Why US Companies are Setting Up Business in Poland?: 6 Reasons

Are you an American entrepreneur who wants to set up a business in Poland? Here we will be covering the various reasons why US companies are setting up business in Poland.


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    us companies are setting up business in poland

    For American companies seeking expansion opportunities, Poland is emerging as a strategic and attractive destination. This dynamic European nation offers a compelling mix of factors that are increasingly enticing businesses across the Atlantic. Let’s delve into the key reasons US companies are setting up business in Poland, exploring the driving forces behind this trend and the specific industries flourishing in this fertile marketplace.

    Reasons US Companies Are Setting Up Business in Poland

    Several factors contribute to Poland’s growing popularity amongst US investors:

    1. Strategic Location: 

    Poland, which is located in the center of Central and Eastern Europe, has good geographic connectivity. Its closeness to important European markets like France, Germany, and the UK gives it the perfect starting point for easily contacting millions of customers. Additionally, easy access to a wide range of road and air transportation linkages is made possible by this advantageous position.

    2. Thriving Economy: 

    Poland’s economy is strong and still expanding. Foreign investors seeking long-term stability and predictable market conditions have been drawn to the nation because it has continuously maintained a stable economic climate. With a booming domestic market of over 38 million people, this economic buoyancy offers US corporations a plethora of opportunities.

    3. Cost-Effectiveness: 

    Poland has much lower operational costs than any country in Western Europe or even the US. This covers things like hiring staff, leasing office space, and general running costs. Due to this cost advantage, American businesses can increase profitability, optimize their budgets, and reinvest savings back into expansion plans.

    4. Talented Workforce: 

    Poland boasts a well-educated and highly skilled workforce. The country has a strong focus on STEM education, resulting in a significant pool of talented professionals in areas like engineering, technology, and IT. This readily available talent pool allows US companies to access a skilled workforce that can contribute meaningfully to their operations.

    5. Business-Friendly Environment: 

    The Polish government actively encourages foreign investment by offering various incentives and support programs. These consist of business establishment support, tax advantages, and special economic zones. It is simpler for US businesses to establish themselves and traverse the Polish business environment because of this friendly attitude and a simplified administrative procedure.

    6. EU Membership: 

    Poland provides access to the enormous European market through unrestricted movement of people, products, and services as a member of the EU. As a result, trade inside the EU is made easier, and potential trade barriers are removed, giving US businesses a big edge in expanding their consumer base.

    Key Drivers for US Investment

    Several key drivers are fueling the influx of US investment into Poland:

    • Technology Development: Poland is becoming a center for innovation and technology advancement thanks to the rapid expansion of its IT industry. US businesses are looking more and more to use this knowledge and gain access to a skilled pool of tech-savvy individuals for their operations.
    • Shared Values: Poland and the US have a strong work ethic, democracy, and free market principles, which create a climate that is conducive to collaboration and cooperation. The congruence of cultures facilitates a more seamless entry process for American businesses into the Polish market.
    • Growing E-commerce: Growing consumer spending and greater internet access are the main drivers of Poland’s burgeoning e-commerce industry. US businesses have a great chance to take advantage of this trend and join the quickly expanding internet market.

    Specific Industry Focus

    While US companies across various sectors are eyeing opportunities in Poland, certain industries stand out as particularly promising for investment.


    American businesses looking to expand their production bases and get access to the European market have shown a great deal of interest in Poland’s manufacturing sector, which is well-known for its proficiency in the automotive, aerospace, and electronics manufacturing industries. Poland is a great place for manufacturing activities because of its highly skilled labor population, affordable operating expenses, and advantageous location.

    Information Technology (IT): 

    With a flourishing ecosystem of digital startups, software development companies, and IT companies, Poland has become one of Europe’s top destinations for IT outsourcing. US tech companies are increasingly looking to Poland for talent, innovation, and cost-effective solutions in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and digital transformation.

    Shared Services and Outsourcing: 

    Poland has developed become a center for business process outsourcing (BPO) and shared services, offering a more affordable option for outsourcing than more conventional locations. American businesses are setting up back offices in Poland, especially in the financial, healthcare, and logistics sectors, to take advantage of the country’s highly qualified labor pool, strong linguistic infrastructure, and welcoming business climate.

    Renewable Energy: 

    With a growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental stewardship, Poland presents opportunities for US companies involved in renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar, and biomass. The Polish government’s commitment to transitioning to cleaner energy sources, coupled with EU funding for renewable energy projects, creates a conducive environment for investment in this sector.


    Poland’s unique combination of strategic location, economic stability, cost-effectiveness, and skilled workforce has created a fertile ground for US companies seeking international expansion. As the country continues its economic and technological advancements, it is well-positioned to attract even more US investment in the years to come.

    OnDemand International is a leading provider of business establishment and support services in Poland. We offer a comprehensive range of services to help US companies navigate the process of setting up and successfully operating their businesses in this dynamic market.