Start a Medical Equipment Manufacturing Company in Poland


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    The global medical equipment market is projected to reach a staggering $505.5 billion by 2025, fueled by technological advancements and an aging population.

    Among the emerging powerhouses, Poland stands out as a strategic hub for setting up a medical equipment manufacturing company.

    Poland has many benefits to international investors and companies, including a developing economy, a skilled labor pool, and encouraging government regulations. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a budding startup, navigating the intricacies of establishing a medical equipment manufacturing company in Poland can be challenging. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and insights to transform your vision into a thriving reality.

    Why Choose Poland for Medical Equipment Manufacturing?

    Several factors make Poland an attractive destination for starting a medical equipment manufacturing company:

    • Sturdy Market: Growing healthcare spending and an older population are driving Poland’s domestic medical equipment market’s rapid expansion. This offers a profitable chance for businesses looking to enter the local market.
    • Competitive Costs: Poland maintains excellent standards of quality at a much cheaper labor cost than its rivals in Western Europe. This results in higher profit margins and enhanced profitability.
    • Competent Workforce: Poland has a sizable reservoir of highly qualified technicians, engineers, and researchers with a focus on the medical industry. This guarantees that you can support your manufacturing activities with a skilled workforce.
    • Strategic Location: Poland’s location in central Europe makes it simple to reach important markets both inside and outside of Europe. This makes it easier for your finished products to be distributed and handled logistically.
    • Supportive Government: The Polish government actively supports the development of the medical equipment industry through grants, tax incentives, and infrastructure investments. This creates a business-friendly environment for your company to thrive.

    Steps to Establishing a Medical Equipment Manufacturing Company in Poland:

    Market Research and Business Plan

    To determine your target market, the competitors, and the regulatory environment, conduct in-depth market research. Create a thorough company plan that includes your operational roadmap, marketing strategy, as well as financial projections.

    Company Formation 

    Choose the appropriate legal structure for your company, such as a limited liability company (LLC) or joint-stock company (JSC). OnDemand International can assist you with business incorporation in Poland, guaranteeing a seamless and effective procedure.

    Getting Licenses and Permits 

    Acquire the licenses and permits required for operating a facility that produces medical equipment. Working with the Polish Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices, and Biocidal Products (URPL) is usually required for this.

    Tax Considerations for Medical Equipment Manufacturing Companies in Poland

    • Corporate Income Tax (CIT): The current CIT rate in Poland is 19%, which is competitive compared to other European countries.
    • Tax Incentives: Depending on your location and activity, you may be eligible for special tax zones with reduced CIT rates or exemptions.
    • Value Added Tax (VAT): The typical VAT rate in Poland rate is 23%; however, certain medical devices are subject to lower rates.

    Procurement of Equipment and Raw Materials in Poland

    • Robust Supply Chain: Poland has a strong network of raw materials and component suppliers for medical equipment.
    • Import/Export: You may choose to import specific equipment or materials not readily available in Poland. Become familiar with the rules and regulations of customs and import duties.
    • Quality Control: To guarantee adherence to all relevant laws and guidelines, put in place a strong quality control system.

    Opportunities in the Polish Medical Equipment Manufacturing Industry

    • High-Tech Devices: Poland has a growing demand for innovative medical devices in areas like diagnostics, imaging, and minimally invasive surgery.
    • Telemedicine: The Polish telemedicine market is rapidly expanding, creating opportunities for manufacturers of related equipment.
    • Personalized Medicine: Growing interest in personalized medicine opens doors for companies developing customized medical devices.
    • Partnerships: Consider collaborating with existing Polish medical institutions or manufacturers to leverage their expertise and market access.


    Setting up a medical equipment manufacturing company in Poland presents a compelling opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors looking to capitalize on the country’s favorable business environment, skilled workforce, and strategic location within the EU market. By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the support and expertise of organizations like OnDemand International, you can navigate the process with confidence and establish a successful business venture in Poland.

    To easily set up your business in Poland within 2-4 weeks, contact OnDemand International today. Our team has assisted numerous businesses in entering and registering their operations in the Polish economy, and we’re ready to help you achieve your business goals.