Running a Trademark Search for Free in 3 steps: General Overview

Since the rate of running a trademark search for free has seen an increase business registrations in the last decade, business owners must conduct trademark searches as early as they can.


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    Running A Trademark Search For Free

    Running a trademark search for free

    A trademark is an exclusive design that differentiates your service or product from the rest. It may be a brand’s name, logo, slogan or sound, or the smell. The reason you register the trademark you want to make sure that no other business can use the running a trademark search for free. 

    Since the rate of running a trademark search for free that has seen an increase business registration in the last decade, business owners must conduct trademark searches as early as they can. This will allow them to make sure that their trademark or similar ones aren’t utilized by anyone else in India. If this isn’t completed, you could be forced to change your trademark name at some point which could cause confusion to your customers.

    Classification of Goods for running a trademark search for free.

    1. If the item is finished the classification is determined by their function or purpose. If the purpose isn’t stated, the buyer may decide to compare it to other similar products. Even if this isn’t feasible, the buyer can categorize the product based on the material that the product is made or the method of use.
    2. For manufactured multi-purpose products, it can be classified according to one of its functions of running a trademark search for free If the purpose of the product isn’t defined, you can categorize them based on the material utilized in the production products. It is also possible to classify them according to the operating mode of the product.
    3. For raw materials, no matter if they are semi-worked or untouched they should be classified by the type of material they comprise.
    4. If you’ve made the item using a variety of materials, you could classify it according to the primary material.
    5. In the general sense, any product that is part of another product can only be classified in the same category as the product. We cannot make use of the same items for another reason. The same principle applies to all other instances.

    Classification of Services

    1. The basis for how the services are classified is the divisions of activity that are listed. They are listed in headings for the classes of services and in the notes explicating them of each. If that’s not the case, then you can use other resources within the Alphabetical List to do so.
    2. The rental service classification is within the same category as the services offered through rental objects’.
    3. Any service that offers advice, information or consult is categorized into the same category.

    Running a Search

    You can access one for at no cost through the running a trademark search for free database which is maintained through the Comptroller General of Patent Designs and Trademarks. It’s utilized by hundreds of agents and consultants each day and is open to you too. The database is not limited to trademarks that have been approved as well as applications that are recent which were rejected or rejected and also the ones that have expired.

    The process of searching is simple. Simply visit the appropriate page on IP India’s IP India services to start.

    1. Choose a wordmark, and then choose either “Starts With” or “Contains or’as you feel appropriate, prior to entering the word or words you wish to sign up for.
    2. The results will inform you whether there is a previous registration for the name. If so be sure to check its status. If it’s either accepted, applied, rejected or rejected, you need to choose a different name.
    3. If you notice that your name is not been registered, you should look for phonetic resemblances to other names registered. To check this, select the dropdown option at on the right (ignore Vienna Code). Although the phonetic search isn’t 100% accurate however, you can be sure absolutely that your running a trademark search for free will be accepted in the event that there aren’t any pertinent match here.

    Trademark Unavailable

    If another person already registered the brand previously, you’ll need to know what class it’s been registered under. If it’s not in the same class as one you’ll register it in, you could be in luck. If the company isn’t popular (McDonald’s or Fiat Let’s say) the application will likely be accepted.

    If the chances of success are slim, you should look into the possibility of a logo composite mark. This is the registration of a brand’s name inside the logo. If it’s sufficiently distinct from the logo it is already in conflict with, it can be approved without difficulty.

    Trademark Search Classes

    Running a trademark search for free are divided into 45 categories according to NICE classification. NICE classification. They are classified into 34 identified goods and 11 other services. Each class is the specific category of products and services, you must choose the right class to mark your mark. The next step is to make sure that you select the category of the products and services


    It is vital to conduct a running a trademark search for free in order to determine the registrability and validity of your brand or trademark. An easy three-step search will save you from costly litigation and avoid expensive infringement costs. It is possible to find similar marks, logos or brand names by prior searching. The Indian trademark database generates a search report that is easy to read and understand. 

    It is easy to understand the running a trademark search for free results and determine whether or not one can proceed with registering their trademark. A majority of trademark attorneys will advise clients to perform a preliminary research on their brand names prior to investing financial resources and committing to bringing the brand to market.


    To find the type of trademark for a specific good or service, you need to find a Contact Person Use the Brand Class Search Tools. India Filings has made it easy to search for brands through the online tool.

     Yes, however there are conditions that must be satisfied in order to avoid trademark infringement and identify who is the true owner of the name.

    Original works are protected by copyright, whereas trademarks protect things that set one company apart from another. When an original work is created, copyright is automatically generated; in contrast, trademarks are created via regular use of a mark in the course of business.

    If the name is a personal name, you are permitted to use it as a trademark as long as a namesake does not beat you to it, which means that your proposed personal name would not increase the possibility of confusion with a name that is similarly used for connected products or services.

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