Starting a Company in Canada from India in 2024-25: Complete Guide

In this article, we have discuss about starting a business in Canada from India in 2024-25. Read the complete article to know more about immigration ways, process, benefits, documentation, types of companies and more.


    Note: This form is not for job seekers.

    Table of Contents

    Company in Canada

    Are you an aspiring entrepreneur in India with dreams of launching a business in Canada? Embarking on such a venture can be both exhilarating and daunting. From navigating legal requirements to understanding market dynamics, the journey from India to Canada’s business scene presents unique challenges. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of starting a company in Canada from India. Whether you’re intrigued by Canada’s diverse market opportunities or drawn to its investor-friendly policies, this post will equip you with the essential knowledge and practical insights to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey. From outlining the incorporation process to exploring key considerations like market research and funding options, we’ll provide actionable steps tailored to your entrepreneurial ambitions. Join us as we unravel the roadmap to entrepreneurial success and unlock the possibilities that await you in Canada’s dynamic business landscape.

    Immigration Ways for Starting a Business in Canada from India

    The different immigration ways for starting a business in Canada from India includes:

    • Start-Up Visa Program: This program is designed to help immigrant entrepreneurs move to Canada and start a business. Applicants need to have a qualifying business idea, be proficient in English or French, and have enough funds to support themselves and their families.
    • C11 Entrepreneur Work Permit: The C11 Entrepreneur Work Permit provides a unique opportunity for international entrepreneurs, company owners, and investors to launch a business in Canada. This program is part of the International Mobility Program (IMP) and permits self-employed persons and entrepreneurs to start firms in Canada. The work permit is usually valid for two years and can be extended provided the business stays active and successful.
    • Intra-Company Transfer: Foreign entrepreneurs with a track record of success can extend their operations to Canada. After working in Canada for a year, foreign people with ICT work permits have many options for obtaining permanent residency.
    • Owner-Operator Program: These policies offer a temporary work visa to foreign investors and entrepreneurs who want to buy an established business in Canada or start their own. Applicants must submit a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) and a suitable business plan to demonstrate job creation or retention for Canadians.
    • Self-employed Persons Program: This program focuses on businesses related to arts, entertainment, and sports industries. Applicants must have relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics and intend to make a significant contribution to Canada in these fields.
    • Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): Canadian employers can hire foreign workers on a temporary basis through the PNP stream, which aims to attract skilled workers. This can be a fast-track option for businesses and future employees, especially in provinces with specific labor shortages.

    Types of Companies to Form a Corporation in Canada

    • Sole Proprietorship: This structure involves a single individual owning and operating the business, with all benefits and liabilities flowing through to the individual.
    • Partnership: Formed when two or more individuals or organizations join to manage a business, with general and limited partnership options available.
    • Limited Liability Corporation: A limited liability corporation is a legal entity separate from its owners, offering limited liability, lower tax rates, and the ability to own property and conduct business.
    • Subsidiary: Indian companies are attracted to Canada’s developed industries like manufacturing, energy, and pharmaceuticals, prompting their interest in establishing a local presence. Opening a subsidiary company can be an advantageous strategy for international firms seeking incorporation in Canada.
    • Branch Operations: Involves setting up a branch office in Canada, which enjoys tax advantages but does not provide legal separation from the parent company, making the parent liable for obligations and debts.

    These structures vary in terms of ownership, liability, taxation, and complexity, allowing businesses to choose the most suitable option based on their needs and goals.

    How to Start a Company in Canada from India?

    The following steps to start a company in Canada from India includes:

    • Choose a Business Structure: Decide on the type of business structure that best suits your needs, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.
    • Select a Business Name: Choose a unique name for your company that complies with Canadian naming rules and is not already in use by another business.
    • Obtain a Business Number: Acquire a Business Number (BN) or an NEQ (Quebec only) to identify your business for tax and administrative purposes.
    • Decide on Federal or Provincial Incorporation: Determine whether you want to incorporate your business at the federal or provincial level, considering the specific requirements and benefits of each.
    • Create Articles of Incorporation: Prepare articles of incorporation outlining the structure, share classes, directors, and any restrictions of your corporation.
    • Register Your Company Name: Check the availability of your chosen company name and reserve it through the appropriate channels, such as the NUANS or Canada’s corporate registry.
    • Establish a Registered Office Address: Every business must have a registered office where official records are kept, so ensure you have a valid address for this purpose.
    • Gather Required Documents: Collect all necessary documentation, including articles of association, proof of registered office address, and details about the firm’s paid-up capital.
    • Complete the Registration Process: File your company registration request along with the required documents with the government authorities to officially register your business.
    • Register for Taxes: Sign up for a GST/HST account if your anticipated annual revenue is $30,000 or higher to comply with tax regulations.

