Poland National Social Security (ZUS)
The system of social security in Poland is of public & obligatory nature. Social security, in the context of certain risks – protects people who come in various categories of employees, those who operate under the terms of mandates or contracts, or who perform business in Poland.
The National social security (ZUS) system in Poland includes EU residents on the same level in the same manner as Polish citizens.
What exactly is ZUS?
Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) was created in 1934 by the regulation of the president of the Republic of Poland on 24 October 1934, enhancing the Act of March 28th, 1933 regarding social insurance.
As per the regulation, 5 insurance companies were formed after the regulation (social insurance organization, sickness insurance organization, accident insurance organization, white-collar employee organization, & blue-collar workers’ organization).
The Social Insurance Institution is a government-owned organization that has legal status. n regards to the Social Insurance System, it has responsibilities outlined in the Act of 13 October 1998. ZUS also performs other functions granted by other laws.
The reforms to the health insurance and social insurance care systems, in effect on the 1st of January, 1999, and their structural character have strengthened the role of the Social Insurance Institution as the primary element of administering the Polish social security system.
Social Security Insurance In Poland
Insurance for pensions
Pension insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers the possibility of the inability to work due to old age. Individuals who pay premiums will be able to earn their money in the event of a cessation of professions when they reach retirement age.
The pension reform system came into effect at the beginning of January. It was based on a three-pillar system:
Pillar I – is controlled by the public institution, namely the Social Insurance Company,
Pillar II – is managed by private institutions. An open pension fund (OFE) can be described as a legally-constituted entity that’s purpose is to collect money from insurance premiums, and then invest them in markets for finance.
The funds are destined for pensions for members of the open pension fund when they reach the age of personability.
Pillar III – is voluntary, and provides additional benefits in addition to premiums. They are occupational pension plans (PPE) along with individual retirement accounts (IKE).
From May 1st, 2011 till 31 December 2016 the Social Insurance Firms send part of the bounty for pension insurance to the pension reserve that is determined by the insured for an amount equal to:
- 3 percent of the basis for determining the amount of pension insurance premium to be paid starting with the date of the introduction of the Act up to 31 December 2012;
- 8 percent of the base for determining the amount of pension insurance premium due beginning on January 1, 2013, and ending on 31 December 2013.
- 1 percent of the basis of the calculation of the due pension insurance premium for the period beginning 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014;
- 3 percent of the base of the amount assessed the premium for pension insurance beginning on January 1, 2015, and ending on 31 December 2016.
A person’s account with the insurance with the Social Insurance Company includes a sub-account in which information is recorded about the amount that has been valued of premiums that have been paid for Pillar II which is the portion of the premium that is not being transferred at present to pension funds.
In addition to the interest recovered on arrears of these premiums. The distribution of the cost of premiums between the pension account that is available at the disposal of the Social Insurance Company as well as an open pension account is required for insured individuals born on or after the 31st December of 1968.
People who were insured between 31 December 1948 and before January 1, 1969, can be enrolled in a specific open pension fund for a while up to the 31st of December, 1999. People born before 1 January 1949 were not able to and aren’t able to be a part of an open pension plan.
The pension system rests on a tight link to the size of the benefit and the premium paid. The foundation for calculating retirement will be the (total) sum of the premiums for insurance on pensions.
Pensions are granted to women who have reached sixty, and to males who are over 65. There is no minimum amount of insurance period to be granted the pension.
The decisions regarding pensions are taken by the bodies of the Social Insurance Company that have the right authority due to the area where the person lives who seeks the benefit. The procedure to grant pensions begins when the application is submitted by the applicant.
Insurance for disability
Disability insurance will pay cash rewards in the event the loss of income is due to the possibility of disability (inability from working) or the death of a breadwinner in the family.
In this case, those who pay the premiums of disability insurance receive a disability benefit for incapacity to work. This can be used to replace income or compensation and, in the event that an insured breadwinner in a household and their family is awarded a pension.
The amount for disability insurance is 8.8% of the amount of the evaluation of the amount that is 6.5 percent comes from the fund of the employer and 1.5 percent from the fund that the worker has.
1. Disability pensions for incapacitated work
Disability pensions for incapacity to work may be awarded to the insured who meets all of the following requirements:
- is a person who is incapable of working,
- has demonstrated contributory as well as non-contributory times,
- the inability to work began within the strict timeframes set out by the Act.
The person who is incapable of working is someone who is no longer able to do any job. Someone who’s partly incapable of working has in a significant way been unable to do an occupation that is compatible with the qualifications of that individual’s abilities.
The incapacity to process & level of impairment is affirmed by a board-certified occupational medicine physician of the Social Insurance Firms as the initial certifying occasion.
The applicant is entitled to object to the opinion of the physician in the Social Insurance Company Medical Board in the second instance of certifying.
2. Pensions for family members
A family pension is a benefit available to eligible family personnel (children or widowers or parents) of a dead member who, at the time of death was getting a pension or disability pension in the event of incapacity to work.
Also to the someone who was employed & who met the mandatory time frame for receiving disability or pensions for incapacity to work. When analyzing the rights for the pension of family members it is presumed that the deceased person was completely incapable of working.
3. Training allowance
Training allowance is given to those who meet the requirements for granting disability pension in the event of incapacity to work and with the person to whom the training was declared as being appropriate due to incapacity to work in the present profession.
The allowance is granted for six months. The period can be reduced or extended up until 30 years. The amount of the training allowance is 70% of the base of an assessment.
