How to Start a Business in Australia as a Foreigner in 2024-25: Complete Guide

In this article, you will learn about how to start a business in Australia as a foreigner in 2024-25. Read the complete article to know more about requirements, benefits, process and more.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

    Table of Contents

    business in australia as a foreigner

    Australia is a popular place for international investors and entrepreneurs to launch a business because of its stable political climate, diversified markets, and booming economy. The country’s dedication to free-market ideas, low levels of corruption, and an open legal system offer a solid foundation for success.

    With this thorough guide, we’ll lead you through all the necessary steps to start a business in Australia as a foreigner. Additionally, we will cover the requirements and benefits of initiating your entrepreneurial journey in Australia.

    Requirements for Starting a Business in Australia as a Foreigner

    The requirements for starting a business in Australia as a foreigner includes:

    Legal Structure

    Choose a legal structure that works well for your company. Typical choices are Company, Trust, Partnership, and Sole Trader. Each has unique consequences for taxation, responsibility, and regulatory compliance.

    Visa Options

    Obtain the right visa to operate a business in Australia. The Business Innovation and Investment (Subclass 188) visa is a popular choice for foreign investors. It comes in various streams, including the Business Innovation stream and the Investor stream.

    Taxation Obligations

    Familiarize yourself with Australia’s tax system. Foreign entrepreneurs are subject to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and income tax. 

    Procedure to Start a Business in Australia as a Foreigner

    The steps of procedure to start a business in Australia as a foreigner includes:

    1. Choose Your Business Structure

    Selecting the right legal structure for your business is the foundational step. Determine whether a Sole Trader, Partnership, Company, or Trust aligns with your business goals and vision.

    2. Obtain the Right Visa

    Research and select the most appropriate visa category. The Business Innovation and Investment (Subclass 188) visa is commonly chosen, but ensure you meet the specific requirements of the chosen stream, whether it be Business Innovation, Investor, or one of the other available options.

    3. Business Plan Development

    Create a thorough business plan that details your goals, target market, market competition, and projected financials. A well-organized plan acts as a road map for your company’s development in addition to assisting with visa applications.

    4. Financial Capacity

    Show that you have the resources required to launch and expand a company in Australia. Create and deliver financial statements that demonstrate your proposed business’s stability and profitability.

    5. Choose and Register Your Business Name

    Select a unique and relevant name for your business. Get an Australian Business Number (ABN) and register your company with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

    6. Taxation Registration

    If the yearly revenue of your firm surpasses a certain threshold, you must register for all applicable taxes, including the Goods and Services Tax (GST). For business to continue, adherence to Australian tax laws is essential.

    7. Set up a Company Bank Account

    To make business-related financial transactions easier, set up a company bank account in Australia. In order to manage income and expenses and adhere to financial restrictions, this stage is crucial.

    Documents required to start a business in Australia as a foreigner

    • Proof of Identity: Present a current passport along with any other identity documents needed in order to apply for a visa.
    • Business Plan: Write a thorough business plan that details the goals of your endeavor, a market analysis, and projected financials. This document is essential for obtaining possible funding as well as visa acceptance.
    • Financial Statements: To show that you have the resources to invest in and run a business in Australia, prepare financial statements.

    Benefits of Starting a Business in Australia

    Stable Economy

    Businesses may prosper in a safe environment thanks to Australia’s robust economy, which is defined by consistent growth and low inflation rates.

    Global Connectivity 

    Australia’s strategic location in the Asia-Pacific area makes it a gateway to Asia and offers unrivaled access to dynamic markets.

    Technology and innovation 

    The nation has a thriving environment for innovation and provides strong backing for R&D. This creates an innovative atmosphere, which makes it the perfect place for tech entrepreneurs to settle down.

    Costs Involved in Starting a Business in Australia as a Foreigner

    Visa Costs

    Factor in the costs associated with obtaining the necessary visa, including application fees and health assessments.

    Business Registration Fees

    The registration expenses for establishing your business will vary based on the legal form you have selected. Do your homework well because these can differ.

    Operational Expenses

    Set aside money for regular operating costs like rent for an office, utilities, and staff pay. Comprehending these expenses is essential for long-term, profitable company expansion.

    Why Choose OnDemand International?

    Getting your head around the difficulties of launching a company abroad might be daunting. Our specialty at OnDemand International is simplifying the business incorporation process to make it easy and stress-free.

    1. Expert Guidance: Our team of knowledgeable experts will walk you through every stage, making sure that all Australian requirements are followed and removing any obstacles that may arise.
    2. Customized Solutions: We are aware that every company is different. Our services are customized to fit your business’s unique requirements, whether you’re a big global enterprise or a tiny startup.
    3. Efficient Process: In the world of business, time is everything. You can count on OnDemand International to provide you with a quick and easy business registration process so you can concentrate on what really matters—expanding your company.


    Embarking on a business venture in Australia as a foreigner may seem challenging, but the rewards are undoubtedly worth the effort. From a stable economy to global connectivity and a supportive business environment, Australia offers a wealth of opportunities for ambitious entrepreneurs.

    Step out confidently on your business journey in Australia. At OnDemand International, our knowledgeable staff is committed to helping you at every stage of the procedure. From document collection to bank account setup, we ensure a seamless experience, culminating in the successful registration of your business in Australia. Trust us to turn your entrepreneurial vision into a reality.


    Can I start any type of business in Australia as a foreigner?

    Yes, Australia generally welcomes foreign investment across various sectors. It is imperative to conduct research and guarantee compliance as some businesses could have particular requirements.

    How much time does it take to obtain an Australian business visa?

    Business visa processing can take a variety of lengths of time but usually takes several months to a year. It is recommended that the application procedure be started well in advance.

    Are there any limitations on foreign companies owning Australian businesses?

    Australia has an open and liberal approach to foreign ownership, but some restrictions may apply in specific industries deemed sensitive to national interests.