Trademark Registration In Turkey: Requirements, Procedure & Classification

In this article, we will understand the entire procedure of trademark registration in Turkey, along with its document requirements and other classification of trademarks in Turkey.

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    trademark registration in turkey

    Trademark Registration In Turkey In 2022

    A trademark is a way to distinguish the products that a business manufactures, offers for sale, or services, from those of others. This makes a trademark an essential source of information for a business. It is not just the ability to differentiate itself from other trademark registration in Turkey. Trademarks also provide a means of communication between the client and the company. The channel of communication is more valuable than the passive and active assets of the business. Therefore, the owners need to make sure that they register, utilize, and protect trademarks.
    Names and surnames as well as words, letters numbers, and devices are able to be registered. Therefore, Etiket IP provides services to track, register, and safeguard the trademarks of its clients.

    Procedure to Trademark Registration in Turkey

    There is a brief procedure following the application for a trademark:

    • Examination of trademarks through the Office. ( 1 to 3 months )
    • Publication in the Official Trademark Bulletin. ( two months )
    • Trademark registration in Turkey certificate. ( Two months )

    An easy registration process can take between 4 and 7 months in Turkey.

    Please note that the protection of your trademark registration in Turkey begins when you file the application.

    Requirements for a Trademark Registration in Turkey

    “Trademark use” is not required to register in Turkey.

    The prerequisites for trademark registration are listed below:

    • The trademark or logo.
    • Information about the applicant. (Name address, address, phone number, and an email address.)
    • Services and goods relating to trademarks. ( You can inquire about the classification from us for no cost. )
    • Receipt for payment.

    Trademark Search

    A trademark search must be conducted prior to the submission. This is because it is essential to avoid a possible rejection due to the existence of similar trademarks. We, therefore, prepare an absolutely free report on your trademark registration in Turkey possibilities.

    Classification of Trademark Registration in Turkey

    Registration of trademarks is based upon the Nice Classification in Turkey. When seeking a trademark application certain services or goods might include in the applicable class.

    Trademark registration in Turkey applications must be submitted in the correct classes. It is a crucial aspect. We study the classification prior to when filing.

    We are happy to provide the free analysis report.

    Power Of Attorney (POA) is not necessary

    POA doesn’t need to register a trademark within Turkey. Because authorized trademark attorneys can apply for trademark registration in Turkey without POA under Industrial Property Law No.6769.

    However, if it is determined to be required, Office may request the submission copy of the initial PoA that demonstrates that the lawyer is authorized to act.

    Trademark Monitoring

    Trademark registration in Turkey must be controlled following registration. Since there may be trademark applications similar to those filed by different individuals or firms.

    The Trademark Monitoring Service detects the applications that have a similarity to your trademark. Therefore, you could have the possibility of blocking the identical application by filing an opposition.

    There are almost 170,000 trademark applications filed in Turkey each year.

    Trademark Renewal in Turkey

    If trademark registration in Turkey is protected for 10 years. Also, the renewal period commences 6 months before the date of expiration for registration. So, the time for renewal is to be monitored closely by an attorney who handles trademarks. The renewal of trademarks must be done on time.

    The renewal of trademarks is simple in Turkey. It’s all it takes is to pay the renewal fees.

    The trademark registration in Turkey can be renewed at intervals of 10 years.
    Read More: Residence Permit in Turkey 


    Process of Trademark Registration in Turkey Please note that the protection of your trademark begins when you file the application. Registration of trademarks is based upon the Nice Classification in Turkey.

    “Trademark use” is not required to register in Turkey. POA doesn’t need to register a trademark within Turkey. Trademark Renewal in Turkey If trademarks are registered in Turkey It is protected for 10 years. The renewal of trademarks is simple in Turkey. The trademark registration can be renewed at intervals of 10 years.


    Yes. If you operate a business in Turkey it is necessary to apply for trademark registration.

    Yes. To safeguard the rights of your trademark, you need to sign up.

    Yes. Registration is highly recommended. Because the seller could apply for registration of your trademark under his/her name.

    No. There aren’t any price difference between the black-white logo and color logos. Therefore, you can apply for registration of the brand in color.