
Start A Construction Equipment Business In Poland: Procedure & Requirements

Here, we will be explaining how you can start a construction equipment business in Poland and will further discuss requirements and estimated costs for starting a construction equipment business in Poland.


    Note:This form is not for job seekers or salary employees. Thank you.

    Table of Contents

    start a construction equipment business in poland

    Register A Construction Equipment Business In Poland

    To operate legally in Poland, your business needs a local bank account. This is where your company’s financial transactions will take place, and it is a prerequisite for conducting business activities in the country.

    Let OnDemand International guide you through the process of opening a bank account in Poland, ensuring compliance with local regulations.

    Obtaining Necessary Permits

    Certain business activities, including those in the construction sector, may require specific permits and licenses. Make sure you get all the permissions you need from the appropriate authorities in order to conduct business properly.

    Requirements for Starting a Construction Equipment Business in Poland

    1. Legal Requirements

    • Company Registration: Complete the necessary paperwork and enroll your firm in the National Court Register.
    • Tax Identification Number (NIP): Obtain a tax identification number for your company.
    • VAT Registration: If your annual turnover exceeds a specified threshold, you may need to register for Value Added Tax (VAT).

    2. Financial Requirements

    • Share Capital: For a limited liability company, a minimum share capital is required. Make sure you possess the required funds to pay for this.

    3. Infrastructure and Resources

    • Office Space: A physical office space is essential for your business operations.
    • Qualified Staff: Employ individuals with expertise in construction equipment, sales, and maintenance.

    Estimated costs to start a construction equipment business in Poland

    Starting a construction equipment business in Poland involves various costs. For a rough estimate, here’s what it would cost:

    • Company Registration: €1,000 – €3,000
    • Name Reservation: €100 – €200
    • Opening a Bank Account: €100 – €300
    • Permits and Licenses: Varies according to the nature and size of your company
    • Office Space: Depends on location and size
    • Share Capital: Minimum of PLN 5,000 (approximately €1,100)


    There are plenty of prospects when launching a construction equipment company in Poland. The country’s robust economy, strategic location, and growing construction industry create a conducive environment for success. With the right guidance and support, such as that offered by OnDemand International, the process becomes streamlined, allowing entrepreneurs to focus on their business growth.


    Yes, foreigners are allowed to establish and own firms in Poland. The process involves company registration, obtaining necessary permits, and adhering to legal requirements.

    Permits for the import of equipment, compliance with environmental standards, and occupational safety may be required, based on the type of company.

    OnDemand International assists you in registering your business within 2-3 weeks.