Overview: Bank Holidays In Netherlands 2022
It’s crucial to recognize the dates of the Netherlands’ public holidays, whether you live in the country or are simply visiting because many companies close on these days. Over the years, there have been festivals and holidays of cultural, holy, or ancient significance in the Netherlands — but a question always arises! When should you conventionally celebrate? Don’t stress; we’ve prepared the complete guide to all national public festivities in the Netherlands 2022.
So, prepare yourselves to mark down some of these 2022 bank holidays in Netherlands somewhere in your memos or calendar — you surely don’t want to avoid the most alleged King’s Day in the Netherlands or have your father remind you about Father’s Day.
Public holidays in the Netherlands in 2022
If you’re already getting restless for holidays or you are desperate to find out when you will ever receive a vacation from your beloved job; we’ve analyzed a list of 2022 bank holidays in Netherlands. Take it easy, have a seat, polish up your ink, and pull out your timetable.
Dutch public holidays explained
Several prominent national bank holidays in Netherlands, although some holidays differ by location. For example, in Catholic areas, in February and March, there are various regional versions of the Dutch carnival. King’s Day is, however, absolutely the most substantial of all Dutch bank holidays for all Dutch nationals- and many visiting celebrants.
It’s worth citing that if a Dutch holiday takes place on a Sunday or Saturday, it’s not usually repositioned to a weekday.
Bank Holidays in Netherlands-2022
1st Jan | Saturday | New Year’s Day |
15th Apr | Friday | Good Friday |
17th Apr | Sunday | Easter Sunday |
18th Apr | Monday | Easter Monday |
27th Apr | Wednesday | King’s Day |
5th May | Thursday | Liberation Day |
26th May | Thursday | Ascension Day |
5th June | Sunday | Whit Sunday |
6th Jun | Monday | Whit Monday |
25th Dec | Sunday | Christmas Day |
26th Dec | Monday | 2nd Day of Christmas |
The Netherlands' school holidays
Autonomous schools choose their primary, secondary, and special education dates.
When it comes to school vacations in the Netherlands, it’s crucial to note that they’re separated into three areas-Middle, South-North, so the entire country doesn’t go on vacation simultaneously.
Is Good Friday observed as a national holiday?
For Easter festivities, the Dutch have a complete weekend off. Good Friday, observed the day before Easter, is a nationwide holiday; however, some people may yet be needed to operate depending on their employment. Nonetheless, all municipal and government headquarters are shut. Either natural or fake hard-boiled eggs, loaded with or made of chocolate candy, of varying sizes, are concealed in various locations for children to uncover. Egg tapping competitions can also use real eggs. This holiday is a big treat, especially for children.
If you want to attend an Easter liturgy, you may find more information at your local church.
King's Day
‘Koninginnedag’ (‘Queen’s day’) used to be another traditional Dutch feast. This was done to commemorate the Queen’s birthday, April 30. Given that the Netherlands has had a king since April 2013, Queen’s Day has been renamed ‘Koningsdag’ (‘King’s Day) and is celebrated on April 27 except if the date falls on a Sunday, in which case it is observed on the prior Saturday. Traditional jumble sales or free markets are held in the streets of various city centers. Those places prepare a particular program, exhibiting local folklore.
Read more: How to open Bank Account in the Netherlands
So, there you have it, the list of prestigious 2022 bank holidays in Netherlands. These holidays are important, as they remind us of our culture and community. So make sure you fully utilize the bliss and paradise offered by the holidays.