Start a HR Staffing Company in Poland
Do you intend to establish an HR staffing business in Poland? Starting an HR staffing business in Poland can be financially rewarding due to Poland’s expanding economy and accessibility of a competent workforce. One of the simplest countries in Europe to open a recruiting agency in Poland. If you’re a businessman looking to hire workers from outside the EU, Poland’s rapid and effective procedure will enable you to launch your recruiting firm quickly in comparison to other European nations.
You will have to deal with the regional quirks as well as employment rules while recruiting new employees in a foreign nation. If you have never recruited an employee in Poland, the country’s employment laws may appear cumbersome and unclear. However, there are some parallels between Polish employment compliance standards and those of other EU nations. You must be aware of these varied labor rules if you intend to grow in Poland to comply.
Here, we will be covering how you can start a HR staffing company in Poland.
Various Platforms for Recruiting Employees in Poland
It is crucial to comprehend the cultural dimension of hiring, but it is also crucial to comprehend the actual mechanics of hiring in Poland. Locating suitable talented individuals may be greatly aided by using the appropriate recruitment platforms.
The following platforms are used by many businesses to find talent:
- Job portals: With job sites, you may immediately connect with a number of qualified individuals who are looking for work, unlike on LinkedIn. In Poland, a comprehensive hiring strategy frequently makes use of both job sites and social media.
- Social networking sites: In Poland, recruitment frequently utilizes social media sites, notably LinkedIn.
- Newspapers: It won’t affect post job openings in the classified, as newspapers in Poland have a sizable readership.
3 Step process to get your recruitment agency
A wide array of investment advantages are available for international investors, such as loans of up to 25% for establishing a business in Poland and increased awards of 50% in special economic zones. Industries, financial services, retail and wholesale business, and sciences and technology are the profitable investment sectors. Opportunities will be accessible from a variety of corporate traditions, particularly for workers who understand multiple languages and wish to establish themselves in Poland.
The following three steps will help you launch your recruiting firm and commence hiring Polish workers.
Establish a limited liability corporation:
The initial stage is company establishment, and a limited liability company is the optimum type of business organization for a staffing agency. Fortunately, Poland has a reasonably simple procedure for forming a limited liability corporation. If language is a problem, using specialists in entrepreneurship development makes the process simpler.
- One of the first things to be done is a criminal background check since company directors must have a clean criminal background.
- Additionally, you’ll need to provide identification verification in the form of a visa and recent (within three months) electricity bills.
- The yearly tax returns of any businesses you may already own in other nations, along with information on any potential investment operation for your Polish company, such as an estimate of how many potential employees you expect to hire and from which nations, will also be required by the Polish government.
- Additionally, a certified Polish account must be set up to handle the payment, which is typically rather large with recruiting firms.
- The other option is to purchase a shelf company, which is an existing business that is for sale. In this case, the establishment process typically takes from a week to a month after the hiring of a registrar.
The registrar has verified the management changes, and the new director and shareholders have been appointed as of the date on which the company documents were signed. As of the day the transfer paperwork is signed in Poland, clients are permitted to act on the company’s behalf.
Locate an area in Poland:
Choosing a location for the Polish branch of your company office is the second stage. The logical options are the Polish metropolis of Warsaw, which offers a wide variety of office space, and Kraków, a sizable city in southern Poland that is ideally located close to the Czech Republic border.
Considering its modest size, Poland benefits from the fact that it shares boundaries with Czech Republic, Germany, Ukraine, Slovakia, Belarus, Russia, and Lithuania. This is ideal for a hiring company looking to fill positions from a variety of nations.
Therefore, depending on the nationality of the majority of people you want to hire, you may choose your area-specific on the country you’d like to establish relationships with.
Recruiting Personnel for Your Polish Headquarters:
Ensuring that you hire the appropriate staff for your workplace is stage three. Employing a skilled manager who can operate the company in Poland for you is necessary if you plan to manage the workplace remotely. Many employment agencies work with university-skilled Polish-speaking workers with managerial skills. After hiring that one individual, you can look for administrative assistants and general laborers.
However, if your goal is to monitor the company by setting up a shop in Poland, you’ll need to consider moving and obtaining the necessary permits. You won’t need to obtain a visa if you have an EU passport since you are covered under the freedom of travel accord. Anyone holding a non-EU passport, including any UK citizens who are no longer able to travel freely inside the EU, will have to go through the Polish immigration process. Visa applications for your dependents as well as yourself must be taken into account if you plan to bring your family with you.
How to hire employees in Poland?
An employment agreement is an ideal tool for hiring in Poland. Before the employee’s commencement date, the employer and employee must create and accept a signed contract. Polish writing is required for agreements. The Polish variant will be utilized for analyses even though multilingual agreements are permissible. In relation to the agreement, employers require particular declarations and papers to file with the competent authorities.
The agreement document must include the following terminologies:
- Employer and worker name
- Duration of the Agreement
- Signature date
- Job elements of the contract, such as compensation, incentives, the type of the employment, where it is performed, and more.
Within a week of an employee’s commencement date, employers must give written documentation about additional topics such as work schedules, breaks, and any collective bargaining agreements.
Laws against discrimination in Poland
Employer responsibility starts throughout the hiring process. In order to comply with legal requirements, refrain from bringing up any protected qualities during interviews, meetings, or even in-person interactions with prospective workers.
Workers are not authorized under Polish law to allow discrimination of any of the following characteristics:
- Age
- Sex
- Race
- Religion
- Disability
- Involvement in a union
- Nationality
- Political convictions
- Origin ethnic
- Sexual preference
Employment Laws and Regulations in Poland
Your work contract is only the first of several elements that go into Poland’s employment legality.
There are two different kinds of employment agreements that vary in length:
- Up to three extensions are permitted for evaluation procedures, which can last up to 33 months. The contract gradually transforms into an open-ended one if the same parties sign into a fixed-term agreement a fourth time in a row or if the cumulative length of work surpasses 33 months.
- Only a three-month trial period may be required for short-term contracts.
You must follow the conditions of the deal you choose. The conditions of any qualifying period should be included in the employment contract if you are hiring a Poland employee. You must give the employee written notice of the working hours, regularity of payments, and annual leave benefits if they are not specified in the contract within seven days of its commencement.
You must be aware of these varied labor rules if you intend to grow in Poland in order to comply. If you are aware of the legal requirements of the country and follow the law, starting an HR staffing company can be a successful decision.
You can get help starting your business from our professionals at OnDemand International. We will guide you with the legal requirements and make sure that you comply with the requirements. Further, we will make sure that your business is established in compliance with the law. Get in touch with us to launch an HR staffing business in Poland right away.
A written work contract is the ideal approach to hiring Polish workers. Prior to the employee’s start date, the nation mandates that the employer and employee develop and execute a binding agreement. The contractual language must be Polish
Several advantages that come with operating in Poland.
- Hours of labor with paid vacation. In Poland, the standard work week is 40 hours.
- Leave of absence.
- Advantages of social protection.
- Sick time with compensation.
- Term life policy.
- Parental, paternal, and pregnancy leaves
In Poland, you are permitted to work while you continue your schooling. You can participate in a variety of paid or unpaid internships as an undergraduate, and depending on your area of study, you may not necessarily need to speak Polish.
Job portals, newspapers and social networking sites are a few of the platforms for recruiting employees in Poland.