How much does it cost to register a company in New Zealand? 

The cost to register a company in New Zealand can be based on numerous factors, including those for obtaining business licences, registering a business, paying taxes, etc


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    It’s a common question for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to establish a legal entity in the country. While starting a business in New Zealand, it’s crucial to have a proper understanding of the costs involved before you begin the process.

    By understanding the expenses involved in starting a business in New Zealand and planning accordingly, you can ensure a smooth registration process and set your business up for success in the vibrant business environment.

    Overall, the cost to register a company in New Zealand can vary depending on your specific needs and circumstances. By understanding the fees and expenses involved, you’ll be better equipped to plan and budget for the process of registering your company.

    In this article, we’ll dive into the details of the company registration cost in New Zealand, exploring the various fees and expenses you’ll encounter along the way. 

    What Factors Affect the Cost to Register a Company in New Zealand?

    The cost to register a company in New Zealand depends on several factors, including the type of legal entity chosen, government fees, professional service fees, and potential additional costs.

    Here’s an overview of the typical costs associated with registering a company in New Zealand:

    Government Fees: The government cost to register a company in New Zealand could vary based on the authorized share capital of the company. As of 2023, the fee for registering a company with an authorized share capital of NZD $1,000 or less is NZD $105. 

    For an authorized share capital of NZD $1,001 to NZD $50,000, the fee is NZD $150. For an authorized share capital over NZD $50,000, the fee increases to NZD $205. 

    Professional Service Fees: Professional service fees may include legal or accounting fees for preparing and filing the necessary documents, providing advice on the registration process, and ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations. The professional service fees can vary depending on the complexity of the registration, the service provider’s expertise, and the level of assistance needed.

    Ongoing Compliance Costs: After registering a company, there may be ongoing compliance requirements that need to be fulfilled, such as annual filing fees, accounting fees, and other operational costs. These ongoing costs should be considered as part of the overall cost of maintaining a registered company in New Zealand.

    Expedited Processing: If you require faster processing of your company registration, there may be additional fees for expedited or priority processing. These fees, if applicable, can add to the overall cost to register a company in New Zealand.

    Fees for Acquiring Licenses and Trademarks: This company registration cost in New Zealand may include fees for obtaining necessary permits or licenses, such as industry-specific licenses or trademarks.

    Cost to Register a Company in New Zealand as per Legal Entity

    The cost to register a company in New Zealand can vary depending on the legal entity chosen for the company.

    Here’s a brief overview of the cost considerations for different legal entity types:

    Limited Liability Company (LLC)

    An LLC is a considerable form of legal structure for companies in New Zealand. The government registration fee for standard online registration with no share capital is NZD $105 and for online registration with share capital NZD $150.

    In addition, professional service fees for legal or accounting assistance with the registration process may apply. However, such fees might differ as per the intricacy of the registration and the service provider’s expertise.

    Limited Partnership (LP)

    Registering a Limited Partnership in New Zealand involves a different process compared to an LLC, as it involves both general and limited partners. The government fee for registering an LP is NZD $105 which is lower compared to an LLC, but professional service fees for legal or accounting assistance may still apply.

    Sole Trader/Partnership

    Registering as a sole trader or partnership firm in New Zealand may involve lower costs compared to registering other sorts of companies. The government fee for registering a sole trader or partnership is NZD $60 for online registration.

    These fees are generally lower than that of an LLC or LP, as there is no requirement for authorized share capital. 

    However, it’s important to note that registering as a sole trader or partnership also comes with different legal and financial implications, including personal liability for debts and liabilities.


    The trustee is accountable for handling the purchases following the rules and conditions of the trust deed, which is a legal document that outlines the rules and guidelines for managing the trust. 

    In New Zealand, registering a trust involves submitting a registration application to the Companies Office, which is the government agency responsible for company registrations. The registration process typically requires providing information about the trust’s name, the trustee(s), beneficiaries, and other relevant details. 

    Once registered, the trust becomes a separate legal entity and can enter into contracts, own assets, and conduct business activities. However, the fee for registering as a trust in NZ may cost around NZD $220.


    A cooperative is a form of business institution that consists of one or more people or companies working together for a common purpose. The members of the cooperative share the benefits and risks of the cooperative’s operations, and decisions are made democratically on a one-member, one-vote basis, regardless of the member’s level of investment or ownership. 

    In New Zealand, registering a cooperative also involves submitting a registration application to the Companies Office. The application typically requires providing information about the cooperative’s name, purpose, membership structure, and other relevant details. 

    Once registered, the cooperative becomes a separate legal entity and can conduct business activities, enter into contracts, and own assets. However, the fee for registering as a cooperative in NZ cost you around NZD $105.


    Understanding the cost to register a company in New Zealand is a crucial aspect of starting and operating a business in the country. The cost components of company registration in New Zealand include government fees, professional service charges, and potential additional expenses. By being aware of these costs and planning for them, business owners can budget their business effectively and make informed decisions.

    In order to succeed, an aspiring business owner needs to develop a plan and obtain the correct advice from professionals such as OnDemand International. With the help of our experts, you will be able to learn about the numerous cost to register a company in New Zealand.