
4 Legal Entity for Real Estate Business in the USA: Benefits, Procedures & Liabilities

The first thing that must be considered when establishing a real estate firm is to choose the legal entity for the real estate business in the USA. This article will give a brief of the various legal entity for real estate business in the USA.

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Legal Entity for Real Estate Business in the USA

The U.S. real estate industry is being considered by many foreign investors as their next area of business. Due to the industry’s strength and dependable legal system, there is less danger than in many emerging markets. The first thing that must be considered when establishing a real estate firm is to choose the legal entity for the real estate business in the USA.

legal entity for real estate business in the usa

This article will give a brief of the various legal entity for real estate business in the USA.

4 Legal entity for real estate business in the USA

4 legal entity for real estate business in the usa

The numerous legal entity for real estate business in the USA are:

  1. S Corporations
  2. Sole proprietorship
  3. Limited liability company (LLC)
  4. Partnership

S Corporations

One legal entity for real estate business in the USA is to establish an S Corporation. S Corporations are businesses that choose to pass through to their stockholder’s corporate profits, expenses, deductions, and allowances for the interests of federal taxation. By incorporating as an S corporation, your company will be treated as a distinct legal entity from you, protecting you from individual liability for its liabilities and responsibilities.

Establishing an S Corporation for a real estate business

  • If you choose an S Corporation as a legal entity for real estate business in the USA, then one of the advantages you will attain is that S corporations are exempted from self-employment taxation when it relates to real estate firms.
  • S Corporations earnings are not just exempted from business taxation as well as from Social Security and Medicare levy.
  • For real estate agents with continuous revenue streams in industries like property selling, real estate investment, investment firms, and other fields where self-employment tax is a major factor, this can be a substantial advantage.

Sole Proprietorship

Another significant legal entity for real estate business in the USA can be to incorporate the business as a sole proprietorship. Real estate professionals that operate as private contractors for a real estate company predominantly operate as sole proprietorships.

Most brokerage companies with a single member are sole proprietorships. A business with just one owner is known as a sole proprietorship. It isn’t a distinct legal entity.

All of the company’s assets are individually owned by the entrepreneur of the firm, who also oversees all aspects of its management. The majority of sole proprietors operate small businesses, but they are also able to recruit both workers and non-employees. In fact, several sole proprietor brokers run sizable businesses with plenty of staff.

Establishing a sole proprietorship as a legal entity for real estate business in the USA

  • The most straightforward and affordable way to lawfully set up any company is as a sole proprietorship.
  • In order to establish a sole proprietorship, you don’t need to take any additional steps or submit any paperwork apart from the required licenses and authorizations that the state enforces.
  • As such, the standards for real estate licensing in your jurisdiction must be followed.

Paying taxes as a sole proprietor

  • It’s a great option in terms of taxes because it offers pass-through taxation, that’s what most people want. Additionally, you are not required to submit a tax return for your company which is both time-saving as well as cost-effective.
  • Rather, you should fill out IRS Form 1040 to provide information about any earnings or liabilities you have.

Liabilities issues

  • However, one significant disadvantage of sole proprietorships is that they do not provide limited liability.
  • A sole entrepreneur is held accountable for all debts and other obligations individually.
  • This implies that creditors may pursue all of your possessions, both professional and private.

Limited liability company (LLC)

A limited liability company (LLC) is a special combination of a partnership and a corporation that provides its proprietors with personal liability security and gives them the option to determine how the firm is taxed.

It offers a corporation’s restricted obligation as well as the openness, simplicity, and tax benefits of a partnership. Real estate enterprises are no different from other small business owners that use LLCs as a corporate structure to reduce legal liability and safeguard private possessions.

Benefits of establishing an LLC as a legal entity for real estate business in the USA

Protects personal liability- The best personal liability protection should be in effect before starting a real estate business. Real estate brokers may be found accountable for losses brought on by commercial irresponsibility. Realtors who are unable to reveal a serious flaw in a property they are offering could be held liable by the purchasers.

Your personal responsibility will be constrained in the case of litigation if your real estate company is set up as a Limited Liability Company. Only the properties owned by the LLC would be in danger.

Tax flexibility– If your business is an LLC, you can choose the taxation system that is best for your business. Once your business is operational and making a sizable profit, you might want to be taxed as a partnership to avoid having to pay two taxes on the same income.


In the event that two or more individuals choose to own a real estate agency together, and share profits and costs, then such a business can not be a sole proprietorship since the company is not operating under a single owner. Instead, they are immediately made companions in a general partnership as long as they don’t register for a limited liability firm.

