International Tax Planning: Need, Impact & Opportunities

International tax planning examines the interrelation between different tax regimes, the effects of double taxation, as well as the tax compliance laws for more than one nation.


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    International Tax Planning

    International Tax Planning

    Tax planning for international tax purposes is often referred to in the context of international tax structuring, or expanded worldwide Planning (EWP) is a taxation component for foreign countries designed to implement guidelines for various tax authorities. The art of arranging cross-border transactions based on the understanding of international tax planning rules to achieve a tax-efficient and legal routing of capital flows and business activities is covered by the international tax plan.

    The process of planning is associated with the cash flows that occur during cross-border transactions, as they are transferred from the host country to where they are transferred to the home country, where they can be redirected to the home country.

    International tax planning assists in reducing the impact of taxation when compared with tax incidences that are separate in the countries through which transaction is conducted. The primary goal is to collect the tax-free flow of income from overseas with minimal expense and with low risk.

    International tax planning for domestic use is primarily concerned with the rules of the country of allowances, deductions, and exemptions as well as the various tax rates that are imposed on different sources of income in one region.

    International tax planning examines the interrelation between different tax regimes, the effects of double taxation, as well as the tax compliance laws for more than one nation. There are additional issues like exempted tax credits and incentives to foreign earnings, the accessibility of tax credits to foreign taxpayers, the application of tax treaties, as well as tax avoidance measures.

    What is Meant by International Tax Planning?

    International tax planning is described as a proactive tax-driven arrangement of a person’s finances to limit his tax consequences. It is generally improved when the profit after tax is increased.

    In addition to reducing the effectiveness of taxation, the tax may be a catalyst for tax deferral and a decrease in the cost of tax compliance. It examines both tax-saving possibilities and tax risk factors like tax double taxation and future tax law.

    What is the Need for International Tax Planning?

    International tax planning is not the primary or determining factor in choices to pursue overseas businesses or invest in foreign markets. The decisions are typically based upon factors like the viability of the business as well as the availability of resources market access, and potential market. Other aspects include stability in the economy and politics as well as government grants and incentives and business infrastructure, geographic locations, availability of qualified and low-cost labor force, and stable currencies. The decision-making process is driven by commercial, economic as well as political factors.

    But, once you have made the choice, the tax rate becomes a crucial aspect of the business. Many multinationals view the international tax planning rate for business profits as a key element in deciding on the best location in which they will establish their business. The other major considerations include the availability of treaties and the efficiency of the tax system. These aspects affect the financial stability of the company as well as the final return of the investment.

    Usually, cross-border transactions have a greater tax burden in the world than domestic or single-country transactions. International tax planning is due across multiple jurisdictions. Additionally, the taxpayers must deal with inconsistency in tax regulations, the unpredictability of tax authorities as well as high tax rates across different regions.

    Therefore, proper tax planning is vital in international commerce to minimize the amount of false information that occurs due to the absence of harmonization between the domestic tax systems. If international tax planning is not done properly for international tax the company will be liable for overtaxes and additional taxes and compliance costs.

    Impact on Cross-Border Transactions in International Tax Planning.

    The taxes that impact cross-border transactions are as the following:

    • Source or Host Country

    In a host or source country, taxes are payable on earnings made by overseas branches or subsidiaries as well as the withholding of international tax planning is due to the money they receive.

    • Intermediary Country

    In an intermediary country in an intermediary country, taxes are due on income from overseas as well as the withholding of international tax planning on the return of profit or capital back to the country of the origin.

    • Residence or Home Country

    In a home or a residence country, taxes are due on gains and capital earned in the home country, sometimes even if the capital isn’t taken from organizations that are located in other countries.

    What are the Opportunities for International Tax Planning?

    The potential for international tax planning is available at all levels. For example:

    The taxation of the source Country can be reduced by the following methods:

    • Local tax planning maximizes tax deductions and tax losses, incentives as well as individual tax concessions that are allowed under the laws of the country as well as tax treaties.
    • Tax exemptions in the absence of the break of tax factor that is connected to the source or the residence states (or the two states).
    • Utilizing a variety of international tax planning techniques to make sure that the tax-deductible earnings are generated in a foreign country.
    • Tax treaties and other new techniques to lower taxes withheld or get tax exemption.
    • Selecting the correct legal entity and type that will be used to finance (debt or equity).

    The Intermediary Taxation on the Income Flows that are remitted can be reduced by:

    • Tax treaties can be used to cut down on the withholding tax in the country of the host.
    • Selecting the right offshore financial institutions to reduce or eliminate the tax on corporate and withholdings.
    • International tax planning arbitrage through changing the nature or nature of the payments paid to the country of origin.
    • Making use of tax concessions like participation exemption and European Community Directives.
    • The reinvestment of offshore funds for reinvestment in another country or tax exemption on remittances that are sent back to the country of origin.

    The taxation of profits that are returned to their Home Country may be Reduced through:

    • Proper use of worldwide corporate structure helps to reduce, avoid or delay the tax burden.
    • The most effective use of tax credits and exemptions from foreign taxes is to reduce the tax burden on domestic liability.
    • The possibilities for international tax planning on the international level are endless. They’re based on various strategies to minimize, eliminate or delay the tax burden by taking into consideration the transaction cost, management structures, as well as a business risk. They are designed to minimize taxes due to foreign sources and boost the overall income after tax across the entire flow of transactions from the origin to the final destination.

    What are the ways to do international tax planning?

    The amount due to tax can be calculated by tax-paying income multiplied by tax rates–the reduction in one of the two variables that lead to a decrease in tax owed.

