Start an IT Company in Singapore in 6 Steps: Documents & Benefits

This article will cover the steps to start an IT company in Singapore. Further, it will also include the documents required, beneifts and the various government support for IT businesses in Singapore.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

    Table of Contents

    In the rapidly evolving world of technology, Singapore stands out as a beacon of innovation and opportunity. For entrepreneurs and investors aiming to start an IT company in Singapore, the prospect is not just about entering a new market; it’s about being part of an ecosystem that breathes technology and innovation. 

    This article serves as a comprehensive guide to start an IT company in Singapore, detailing the vibrant IT landscape, and the myriad benefits that this island nation offers.

    Why Start an IT Company in Singapore?

    Singapore’s IT Ecosystem

    Singapore’s IT scene is distinguished by a strong environment that promotes development and innovation. The city-state’s pro-business climate and advanced technological infrastructure have consistently earned it high rankings in international indexes. The government’s determination to make Singapore a Smart Nation increases the prospects for IT companies.

    Advantageous Location and Connectivity

    Singapore serves as a gateway for companies looking to access the enormous markets of the region because of its advantageous location in the center of Asia. Excellent connectivity and top-notch infrastructure in the nation offer IT companies a strong platform to grow and prosper.

    Stable Environment

    Singapore is a desirable location for international business travelers due to its robust economy and stable political environment. A low crime rate and business-friendly policies make the atmosphere ideal for starting and expanding an IT company.

    Steps to Start an IT Company in Singapore

    1. Market Research and Business Plan

    Before diving into the incorporation process, conduct thorough market research. Create a thorough business plan, identify your specialty, and comprehend the competitive environment. Make sure your target market, goals, and revenue model are all well-defined.

    2. Choose a Business Structure

    Choosing the appropriate business structure is essential. The Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and Private Limited (Pte Ltd) are prominent organizational forms for IT companies in Singapore. For companies that want to grow, Pte Ltd is the best form since it provides limited liability protection.

    3. Company Name Registration

    Choose a unique and memorable name for your IT company and ensure its availability for registration. The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) oversees the registration process. Reserve your chosen name to secure it for future use.

    4. Register the Company

    Submit the required paperwork, such as the charter of the business and the directors’ and shareholders’ details, to ACRA for company registration. Following approval, you will be issued a Certificate of Incorporation, marking the official establishment of your IT company.

    5. Open a Corporate Bank Account

    After registering your business, create a business bank account in Singapore. Having this account will be crucial to handling your company’s transactions.

    6. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

    You might require particular licenses and permits based on the nature of your IT business operations. Check with the appropriate authorities to confirm compliance with the regulatory requirements.

    Documents Required for IT Company Registration

    In order to expedite the registration procedure, get the following documents ready:

    • Memorandum and Articles of Association
    • Company Constitution
    • Particulars of Directors and Shareholders
    • Registered Office Address
    • Declaration of Compliance
    • Company Common Seal (if applicable)

    Ensure that all documents are accurate and comply with Singapore’s regulatory requirements.

    Benefits of Starting an IT Company in Singapore

    1. Tax Incentives: Singapore offers attractive tax incentives for IT companies. The corporate tax rate is capped at 17%, and qualifying startups can enjoy partial or full tax exemptions under the Start-Up Tax Exemption (SUTE) scheme.
    2. Access to Funding and Grants: The government provides various funding schemes and grants to support the growth of IT businesses. Initiatives like the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) program encourage companies to invest in innovation and technology.
    3. Intellectual Property Protection: Singapore places a high priority on intellectual property rights, giving IT companies a safe haven in which to protect their discoveries. The protection and registration of intellectual property are made easier by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS).
    4. Global Reputation: Having a presence in Singapore improves your IT company’s standing internationally. International cooperation and partnerships are fostered by Singapore’s reputation as a reliable and respectable business destination among clients and investors.

    Government Support for IT Businesses in Singapore

    1. Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

    An important factor propelling Singapore’s digital economy is IMDA. In order to assist IT enterprises in areas including talent development, research and development, and market access, the authority provides a variety of projects and awards.

    2. Economic Development Board (EDB)

    The EDB focuses on attracting and facilitating investments in Singapore. IT companies can benefit from EDB’s assistance in establishing a strong presence in the market, both locally and internationally.

    3. SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)

    SSG encourages a culture of continuous learning and skill improvement. IT companies can tap into SSG’s programs to upskill their workforce and stay abreast of the latest industry trends.


    To start an IT company in Singapore is to place yourself at the heart of technological advancement and business excellence. Singapore is a highly desirable destination for IT entrepreneurs and investors due to its advantageous location, dynamic innovation sector, and supportive government. Singapore is the ideal location if you wish to leave your imprint in the IT industry. 

    At OnDemand International, we specialize in facilitating seamless business incorporation processes to ensure a hassle-free experience for our clients. Our team of professionals is committed to helping you along the way at every turn, from collecting essential documentation to obtaining the required licenses. With our comprehensive support, we guarantee the efficient registration of your business. Trust OnDemand International for expert assistance in establishing your enterprise with ease and precision. Speak with our professionals to register your business in Singapore right now.


    The key steps include market research and business planning, choosing a business structure, registering the company, opening a corporate bank account, obtaining necessary licenses, and hiring talent.

    Essential documents include the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Company Constitution, particulars of directors and shareholders, registered office address, and a declaration of compliance.

    Singapore provides tax incentives, access to funding and grants, intellectual property protection, and a global reputation for IT companies. The government also offers robust support through agencies like IMDA, EDB, and SSG.