    Documents Required to Register a Business in Canada from India

    • Statutory documents of the company: This includes the articles of incorporation for corporations or deeds of establishment for other business structures.
    • Personal information of the owners/directors: You will need to submit details like name, address, and identification documents for all individuals with significant control over the company.
    • Declaration appointing the company directors: A document stating who the directors of the company will be.
    • Proof of registered office address: Every company must have a registered office address where official records are kept.
    • Business Number (BN) or NEQ (Quebec only): A unique 9-digit number assigned by the government to identify your business for tax and administrative purposes.
    • Paid-up capital details: Information on the amount of capital invested in the company.
    • Passport/visa copies: If you are a non-Canadian citizen, you will need to provide copies of your passport and visa.
    • Name search documentation: Proof that you have checked the availability of your chosen company name and reserved it through the NUANS or Canada’s corporate registry.
    • Translation and notarization of shareholder identity documents: If any shareholders are not Canadian citizens, their identity documents may need to be translated and notarized.

    Cost to Form a Company in Canada from India

    The cost of forming a company in Canada from India varies depending on the province or territory and the type of business entity being registered. Here are some key points about the costs:

    Sole proprietorship: The cost of registering a sole proprietorship is generally under $100, including the registration fee (around $60-$80) and additional fees for the official business name search.

    Corporation: Incorporation costs start at around $200 for a federal incorporation fee and can cost as much as $350 for provincial incorporation. Additional fees for the business name search will also apply.

    Alberta: The government fee for incorporating an Alberta corporation is $275, plus a service fee charged by the registry agent or service provider that processes the application.

    British Columbia: The cost of incorporating a company in British Columbia is not explicitly mentioned, but it states that companies usually seek legal guidance to ensure everything is done properly. However, there is an alternative of using OnDemand International‘s incorporation services, which include a full package with a name search report, Articles of Incorporation, company formation documents, and a business number.

    Federal incorporation: It costs $12 to incorporate a business or not-for-profit corporation federally and takes 1 day to process.

    So in summary, the cost can range from around $60-$80 for a sole proprietorship to $200-$350 for provincial or federal incorporation, plus additional fees for name searches and legal guidance if needed. The exact cost will depend on the specific province or territory and the type of business entity being formed.

    Benefits for Incorporating a Business in Canada from India

    Access to Capital

    • Companies in Canada, especially corporations, have easier access to capital through borrowing at lower rates and raising funds by selling shares or bonds to investors, known as shareholders.
    • This access to capital is crucial for business growth and expansion, providing financial resources to support various operational and strategic initiatives.

    Lower Tax Rates

    • Corporate entities in Canada benefit from lower tax rates compared to personal income tax rates, making incorporation an attractive option for tax efficiency and savings.
    • The federal tax rate for Canadian-controlled small businesses is notably low at 15%, thanks to the small business deduction, with additional tax benefits such as the ability to carry forward losses and defer personal income tax by retaining earnings at the company level.

    Limited Liability

    • Incorporating a business in Canada offers limited liability protection, separating personal assets from business debts and responsibilities. Shareholders are not personally liable for the corporation’s debts, limiting financial risk to their initial investment.

    Professional Credibility

    • Operating as a corporation in Canada enhances professional credibility, signaling commitment to long-term success and demonstrating a strong business foundation to stakeholders like investors, lenders, suppliers, and customers.
    • This credibility can be advantageous when seeking partnerships, attracting investors, or expanding business relationships both locally and internationally.

    Global Market Access

    • Canada’s strategic location and trade relationships provide businesses with access to global markets, including the U.S., Mexico, and countries with which Canada has free trade agreements.
    • This global market access opens up opportunities for businesses to tap into diverse markets, expand their reach, and leverage international trade relationships for growth and profitability.


    Starting a company in Canada from India presents a promising opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs willing to navigate the complexities of cross-border business. From understanding legal requirements to adapting to cultural nuances, thorough preparation is key. Researching market trends and seeking professional guidance can mitigate risks and enhance prospects for success. As we’ve explored, perseverance and resilience are vital traits on this journey. By leveraging innovation and fostering strategic partnerships, entrepreneurs can capitalize on Canada’s robust economy and multicultural landscape. To those considering this venture, remember: with dedication and determination, the dream of establishing a thriving company knows no bounds. Are you ready to take the next step in starting your company in Canada from India? Contact OnDemand International. Reach out to legal and business experts for personalized guidance and support. Your entrepreneurial journey awaits!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I Start a Business in Canada Without Immigrating?

    Yes, it is possible to start and run a business in Canada without moving there. However, this often requires the involvement of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident in the business ownership or management. Each province and territory in Canada has its own set of rules and regulations for business registration, with some provinces allowing 100% foreign ownership in certain cases.

    What is the minimum share capital required to open a company in Canada?

    There is no minimum share capital required to open a company in Canada.

    How much time does it take to form a company in Canada?

    To form a company in Canada, the time frame typically ranges from approximately 1 day for incorporation. The process can be expedited, allowing for swift establishment of businesses in Canada. Additionally, the specific time required may vary based on the type of business entity being registered and the province or territory where the company is being incorporated.

    What is the cost structure for registering a business in Canada?

    EntitiesRegistration CostRenewal CostAmount in Indian Rupees*
    Sole Proprietorship$60 CAD$60 CAD₹ 3646.04 INR.
    Partnership$60 CAD$60 CAD₹ 3646.04 INR.
    Corporation$300 CAD$300 CAD₹ 18,230.19 INR.