Company Registration in Fujairah

Are you an aspiring business entrepreneur or investor looking to set up a company in the UAE?


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

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    Are you an aspiring business entrepreneur or investor looking to set up a company in the UAE? If so, you’re in the right place. Fujairah Free Zone is your gateway to endless opportunities in one of the fastest-growing business hubs in the world. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the process of registering a company in the Fujairah Free Zone, highlighting its benefits, features, and key facts, and explain why it’s the best choice for your business endeavors.

    What is the Fujairah Free Zone?

    The Fujairah Free Zone is a specialized economic zone located in the Emirate of Fujairah, among the seven emirates that comprise the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It was established in 2005 and has since grown into a thriving business hub, attracting investors from all corners of the world. Setting up a company in the Fujairah Free Zone offers a range of advantages, making it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs.

    Features of the Fujairah Free Zone

    • Business Activities: The free zone permits a wide variety of commercial endeavors, encompassing manufacturing, logistics, trading, and consulting.
    • Easy Setup Process: Registering a company in the Fujairah Free Zone is a streamlined process, with minimal bureaucracy and swift approvals.
    • Renewable 30-Year Lease: Companies can secure a renewable 30-year lease for their office space, providing long-term stability.
    • No Currency Restrictions: There are no limitations on currencies, thus companies can transact in any currency.
    • Repatriation of Profits: Investors are free to repatriate all of their capital gains and earnings.

    Key Facts about Registering a Company in the Fujairah Free Zone

    • Diverse Business Sectors: The Fujairah Free Zone welcomes businesses from various sectors, including oil and gas, manufacturing, trade, and more.
    • Flexible Office Options: Companies can choose from a variety of office spaces to meet their particular requirements, guaranteeing a relaxing and effective work atmosphere.
    • Strategic Business Partnerships: The free zone collaborates with industry leaders to facilitate growth and innovation.

    How to Register a Company in the Fujairah Free Zone?

    Now that you’re aware of the benefits and features, let’s delve into the process of registering a company in the Fujairah Free Zone. It’s a straightforward and hassle-free procedure that can be summarized in the following steps:

    Step 1: Choose Your Business Activity

    The first step is choosing the kind of business activity you wish to do. The Fujairah Free Zone caters to a wide range of sectors, thus you are free to decide what works best for your company.

    Step 2: Select Your Company Structure

    Decide on the structure of your company, whether it’s a Free Zone Company (FZCO), Free Zone Establishment (FZE), or a branch office.

    Step 3: Reserve Your Business Name

    Make sure your business name fits with the naming rules of the free zone by choosing a distinctive and appropriate name.

    Step 4: Gather Required Documents

    Prepare the necessary documents, including your business plan, passport copies, and any other documents as per your business activity.

    Step 5: Application Submission

    Submit your application for company registration to the Fujairah Free Zone Authority (FFZA).

    Step 6: Receive Your License

    Upon approval, you will get your company license, enabling you to operate legally within the free zone.

    Step 7: Set Up Your Office

    Select an office space within the free zone that best aligns with your business needs. The free zone provides a range of choices, from flexi-desks to warehouses.

    Step 8: Obtain Visas

    If you require employment visas for your staff, you can apply for them through the Fujairah Free Zone Authority.

    Why Register a Company in the Fujairah Free Zone?

    So, why should you choose the Fujairah Free Zone for your business ventures in the UAE? Here are some compelling reasons:

    Strategic Location: Located on the East Coast of the UAE, the Fujairah Free Zone provides easy access to key markets in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.

    Tax Advantages: The 100% tax exemption is a major draw for investors, offering significant cost savings for businesses.

    Ownership Flexibility: You can own your company entirely, without the need for a local partner or sponsor.

    Infrastructure: The free zone offers modern infrastructural facilities, ensuring a conducive environment for business growth.

    Diverse Business Opportunities: With its broad range of permitted activities, the Fujairah Free Zone accommodates various business sectors, making it suitable for diverse entrepreneurial ventures.


    Registering a company in the Fujairah Free Zone is an appealing proposition for business entrepreneurs and investors seeking a prime location for their ventures in the UAE. The tax benefits, full ownership rights, strategic location, and world-class infrastructure are just some of the compelling reasons to choose this free zone for your business.

    OnDemand International, with its expertise in company setup and business services, can be your trusted partner in this journey. We offer comprehensive solutions to help you navigate the registration process with ease, ensuring your business starts off on the right foot in the Fujairah Free Zone.