    The majority of international tax planning techniques currently in use depend on the following fundamentals:

    • It is the Review of the Tax Provisions and Compliance Rules in the Domestic Law

    The first step in any international tax planning process is knowing the tax rules and procedures in various countries. The local laws and regulations alone determine who should be taxed and the method of taxation. Tax treaties do not increase the tax base, nor generally decide how to calculate the tax base.

    • Reduction of Profits from Pre-taxes through deductible expenses

    Many countries offer tax-deductible allowances and tax deductions as part of the laws of the country to stimulate investment, consider savings, and other economic and political aspects. Effective use of tax breaks can lower tax liabilities.

    • The application of special tax concessions to facilitate Foreign Capital technology

    Several countries offer tax incentives to foreign technology and capital. The host country can offer incentives to attract foreign investors including tax holidays or tax-free zones to export for purposes. A lot of these tax breaks are only available to non-residents.

    • The most efficient use of Tax Loss Carry-Overs

    Tax losses are tax-deferred advantages and tax planning could assist in optimizing their use. A lot of countries allow carrying forward losses over a specified period to offset future earnings. Some allow carry-back losses. Some jurisdictions permit firms to offset their taxable profits and losses as per guidelines for tax consolidation.

    • The Provision of Special Deductions or Exemptions to Qualifying Dividends

    A lot of countries grant relief under the dividend deduction and participation exemption regulations for fully or partially excluding foreign dividends. Relief may also be granted by way of indirect credit for the tax imposed by the foreign country of origin for the subsidiaries, or dividends paid in the country of origin.

    • The Tax Deferral of Foreign Profits

    Tax deferral is a tax saving both in time as well as the expense of funds. This can be accomplished through intermediary companies’ setting up, using different legal bodies, and the use of accounting times.

    Checklist of International Tax Planning

    Analysis of Existing Database

    • Making sense of the facts and relevant tax and non-tax elements.
    • Review the transaction thoroughly in the country of the host.
    • Examining the law in your country and the tax treaties of every area.
    • Calculate the tax liability as well as the costs associated with it.
    • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis.

    Design of Tax Planning Options

    • Introduce global or multilateral tax planning.
    • Finding suitable foreign intermediaries.
    • Choose the type of transaction, relationship, or operation.
    • Examine relevant non-tax factors.
    • Verifying the availability of the advance rulings
    • Create a list of the tax planning strategies

    Evaluate the Plan

    • Find out the tax savings and non-tax costs. tax savings Determine the tax savings and non-tax costs if:
    • The plan hasn’t been accepted.
    • The plan is implemented and it succeeds.
    • Failure of the approved plan was the result of its failure.
    • Calculating the total costs as host and home.
    • Making the right choice for tax planning

    Debug the Plan

    • Get local help regarding tax laws and practices.
    • Pre-approval of rulings whenever it is feasible.
    • Verify the validity of protocols and treaties.
    • Verify the legitimacy of the organizations operating within the jurisdiction.
    • Examine the conformity of the anti-avoidance regulations.
    • Analyzing the risk of major risks or potential disadvantages.
    • Review of long-term advantages and expenses.

    Update the Plan

    • Regularly review changes to taxes, tax treaties, and tax policies.
    • Make the changes in the plan as needed.


    Tax planning for international taxation is one of the most common methods to reduce the tax liability of companies. To identify the countries that are considered to be

    Tax havens are important as is the study of the tax laws of different countries, and keeping track of the cash flow from multinational companies. 

    Typically high amounts of profits made by subsidiaries of corporations in specific countries can be a sign of tax optimization flow. An unusually high profit is referred to as profit which is significantly greater as compared to similar subsidiaries countries, considering the dimensions of the subsidiary Economy or the number of employees in the subsidiary.

    If you have any further questions about International Tax planning. We are Odint Consultancy. Do not hesitate to connect with our team.


    Tax planning for international purposes, commonly referred to by the name of international tax structures, or expanded global planning (EWP) is a component of international taxation that was introduced to comply with instructions from various tax authorities.

    The domestic model rules were designed to coordinate with the rules in other jurisdictions. The rules are now supported by examples and guidance that shows how the rules should be implemented. Once the rules have been implemented they will be automatically applied to taxpayers and tax arrangements, without any further intervention from the tax authorities.

    Taxpayers do not have to divulge their tax planning strategies. It is mandatory to reveal the rules that govern all transactions relating to a tax reduction of tax. Taxpayers are required to report those transactions that are into specific categories.

    One of the most important sources used by the IRS to know about foreign earnings, which was that were not disclosed, comes FATCA that refers known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. According to FATCA, more than 300 million FFIs (Foreign Financial Institutions) across more than 110 countries are actively reporting information about their account holders in the hands of the IRS.

    Country-by-Country Reporting is a technique that is designed to permit tax administrations to carry out an in-depth risk assessment of transfer pricing assessment, or to assess the risk of other BEPS-related BEPS risks. The template for country-by-country reporting is required for multinational corporations (MNEs) to submit annual reports. In each country in which they conduct business, they should provide data aggregated on the global distribution of the MNE’s earnings and tax payments in total.

    The country-by-country report’s data should not be considered a substitute for a comprehensive price analysis of each of the specific transactions and prices that are built on a full functional analysis and complete comparability analysis. The information contained in the country-by-country report by itself is not conclusive evidence that the prices of transfer are appropriate or not. In particular, tax authorities are not allowed to use the report to suggest adjustments based on formulas for income sharing.