When an incapacitated work is caused by an accident at work or occupational illness 100percent of the foundation of the evaluation.
Social security insurance for industrial accidents and occupational illnesses
The insurance coverage for industrial accidents and occupational illnesses covers the employees, those working under the terms of mandate contracts, and people who carry out business activities.
Benefits from industrial accidents or occupational illnesses may be provided to an individual who is insured in such instances. These include:
- Sick benefit– is a benefit for those who are insured and whose inability to work resulted from an occupational or industrial illness,
- Rehab benefit –is paid out after the sickness benefit is over and the insured is in a position of difficulty and treatment or rehabilitation offers the chance to restore the ability to work.
- Compensates benefit –is available to the insured that is an employee whose compensation was reduced because of permanent or prolonged physical or mental health issues,
- One-time indemnity– for the insured person whose health has been damaged permanently or for a prolonged duration, the family members of an insured deceased person, or for a person who has a disability pension,
- Disability pension in case of an occupational or industrial illness –to the insured who has lost the ability to work because of an industrial accident or occupational illness,
the allowance for training is given to any person for retraining considered necessary due to an inability to perform in the current field due to a casualty at function or occupational sickness,
- Family pension – for relatives of insured members or for a member who is privileged to a disability pension in the circumstance of an industrial casualty, occupational illness, & an income to the household pension for an orphan
- Attendance allowance –is a benefit for someone who is eligible for a pension but is deemed to be incapable of working and living independently, is older than 75 years old,
- Filling in the number of treatments – that involves the use of dental and preventive vaccination, as well as the supply of orthopedic apparatus within the parameters outlined in the Act.
Its amount for the security premium is ranging from 0.67 percent to 83.86 percent of the base of the premium assessment. The insurance premium for accidents is fully paid by the employers.
Social Security Benefits for Pregnant & Sick Women
People who are legally covered for sickness & pregnant women are mostly employees. Personnes who are covered under obligatory pension or disability pension insurance, that, among other things operate by the agency contract or authority, or carry out non-agricultural activities can also be covered voluntarily in case of sickness or maternity.
The amount of premium paid for insurance for maternity and sickness is 2.45 percent of the amount of the assessment of premium. The premium is paid from the insurance fund of the insured.
The advantages mentioned below are provided through insurance in the circumstance of illness or maternity
- The sickness benefit– can be given to an insured who was sick during the time of sickness insurance. In general, the benefits of sickness are granted after the waiting period.
Anyone who is encircled by sickness security is entitled to the illness aid following the duration of 30 days of continual sickness insurance. Anyone who receives this security voluntarily gets it after 90 days of uninterrupted sickness insurance.
This benefit for sickness is paid to the insured with a sum of 80 percent of the basis of assessment as well as for the duration of hospitalization – up to 70% of the base of assessment.
When the impossibility of working was caused by an accident that occurred on the way to or from work began in pregnancy or affects organ, tissue, or cell donor organs, the sick benefit will be paid out in the amount equal to 100% of the amount of the assessment.
- Benefits for rehabilitation – are given to the insured who cannot be covered by the sickness benefit, but is still unable to work.
The treatment or rehabilitation allows them to return to work. The benefit is awarded for the time needed to allow them the chance to return to work, but not more than 12 months.
- Compensation reward– is available only to insured individuals who are employed by. The benefit is provided to employees whose compensation was decreased due to professional rehabilitation or being transferred to a different position because of their health.
- Maternity Allowance – is paid to women who, at the duration of sickness security or during the period of kid care leave:
- Is born to a baby;
- Is a child who is up to 7 years old for education as well as for children with the subject of a decision concerning an adjournment or suspension of compulsory schooling – until 10 years old age.
- has to be up-bringing by surrogate parentage, except for professional surrogate parents who are not connected to the child.
- The provisions regarding the right to motherhood allowance in the event of the child’s care are also adhered to in the case of the insured person.
- Maternity leave can also be given to the insured parent of the child for two weeks in the duration of maternity leave that can be granted to a father-in-law who is an employee who is raising children.
- Attendance allowance – is paid for the duration of a leave that is special if it is necessary to care for an unwell child who is less than 8 or a sick child that is less than 14 years old, or any other sick family member.
Attendance allowances are given for a maximum of 60 days during the calendar year when someone takes care of a healthy child less than 8 years old or an ill child that is younger than 14.
If someone takes care of sick children who are over 14 or sick members of the family the allowance is granted for a maximum of 14 days. The allowance is paid out in amounts of 80 percent of the amount of the allowance assessment.
Furthermore, in the circumstances stipulated under article 180(61) of the Labour Code, the insured father of a child has the right to an allowance for attendance for eight weeks, if the father ceases work or any other lucrative activity to care for his child.
The bodies that can decide on the right to receive a benefit, as well as examine and evaluate the documents submitted are only Social Insurance Company’s body in Poland with appropriate jurisdiction as per the residence of the person seeking the benefit.
If you still have any queries related to the National Social Securities, we are ODINT Consultancy, here to help you out in each & every step of yours.
Employers in Poland are responsible for paying the ZUS. If an employee is part of one of the subsidized categories that is, the social insurance ZUS is paid in Poland is paid by way of a certain amount.
Complete an application form on the site and confirm your profile within 7 days of registering at the ZUS branch.
When it comes to the amount of money paid according to an employment agreement with a Polish company, employers are the obligation to pay social security and tax on payroll equal to 20.08% of the gross earnings.