Establishing a partnership as a legal entity for real estate business in the USA

  • When two or more individuals engage in a commercial company jointly with the intention of making revenue and do not opt to create another commercial enterprise, a partnership is immediately formed.
  • A general partnership can be formed without filing any paperwork, just like a sole proprietorship. However, it is strongly advised to get a thorough formal partnership contract outlining the partnership’s funding and governance structure.
  • A partnership is a method of jointly owning and running a company. A portion of the earnings is distributed to the partners in exchange for their contributions of cash, assets, and services.
  • A partnership has a separate legal entity from its proprietors. It is capable of doing whatever a person is capable of doing in the corporate environment, including holding title to the property, suing and being litigated, having accounts, taking loans, hiring staff, and more.
  • In fact, a partnership can actually apply for a real estate brokerage permit under its own name in numerous jurisdictions.

Taxation in the case of a partnership

  • According to the partnership tax classification, the company is treated as a “pass-through” company for tax reasons, which means that it typically doesn’t pay any taxes on its own.
  • Rather, the company’s gains, liabilities, credits, and exemptions are transferred through the company to the proprietors’ individual taxes.
  • The proprietors pay additional taxes on their portion of any windfalls to the company on their personal returns at the individual rates of taxation.
  • A loss incurred by the company is also divided among the proprietors, who could be subjected to specific restrictions, and excluded from other earnings on their personal tax returns.
  • When determining earnings and deductions, a partnership is viewed as distinct from the partners. The firm submits an IRS Form 1065 for its individual tax return.

Liabilities issues

  • Individual participants in partnerships are not given any protection from legal responsibility. Like single owners, associates are fully responsible for all debts incurred and legal claims.
  • As a result, regardless of whether you’re aware of the partners’ company debts, you will be held personally accountable for them.

Which legal entity for real estate business in the USA should you choose?

Your preference for a legal entity for real estate business in the USA is influenced by a number of factors such as: 

1. Principal justifications for choosing an S Corporation.

  • You intend to pay less in self-employment taxes.
  • You would like to be capable of issuing shares to any prospective investors you take in.
  • You are prepared to handle the duties of managing an S Corp, along with the legal aspects.

2. Principal justifications for choosing a Sole proprietorship.

  • The most straightforward and affordable way to lawfully set up any company is as a sole proprietorship.
  • All of the company’s assets are individually owned by the entrepreneur of the firm, who also oversees all aspects of its management.

3. Principal justifications for choosing a Limited liability company.

  • There aren’t any external shareholders planned, and you’re the only proprietor of the property.
  • The difficulties of issuing shares, conducting stakeholder meetings, and generating reports are not something you would really like to cope with.
  • You desire the opportunity to categorize membership concerns into several categories, as this will let you more flexibly share revenues.

4. Principal justifications for choosing a Partnership.

  • A partnership is a method of jointly owning and running a company. A portion of the earnings is distributed to the partners in exchange for their contributions of cash, assets, and services.
  • A loss incurred by the company is also divided among the proprietors, who could be subjected to specific restrictions, and excluded from other earnings on their personal tax returns.


The article briefly discusses the legal entity for real estate business in the USA. if you wish to incorporate a real estate business, you can consult our experts at Odint Consultancy. Our experts will help you decide your most suitable legal entity for real estate business in the USA and further help you to establish the real estate firm


  • S Corporations
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Limited liability company (LLC)
  • Partnership
  • Protects personal liability– The best personal liability protection should be in effect before starting a real estate business. Your personal responsibility will be constrained in the case of litigation if your real estate company is set up as a Limited Liability Company. Only the properties owned by the LLC would be in danger.
  • Tax flexibility– If your business is an LLC, you can choose the taxation system that is best for your business. Once your business is operational and making a sizable profit, you might want to be taxed as a partnership to avoid having to pay two taxes on the same income.
  • A partnership is a method of jointly owning and running a company. A portion of the earnings is distributed to the partners in exchange for their contributions of cash, assets, and services.
  • A partnership has a separate legal entity from its proprietors.
  • A partnership may apply for a real estate brokerage license under its own name in numerous jurisdictions.
  • According to the partnership tax classification, the company is treated as a “pass-through” company for tax reasons, which means that it typically doesn’t pay any taxes on its own.
  • The most straightforward and affordable way to lawfully set up any company is as a sole proprietorship.
  • All of the company’s assets are individually owned by the entrepreneur of the firm, who also oversees all aspects of its management.