policies by analyzing BAS submissions.
    • Resources and Support: The ATO has many tools and resources that can help businesses understand and meet their BAS requirements. These include online guides, calculators and helplines.

    Tips for Navigating the BAS Process

    Stay Organized: Use accounting software or hire a bookkeeper to keep your financial records in order.

    Understand Deadlines: Ensure you’re aware of your BAS submission deadlines to avoid penalties.

    Seek Expertise: If you’re unsure about any aspect of the BAS, consult with experts of OnDemand International. They are familiar with the Australian tax laws.


    The Business Activity Statement is an essential component of the tax system in Australia. Although it may initially appear intimidating, comprehending its intent and prerequisites can facilitate the undertaking. By staying organized, being aware of deadlines, and seeking expert advice when needed, you can ensure your business remains compliant and contributes positively to Australia’s economy.


    Businesses that are registered for GST are required to lodge a BAS. The frequency of lodgment (monthly, quarterly, or annually) depends on the business’s registration details and turnover.

    The frequency of BAS lodgment depends on your GST turnover and other specific conditions:

    • Monthly: If your GST turnover is $20 million or more.
    • Quarterly: In the event that your GST revenue falls below $20 million.
    • Annually: Some small businesses might be eligible for annual GST reporting.

    You can lodge your BAS online through the ATO’s Business Portal, the ATO mobile app, or via Standard Business Reporting (SBR)-enabled software. Alternatively, you can use a registered tax or BAS agent to lodge on your behalf.

    PAYG instalments: These are contributions made in anticipation of your yearly income tax obligation.

    PAYG withholding: This is the tax withheld from payments you make to employees or other businesses if they don’t quote an Australian Business Number (ABN).