
Start an Event Management Company in Dubai

Start an Event Management Company in Dubai can be a rewarding but it's essential to knwo the procedures, requirements, types of business entities, and benefits.


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    Event Management Company in Dubai

    Dubai, famous for its luxury and grandeur, has developed as a global economic and tourism destination. It’s no wonder that Dubai is a popular destination for events of many types, with its gorgeous skyline, opulent hotels, and active culture. From extravagant weddings to business conventions, event management services are in high demand in this flourishing metropolis. You’ve come to the perfect place if you’re an ambitious entrepreneur or investor trying to cash in on this burgeoning business. In this detailed guide, we will go over the ins and outs of starting an event management firm in Dubai, including procedures, requirements, business entities, advantages, and how OnDemand International can help you.

    How to Start an Event Management Company in Dubai?

    Starting an event management company in Dubai is a well-organized procedure that assures openness and adherence to local legislation. 

    • Business Strategy: A great business strategy is the foundation of any successful endeavour. Define your specialty, target audience, and distinguishing features. Investigate your competitors and sketch out your offerings, pricing, and marketing methods.
    • Legal Framework: Select the best legal structure for your event management company. A sole proprietorship, a limited liability company (LLC), or a free zone company are all options in Dubai. Each has its own set of needs and rewards, so make an informed decision depending on your business objectives.
    • Registration of a Trade Name: Choose a memorable and distinct trade name for your company. Check that it adheres to the Department of Economic Development’s (DED) requirements. The trade name is important since it symbolizes your brand’s identity.
    • Permits and Licencing: Obtain the required licenses and permissions from the DED or the applicable Free Zone Authority. The sort of licence you will require is determined by the nature of your event management services.
    • Actual Office Space: Secure a real office location for your company if necessary. The location should be compatible with your target market and company requirements. Some Free Zones provide cost-effective office space possibilities.
    • Open a Bank Account: Open a corporate bank account with a respected Dubai bank. This is required for executing financial transactions and effectively managing your company’s finances.
    • VAT Registration: Incorporate the registration of Value Added Tax (VAT) into your company procedure. This is required for firms that surpass the set level and is required to comply with tax requirements.

    Requirements to Start an Event Management Business in Dubai

    The following requirements when establishing your event management firm in Dubai:

    • Financial Requirements: Make sure you have enough money to pay initial startup fees, licences, office space, employee wages, and marketing charges. Adequate financial planning is critical for the long-term viability of your company.
    • Sponsorship on a local level: If you decide to form an LLC, you’ll need a local sponsor who will own 51% of the company. Choose a sponsor who knows your business and is eager to assist you.
    • Licence Payments: Be prepared to pay the applicable licence costs, which may vary depending on the business type and region you choose. Budget carefully to prevent financial disasters.
    • Observance of Regulations: Event management firms in Dubai are subject to stringent rules. Maintain compliance with all legal requirements and keep your licences and permits current
    • Language Ability: Because Arabic is the official language of Dubai, having Arabic-speaking employees might be useful, especially when working with local clients and authorities.

    Types of Business Entities in Dubai for Event Management Business

    • Ownership by a single person: A sole proprietorship is the most basic type of company entity. You have complete authority and control, but you are individually accountable for any debts or responsibilities. This option is appropriate for small-scale event organisers.
    • LLC (Limited Liability Company): An LLC permits international ownership and offers limited liability protection. It necessitates the involvement of a local Emirati sponsor who owns 51% of the firm, but you retain operational control.
    • Free Zone Corporation: Establishing a Free Zone Company allows for 100% foreign ownership, tax relief, and simpler import/export processes. Depending on your company’s requirements, you can select from a variety of Free Zones.
    • Subsidiary Office: If you already have an established event management company outside of Dubai, you can build a branch office there.

    Advantages of Starting an Event Management Company in Dubai

    • Tourism: Every year, Dubai attracts millions of visitors and business travellers, resulting in a steady demand for events and conferences. This ensures that event management companies have a consistent supply of clients.
    • Disposable income: The city’s rich population has a lot of money to spend on expensive events like weddings and business parties.
    • Strategic Positioning: Dubai’s strategic location between Europe, Asia, and Africa makes it attractive for international events and conferences, broadening event planners’ options.
    • Luxurious Locations: Dubai has world-class venues, hotels, and resorts that make the ideal setting for upmarket events. You may break into the luxury industry as an event manager.
    • Tax Advantages: Tax benefits, such as 0% company tax in Free Zones, may be available depending on your business structure and location.


    Starting an event management company in Dubai provides an exciting chance to enter a growing sector with a consistent need for high-quality services. You may build a profitable venture in this attractive city by following the processes, satisfying regulations, choosing the correct company organisation, and harnessing the benefits of Dubai’s bustling events sector.

    You may easily negotiate the intricacies of beginning and running an event management business in Dubai with the help of OnDemand International. Our knowledge and experience will help you make educated decisions and increase your chances of success. Don’t miss out on the chance to work in Dubai’s glitzy events business; take the first step today.


    Dubai’s event management business is growing, with several prospects. Given the city’s reputation as a worldwide events hub, the market is significant, and it is growing year after year.

    Yes, foreigners may own 100% of their event management firms in Dubai through Free Zone Companies. Free Zones have various benefits, including complete ownership, tax breaks, and streamlined procedures.

    While not required, having Arabic-speaking employees may be beneficial, especially when working with local clients and authorities. In the corporate world, however, English is extensively spoken and understood.

    Some problems include increased competition, changing rules, and the necessity to keep current on event management trends and technologies. To address these problems, a solid company plan is essential.